back to article Symantec sharpens axe as 1,700 awarded the Order of the Boot - report

Up to 1,700 workers at Symantec face the axe over the next six weeks as the consequences of a corporate restructuring plan announced in January 2013 begin to bite, according to a recent report. Around 1,000 jobs will go in June before the head count gets reduced by a further 700 next month, a source told AllThingsD. If the …


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  1. The Man Who Fell To Earth Silver badge

    Of course...

    Of course, it's always "middle management" new CEOs' want to sweep away, instead of the incompetent upper management that mismanaged the problems into existence in the first place.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Now there will be

      Now there will be less malware to worry about.

      Where do you actually think malware and the like comes from?

      From the businesses that deal in anti- malware products of course.

      How else do you think they would make money out of us.

    2. Spoonsinger

      Re: "it's always "middle management" new CEOs' want to sweep away"

      Well, yes and no. Although they should be shifting the 'upper management', they should also shift the useless middle management, (probably employed/promoted by the incompetent 'upper management'), as well - as they are usually thick and are there just as a fire wall type thing. The butcher bods are obviously going for the scab, rather than the festering infestation, (because of internal politics). It does work in the short term, but can go hideously wrong - ref national government in general, overtime.

  2. Robert Helpmann??

    Next Big Thing

    I was a bit surprised by this as Symantec seems to be doing a good job of moving into the mobile market, which is where the money is or will be soon.

  3. Turtle

    More Laughs, Apparently.

    Why does The Register think that people losing their jobs is humorous? I can't seem to figure this out.

    1. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

      Pink-Slipped, LOL!

      Because it's like Death and Taxes?

      Only government bods get to have job security (financed by you-know-what, which is why we have the constant wailing that not enough of you-know-what is being paid by evil bastard capitalists, which is an utterly perverse statement on the lave of "Freedom Is Slavery" of course), the rest of us have to hustle.

  4. Gil Grissum


    It's pretty much guaranteed when a new CEO takes over, that there will be culling in middle management, so they can cull certain positions and move others around to where they want them to be. They must have their yes men/women in place. Everyone else is expendable.

  5. BornToWin

    It's unfortunate

    It's unfortunate to see more job losses in a worldwide economic depression but for companies to survive is slow sales times they don't have a lot of options other than cutting the multi-million dollar CEO annual compensation, perks, stock bonuses, etc.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    ...I hope it hurts.

    Their Norton AntiVirus crap-ware has probably wasted more person-years of human existence than (for example) misuse of marijuana.

    There's a special place in Hell reserved for anyone involved in this product.

  7. mike 19

    backup exec 2012 was so bad that.......

    the release of backup exec 2012 is the most backwards step in software development i've ever seen. they took a good thing and totally borked it. i'm glad to see they are reaping the rewards of dumping trash on their enterprise customers.

    1. vonRat

      Re: backup exec 2012 was so bad that.......

      It's rare that an upgrade was so awful, it proved quicker and easier to change to a different vendor and re-train the support staff. BE2012 achieved this distinction.

  8. The Jase

    changed from BE2012

    What did you change to? I'm trying to convince my workplace to stop using BE after the hell of 2012.

    1. vonRat

      Re: changed from BE2012

      StorageCraft ShadowProtect (no good if you're using tape though).

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