Getting on a bit
I need your cardigan, your slippers and your motability scooter.
Arnold Schwarzenegger is set to return to the big screen after confirming filming will start on Terminator 5 early next year. Speaking to a fansite called The Arnold Fans, the Governator said: "I'm very happy that the studios want me to be in Terminator 5 and to star AS the Terminator, which we start shooting in January and I' …
As far as I know, during his stint as the Governator, he only appeared in two films: Round the World in Eighty Days (with Steve Coogan and Jackie Chan) and the Expendables.
Your point stands, though- since leaving office, he's been in Expendables 2, The Last Stand, and an upcoming Stallone movie, in which Sly and Arnie must team up to escape from a futuristic prison.
2003: The Rundown as Cameo
2004: Around the World in 80 Days as Prince Hapi
2010: The Expendables as Trench
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Schwarznegger has so many brilliantly cheesy quotes it defies belief:
'Stick Around' (after he's just impaled a guy against a wall)
'You know when I said I'd kill you last Sully? I lied'
'Let off some steam, Bennett'
'Sub zero...now just...plain zero'
'See you at the party Richer!' (He decidedly will NOT be seeing Richter at the party as Richer has just had his arms torn off and been dropped a few hundred metres)
Got to give the bloke some credit, he's had a laugh with his career.
In Thal, Austria, a village in the Styrian countryside (no relation to the similarly named Syrian countryside) spread out over hills and valleys. On one hill, there is a school with a massive mural of Schwartz facing the street. Down by the lake, there's an upturned boat, sawn in half, the inside of which is covered by a huge photograph of Schwartz and "Our Maria". I think that was his wife but they're divorced now. I didn't see any mention of his greatest contributions to Western Culture: "Al-bi-bac" and "fac you assol".
Sceptical if they can resuscitate this franchise after two turkeys. T3 was a Telenovella and T4 a Transformers clone. Still, nice to see Arnie back as the mean terminator. T1 was the best. T2 was too much CGI showboating and that petulant kid?! Hollywood has been killing cinema of late, so what's the odds this won't be another Die Hard sequel? They could give it to Chris Nolan (Inception)? I'd like to see a TV series instead... TV has been decimating cinema in quality for well over a decade IMHO....
Tried watching it when I lived in the US but couldn't get into it. Did I gave up too quick- Your thoughts? Regarding T5 I was thinking of a full-on futuristic Sci-Fi TV series i.e. machines vs. humans plot but hoping for something better than the Matrix sequels .... Something edgy with a survival theme like 'The Walking Dead'...
Raw Deal & Kindergarten Cop were arguably his best work.
Killing people to the Rolling stones is a bit of a Signature move.
Maybe he can make sequels?
Sore Deal - as an undercover bitter ex government agent he smashes a Sanotogen counterfeit ring in a quarry and an old peoples home with enough armour to start world war 3 in a corduroy jacket.
(notice the correction there, the little comma you missed... And by the laws of universal irony I'll probably commit an even worse mistake in this post)
I suspect that subtitle was meant as a joke, but... I sure think that the US would be in better shape if even only half of the elected Republicans were like Schwarzenegger, really, instead of trying to be like the extremist fanatics who took control of their party in the past 20-30 years. He is definitely far from great, but that just underscores the gravity of the situation.
It´s not like he hurts someone with his decision to act in movies, and the movies are easy to avoid, should you decide so. I rather appreciate Arnie as source of inspiration, as I too hope I won´t curl up and wait for death, come my fifties. As long as there are no erotic scenes, mind you…
Off topic, the last jab at Wayne Johnson, alias Rock, was not entirely deserved. The guy was in much better pieces than Mummy Whatever, Be Cool and lately Snitch were pretty watchable movies, and the guy can actually act. Well, better than Arnie anyway…