I didn't actually detest what MS were trying to do
As far as I could see it was similar to steam, just with a bolted on (and somewhat amorphous) ability to provide some ability to transfer games permanently. I *liked* the idea of just being able to sign into another XB and have my games, my DLC, my saves etc available on another machine.
The problem was that they were trying to make this exist alongside legacy physical media - and handling me having a game "in my profile" and somebody else physically having the disc necessitates the need to have a system to determine ownership and an mandatory internet connection so it can be enforced.
In my life I've probably bought a couple of 2nd hand games, but 'losing' this isn't a big deal. Last few times I've wanted to pick up an older game, I've found that they can usually be picked up new on Amazon for a fraction of their original price (and usually cheaper than 2nd hand on the High St). Just did a quick check and the last 1/2 dozen games I've bought are all between £7 and £20 new.
Second point is that Sony are already taking a cut from people who re-buy physical games. Not too familiar with the PS3, but at least half my Vita games seem to have a 'online access' DLC that auto-downloads along side the game you purchase - I sell on the game, and the next guy has to cough up £10 to make it go online. God knows how this gets handled by the retailers - they must either ignore it or mark the games up as costing £9.99 (physical) + £10 (online). However much you whine, the MS solution to this would at least be 'cleaner'
Most of this outrage has been manufactured and I suspect it's mainly led/funded by Game Stop/Play etc - as they stand to be wiped out financially if 2nd hand game sales stop/become prohibitively expensive. Sony have now leapt in to put the boot in as well, and it is NOTHING to do with them loving their gaming consumers - I don't think there's a company with a worse track-record of DRM, proprietary products, connectors, formats in existence on the planet.
Still, glad Sony have done this. I would expect that MS are frantically trying to work out how to relax their restrictions to clear up this PR nightmare before launch. Not just for 'us', but to appease the HighSt. I'd assume the line coming to them at the moment is "The PS4 is arguably more powerful, costs less and if we sell one we stand to be able to profit from reselling the buyer games in the future - WHY would you think we'll push your new console, rather than Sony's?"