Cursed form
I'm clicking submit and naught is happening. Obviously somebody is conspiring against Noel Fielding.
Right, you lovely people: we've trawled through your suggestions as to who should step into Matt Smith's shoes as the 12th incarnation of Doctor Who, and it's time to put it to the public vote. It's a mixed bag, to be sure, with some top talent in there more than suited to pocketing the keys to the Tardis. So without further …
Yeah, Noel Fielding would be a travesty. He was funny in one series, and hasn't been funny since, oh and he can't act.
Benedict Cumberbatch would be the best quite obviously, but I feel the Doctor is slightly beneath him, so wouldn't actually like to see him get the role.
I'd like to see a relative unknown, like Smith was when he took the role.
If they did a 2 round voting system on this, I mean with the number of candidates there will be many who'll likely only get one or two votes, (normally from the guy who proposed them)
I'd say unless there's a clear winner, as per elections, a second ballot is held with only the top few candidates from the previous round. That or somebody at El Reg could program a new voting system so that people can select a second choice candidate.
So many good options in there.
Benedict Cumberbatch would be interesting but given his high profile Hollywood status now I can't seem him doing it.
I think Robert Carlyle would do a marvellous job. Patrick Stewart or Alexander Siddiq (I assume this is actually supposed to be Siddig with a G, Julian Bashir from DS9) would both do an interesting job, but I can't see them having the energy and edgy nature required to appeal to Dr Who's current audience.
Robert Carlyle as Dr Nicholas Rush certainly shows he can do edgy.
Ah yes, but then they'd have to give him a companion named Gordon at some point, just to shoe-horn the trademark line in as well...
And anyway, the TARDIS may be bigger on the inside than the outside, but I'm still not sure it's big enough for his persona and voice :)
The only interesting thing left is the Time War. (Maybe what happened to the doctor's daughter after she regenerated).
It really has gone down hill for me.
I get the impression they won't deal with the John Hurt thread to my satisfaction.
I don't think trying to add love like threads to Doctor Who makes it any better at all.
Seems they put a proper amount of effort in for Ecclestone but then didn't really bother.
Missed your first candidate call, otherwise I would have suggested her. Lot of no-hopers in that list though. You can immediately chuck out the ones with no Equity card. However, in the absence of Ms Smith, I think Rhys Ifans playing his Howard Marks character would be suitably counter-cultural.
There are so many great choices here :-) Unfortunately I can't see many of them (the ones I've heard of, anyway) sticking with the role for more than a year or two. Coming from the Tom Baker era I miss the continuity :-(
Ray Winstone could certainly bring out a different side of the Doctor :-)
But I voted for Robert Carlyle, for versatility.
Andrew Buchan
Matthew Gravelle
and let's not forget Andrew Scott (Moriarty) who has a Moffat connection
someone better known?
Alexander Siddig
Richard Coyle (who has a Moffat connection)
But let's face facts, Moffat and Minchin have already decided who it is.
They are either just sorting out the legal work before announcing it to the world
They are going to keep it underwraps till the final moments of the episode on Xmas Day
Sandi Toksvig. Because her BBC contract apparently requires her to be in absolutely everything.
Be careful with that logic - taken further we'd end up with Fry as the Doctor with Vorderman as his companion (or possibly the other way around, given she's better at explaining things than he is, or at least somewhat more accurate).
Just get the cast from Peep show. I need a laugh while watching all the confused running about the show seems to consist of. Jeremy and the other one as a sort of holmes and watson in space and super hans as the master or something.
bonus, you get a couple of hundred extra viewers come over from c4
Interestingly, I'm pretty mystified by all this "time for a female Doctor" malarkey, and think changing to a female Doctor would be a negative step. But then, I saw SueP on the list, and thought, hmm, maybe...
I'd still prefer they pick someone I've never heard (much) of who can take the role without bringing any (significant) past associations, though.
(and many that I've never heard of). All immaterial, though, as Bruce Campbell is on the list, and so I am compelled to vote for him, on the grounds that HE'S BRUCE CAMPBELL.
Actually, he might make for a pretty good Doctor. He might also make for a terrible Doctor, but who cares? HE'S BRUCE CAMPBELL.
I rather like Bruce Campbell.
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I'm sure it's only modesty that is stopping Lester from putting his own name forward, so can I nominate him. This man has been to the back of beyond (Rockall), touched the edge of space, sampled strange new foodstuffs and even has his own adorable donkey sidekick.
Lester Haines for the Doctor, sonic screwdriver and a crafty rollup at the ready.
I think that the series should return more to its root personally, i.e. an older, wiser Doctor. I don't like the idea of the Doctors being so young, nor the flirting and kissing with the assistants. That wasn't what the show was about. I also don't like the idea that it should somehow be a black or female actor - just because it ticks equality boxes. Or the time is right, etc... We don't want to get into the habit of changing characters sex and ethnicity purely to reflect the vogue thinking of the time.
That said Don Warrington has more than earned the right, i.e. doesn't just happen to be black and been on TV recently, but also a great actor who has had some great roles in TV and comedy stretching back decades. He's always had Timelord written all over him anyway, at least for me. And whilst we are ticking equality boxes - Warwick Davies. He'd be awesome.
At the end of the day though, the best actor for me would be Hugh Laurie, he's really the only one on the list with the gravitas and charisma to breathe new life into this flagging series.
The "eclectic" mix of people on the list has been one of the funniest things I have seen all week. Danny Dier? - I cannot see that one going down well. As for Dylan Moran.....That would be both fantastic and hilarious at the same time.
However there are some very Interesting people on the list:
Female: Tilda Swinton - think she would be a great first female doctor.
Quirky Male: Richard Ayoade, Noel Fielding
Broody Male: Robert Carlyle
Posh Male: Laurence Fox, Benedict Cumberbatch.
I was going to vote Benedict Cumberbatch (even though it's a bit predictable and I think in the past he's said he doesn't want the part) but then I spotted Philip Glenister in the list.
While I'm generally not a fan of actors who play the Doctor as shouty, I reckon Gene Hunt could be bloody good in the role...
John Simm for a really evil twist? Or is the Glenister idea covering that angle? And keeping going in that direction: Monserrat Lombard, who links back to the list via Nathan Barley. Actually, you could pick almost anyone from the Barley TV outing (other than the titular character) and it'd work.
Kudos for suggesting Georgia Moffat. When I put that one to an Actual Canonical Who Author, it was described as possibly the most evil idea heard to date.
please god, i've endured 20 years of shit, I want this. Mike Leigh directing as well please and Dick Pope on cinematography.
even if he's not channeling Johnny (which wouldnt happen, thats a bit strong) he would be the best doc for years. superb actor. he would have the gravitas that the last couple of ....things... couldn't replicate.
Lots of excellent choices on the list ,but 90% of them are outside what the Beeb could afford.
Warwick Davis on the other hand revealed on 'Would I lie to you' that he once accepted a gig to dress as an ewok and jump out of a tree and propose to Star wars fans girlfriend.
So I think money wise they could afford him. But also he'd make a very interesting Doctor.
I know they'll probably fudge their way out of this, but per the established continuity this is supposed to be the LAST Doctor. And you want Benedict bloody Cumbersome-Name?
Were this not the case I'd have voted Swinton (what better preparation than Orlando? ) but I feel such a move 'd feel clumsy for the last outing.
So Holder it has to be. /thread
The Beeb's cult of "youff" has made each doctor progressively younger until the logical next step is a 10 year old. At the same time the plot lines have become sillier and sillier. The beeb should understand that this is not a children's program and that it worked best when a more mature person who could act properly took the lead role.
I know now that the appearance of John Hurt in the last episode was a spoiler, but for a moment my heart leapt with the thought that last someone at the bbc has taken their head out of their backside and realised what most of us know they need to do to make this sorry program back into the entertaining saturday night treat that it used to be.
Utter horsecock. It is and always has been a show aimed predominantly at children. What has changed is children's attitude to the idea of anyone over 50 being a valuable member of society, let alone an intelligent and charming man of "action" like the Doctor. My mum blames Roald Dahl for this cultural shift, by-the-by.
I suppose another change is that we now have a generation of adults who still get this invested in children's-level film and television drama because they never quite grew up. I expect somehow this arrested development is all Who's fault, thus completing the causality loop and saving the multiverse. Or something.
John Hurt for me would be great, the plot seems to suggest he was the original "pre-Doctor" , would be great if he was also the last. He is supposed to be incredibly old, lets get someone who at least looks like they've seen the universe a bit. Then again the kids probably wouldn't like it so much then and its written for the kids these days...
It needs someone with presence and acting ability plus great voice. Must admit I never considered Patrict Stewart but he would be fantastic too, although I doubt he would sign up for it.
Must admit Cumberbatch has that "Tom Baker" mad haired look and would probably play him well but I he isn't my first choice by far.
Ian McEllen? I'd vote for him, unless they mean Sir Ian McKellen. The new doctor should, like Smith was, be a relative unknown. While the idea of one of our favourite actors being the Doctor is a fun one, who would watch it and see the Doctor instead of Gandalf?
Doesn't anyone proofread these names?