Re: In detail however...
If I were Linus, I wouldn't be so kind about my developers wasting my time (for all intents and purposes). The profanity would be a little too much for most people though. What Linus needs to do is hire an old time First Sergeant as his official attack dog. When someone does something stupid and he doesn't have the time to get it taken care of himself, he'd have 1SG Pitbull to go lay down the law. <sarcasm>Politely and without dreaming of using a word like "fuck" of course </sarcasm>
But anyway, a process question to anyone who may know: Isn't QA supposed to be doing cleanup for the candidates? Or is Linux Kernel development organized differently, like say so the Kernel Hackers have to do the bitchwork themselves without pawning it off on some QA volunteer or employee? I use GNU/Linux, in fact its my second favorite operating system after Windows 7, but Id be next to useless working on the Kernel as I've never been able to figure out what their QA team really does, how they go about doing their work or if they even have a QA team for the Kernel. I imagine they do, but its like Fight Club rules. Rule 1 is that you don't talk about Kernel QA.
My main point though is why in the hell should the Project Manager and the Kernel's original author have to do a QA Sheriff's job and bitch people out for doing dumb things? Seems a misallocation of resources to me, given that this is the 2nd article in six months about him having to do something like this, even though Mr. Torvalds is notorious for being hands on.