I'm only joking - no animals were harmed in the making of this forum post
They should also throw in a free brick and mail sack - and directions to your nearest canal - just in case!
Like many companies, Seattle-based dog-sitting-as-a-service rover.com struggles to find software developers. Similarly afflicted companies often make cash awards to those who refer them useful talent. Back in April Rover.com decided to offer them dogs instead. Here's the company's pitch, taken from its jobs page: For the …
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And you can see why they need some developers, though to be honest, do they really need 4 developers?
I would suggest the owner needs to spend an hour looking into the CMS he is using and either replicating it on wordpress or something less bloated than the thing he is using now.
Then read the Google webmasters guidelines and implement those. (these are good enough to cover all search engines)
I know site validation is unpopular with idiots who cant write clean HTML, but it is a significant issue and shows a really lazy company.
W3C is your friend not a enemy!!!
Reminds me of the time in the 90's I tried to use Dragon Dictate - mainly to add commenting to a load of code I'd written.
My dogs generally spent all day snoozing in my office, but the moment their master started talking to the mysterious invisible stranger they'd go nuts.
My code comments would *woof* end up *woof* *woof* looking *woof* *woof* *woof* something like *woof* *woof* *woof* *woof* *woof* *woof* this.
Needless to say, I soon gave up on dictation.
It is a real shame how animal adoptions, in the U.S. anyway, have become career paths for people. It is entirely possible the $1,000 award won't cover the cost of an adoption from a private organization. It used to be that people volunteered to help at private shelters but now they often have a organizational structure as large and complex as a medium sized NPO. There's a private shelter in Loudoun County, VA who is looking for an Executive Director and a Director of Major Donors with salaries closing in on $200k.
I have a rescue dog (wife couldn't resist it's picture) but our other dogs are AKC registered Bloodhounds which cost less as puppies than the rescue did and no one knows what kind of dog it is or how old it is; under breed it is listed as a 'blend', which I always found funny.
I support our county animal shelter generously as they have a clean facility, just two employees and over half their funding comes from donations, adoptions with spay/neuter and shots are $80... It is hard for me to support a private company with high paid executives when they charge $800+ for an adoption, have wonky open hours and snooty staff. They don't want you to adopt a companion, they want you to give them a bunch of money & they'll let you have a dog in exchange. There's a subtle, but important, difference.
But, but, but .. Don;
The PRIVATE sector always does things BETTER and CHEAPER than the public sector doesn't it?
Damn happy I'm north of all that -- $120 for the cat, neutered, surgeried (he lost ear tips and tail to frostbite, and *possible* abuse) and THAT after we'd been going to the HS for about 10 weeks looking for a cat, never a quibble or twitch about if we "were ever gonna buy". (Something I've heard at a certain large commercial pet vendor that has oozed its way north to here)
As much as I get the "save the pets" bit, and I'm happy to go to the non-commercial shelters for a pet, I'm damned if I'll sponsor someone to make a $200k/a salary for something like being a director of an organization like that.
The dog however, came with the house. Sort of. (a good friend had a litter of puppies just days before we signed the paperwork on the new place), and well, the SO conned me into it. As I thought, **I'm** the one walking the dog.