"Today's [big budget] triple-A games are pretty much all the same"...
"I don’t play video games as much as I used to but I’m much more excited by apps these days. I’ve been playing Diablo III recently, but today's [big budget] triple-A games are pretty much all the same, they just look better than they used to. You can’t get excited about a new one that comes out. But you trawl through the App Store and you come across really great games. Like Spaceteam, it’s just the most ludicrous game you’ve ever come across.”...“You very rarely see a game come out that breaks new ground, and that’s the disappointing side of things really,” the professor adds.
Big fan of his work I wish the interview had devoted more time to video games and ran to more pages. Was there a word count pay limit? Thankfully there are some really beautiful big-title games being released IMHO. Skrim for instance. I say that despite not being a fan of Open-world Fighting Fantasy RPG or whatever genre this is. I prefer Far Cry, but they killed the franchise with FC3 IMHO. Bioshock Infinite is pure on a rail eye candy, and not nearly as interactive a world as the trailer would suggest.
Forza Horizons point blank killed my interest in driving. Driving games peaked with the PGR series and Driver-SF and Forza 3/4. I don't understand how Call of Duty is still selling so well either, especially for multiplayer fans. COD2 & COD4 for PC have free online multiplayer and a treasure trove of hugely imaginative user maps that destroy the supplied maps from the more recent releases. What was new about the Halo 4 multiplier maps? An asteroid, but little else.
Very disappointed with Hitman Absolution. QTE gameplay, final-kill cut-scenes and non-open world action take away the fun for me. Dishonored was a much better hitman style game, but both lack the beautiful maps of Hitman Blood Money. I hope Watchdogs and GTA V reboot big-budget gaming....