back to article Unemployed? Ugly? Ugh, no thanks, says fitties-only job website

Ugly people have been banned from a new jobs site which only offers positions to applicants who are easy on the eye. The owners of a notorious dating website called Beautiful People have launched a new recruitment service allowing employers to hire good-looking lackeys. Only those deemed pretty enough to join the dating site …


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  1. ChrisM

    At least with this site...

    We know where they are and can avoid them.... I have seen people be dumped from long term relationships because they 'let themselves go' by putting on 10lbs

    Was trying for aomething philosophical about shallowness but its too early in the am for dealling with these windowlickers...

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: At least with this site...

      Could this discriminate against fatties? And who is to say what is easy on the eye?

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: At least with this site...

        "And who is to say what is easy on the eye?"

        Eh, pretty much everybody agrees on what's easy on the eye.

        If you don't think that's the case, I'm guessing you should probably be a little more honest with yourself about your own appearance.

        1. Alfred

          The safety of conformity, or just don't even realise?

          "pretty much everybody agrees on what's easy on the eye."

          Tell me, are you aware that you simply copy the opinions of the people around you who metaphorically shout the loudest, or is it totally unconscious?

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: The safety of conformity, or just don't even realise?

            " "pretty much everybody agrees on what's easy on the eye."

            Tell me, are you aware that you simply copy the opinions of the people around you who metaphorically shout the loudest, or is it totally unconscious?"

            Are you aware that blank slate psychology went out of favor with Freud? How old are you?

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: The safety of conformity, or just don't even realise?

              "Tell me, are you aware that you simply copy the opinions of the people around you who metaphorically shout the loudest, or is it totally unconscious?"

              Okay, sure. Nobody agrees on who's attractive. It's completely random. That's why the highest-rated people on the hotness-rating web sites are middle aged, somewhat overweight, and have bad skin.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: At least with this site...

      There maybe a lot of unqualified bimbos, men and women to choose from, buy isn't employing an airhead better than someone who can do the job better.

      The job site is really limiting the selection of good candidates.

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: At least with this site...

      Plus it would be fairly hypocritical anyway. It has always struck me as something of a contradiction at the heart of our expressed social values we always talk about how beauty is only skin deep and how important it is to value people for their minds and not their bodies etc. etc.. But then when you look around at any given couple, if you were to put each them on a looks scale of 1-10, each half of the couple would get nearly always get the same score or would be just 1 point apart. You rarely get a 1 with a 10 or even a 7 with a 10 (and if you do the 7 was more often as not a 10 when the couple first got together). Of course it is often remarked on that this "rule" is slightly asymmetrical such that you will more frequently find less good looking men with better looking women than the other way round, though then there are sub rules. The man will tend to be a) charismatic, b) rich or c) a really good laugh) and still these tend to be outliers and the difference is rarely more than 2-3 "points" (and as an interesting aside, scientists have found there is remarkably consistent agreement between people in terms of the scale of 1-10 "looks score" ascribed to any given individual)

      So my point is simply that there is a huge contradiction in the values we publicly subscribe to (where we all nod sagely and declare looks aren't as important as brain and how important it is to be authentic) when the evidence is a clear as clear can be that that is not, as a rule, how we behave.

      1. Shakes

        Re: At least with this site...

        Wise words, sad but true.

        1. Nick Ryan

          Re: At least with this site...

          Yes. And better to accept this and understand that this is the way things are than to try to deny it.

          1. Elmer Phud

            Re: At least with this site...

            Ugly minds make ugly people.

            Skin-deep shallow instant gratitude -- wankers!

      2. Squander Two

        Re: At least with this site...

        You're missing part of the equation here. Looks are an ice-breaker: we approach people initially because we like the way they look and/or because we're being realistic about the chances of their liking the way we look. But that's not enough by itself for a long-term relationship. So, yes, people in long-term relationships tend to be roughly as good-looking as each other because of that first hurdle of initial physical attraction. But that doesn't mean that that's why they're together: you're ignoring all the dozens of people who got past that first hurdle cause they looked right for each other but haven't ended up together long-term because they couldn't stand each other's conversation. People aren't being hypocritical when they say that looks aren't what matter; they've learnt it from experience, having approached dozens of people based on looks alone and only found one or two of them they really liked.

        There is also a major exception to your rule, where hordes of absolutely stunning women get together with hideously bog-ugly men. That exception is Glasgow. God, I love Glasgow.

        1. VinceH
          Paris Hilton

          Re: At least with this site...

          "There is also a major exception to your rule, where hordes of absolutely stunning women get together with hideously bog-ugly men. That exception is Glasgow. God, I love Glasgow."

          Right, you've sold Glasgow to me - I'm moving!

          Paris, just because.

          1. Anonymous Custard Silver badge

            Re: At least with this site...

            But be honest - would you actually want to work for any company who used a site like this for recruitment?

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: At least with this site...

          @Squander Two

          "There is also a major exception to your rule, where hordes of absolutely stunning women get together with hideously bog-ugly men. That exception is Glasgow. God, I love Glasgow."

          That's because if they don't want to leave Glasgow, they have absolutely no choice, whatsoever.

        3. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: At least with this site...

          > God, I love Glasgow.

          Respect, Sir. :-)

      3. Gio Ciampa

        Re: At least with this site...

        "You rarely get a 1 with a 10"

        1 + £lots = 10...

        1. SuccessCase

          Re: At least with this site...

          @Gio Ciampa

          As Mick Hucknall once said, "I use to be butt ugly, but then I became rich and famous and now I'm really good looking."

      4. I think so I am?
        Thumb Up

        Re: At least with this site...

        I think Chris Rock put it well, "If you're ugly, you better pick up a book. Boy, you better pick up two books, and a computer while you're at it!"

      5. Zog The Undeniable
        Paris Hilton

        Re: At least with this site...

        My wife and I tested this scientifically by putting ourselves on hotornot. 7.6 and 8.3. I was the 8.3 and she's never lived it down ;-)

        Paris, because she's not shallow or anything.

    4. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: At least with this site...

      Fine, how much weight gain is acceptable before you really don't want to have sex with them? Unless you're so pissed that you haven't got a hope in hell of doing the business? (Bloke speaking AC here, obviously).

  2. Khaptain Silver badge

    The Arianistic approach.

    They can call it what they want but I don't see the difference between this and a form of Arianism, selective breeding for selective tasks.

    Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Michael Dell even Kim bloody Dotcom etc were/are anything but good looking, they all managed to do quite well.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: The Arianistic approach.

      uh, how does a first century JW come into this ? Or do you mean something related to the concept of an Aryan race which some European religious types like, while concurrently despising humans from places like Afghanistan, some of whom had certificates of Aryan purity post WW2. Never understood the craziness of being considered superior for having a broken melanin production gene.

      As for beauty, all in eye of beholder. Good looking yanks do seem to do better, but the down side is having to work with types like themselves. A fitting punishment. And yes, I am old, fat, well over 50 and do not give a damn. Always found the most interesting people are usually not immediately pleasing to the eye.

      1. disgruntled yank Silver badge

        Re: The Arianistic approach.

        Or perhaps he's thinking of Arianna Huffington?

  3. Mike Bell


    Do you think that Greg Hodge, managing director of, looks a little retarded?

    1. Shades

      Re: Poll

      I wouldn't go as far as saying retarded, but with that massive chin, huge forehead, wonky teeth, funny shaped ears and an eye that looks like its had its very own stroke, I certainly think its a bit rich of him to be running a site called!

      1. Matthew 25

        Re: Poll

        "I wouldn't go as far as saying retarded, but with that massive chin, huge forehead, wonky teeth, funny shaped ears and an eye that looks like its had its very own stroke, I certainly think its a bit rich of him to be running a site called!"

        Why? Is he trying to get a job?

        1. Shades

          Re: Poll

          "Why? Is he trying to get a job?"

          No, but it would be a bit like me running a website called Huge Dick Dating... I'm not extraordinary tall nor called Richard.

      2. Benjol

        Re: Poll

        No richer than Hitler running the Nazis...

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Poll

          Well... if Hitler did it, it must be alright.

    2. frank ly

      Re: Poll

      I'd say he looks like a dumb football jock who is past his best and struggling to make his way in the world.

      (Note: In this case, it really is ok to judge a person on their physical appearance.)

    3. TeeCee Gold badge

      Re: Poll

      Dunno about retarded, but the 1970's called and asked for their shirt and medallion back.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Poll

        Looks like a common tanned douchebag for me. A by-product of the Jersey Shore show.

      2. Jamie Jones Silver badge

        Re: Poll

        Quote Greg:

        "I am beautiful, my wife is beautiful and my baby daughter is beautiful. I make no apologies for it. "


    4. SuperTim

      Re: Poll

      No, but he sure looks like he is up his own árse.

    5. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Poll

      Umm... yes. Yes I do.

      1. Killraven

        Re: Poll

        Wow.... you just know that, behind those clenched lips, his upper and lower teeth are about an inch apart as he desperately tries to minimize how fat his cheeks are.

  4. Voland's right hand Silver badge


    The issue is not of the applicant being "good looking" or not. The issue is the applicant being so narcissistic that he (or she) has decided to leverage Beautiful People membership in a work context. I find it difficult to believe that such a person is likely to put work first, his/her narcissism second after they have been employed.

    I think we should thank the owner of the site for providing a valuable public service (as long as it allows ugly employers to access it).

    1. Elmer Phud

      Re: Excellent

      " The issue is the applicant being so narcissistic that he (or she) has decided to leverage Beautiful People membership in a work context. I find it difficult to believe that such a person is likely to put work first, his/her narcissism second after they have been employed."

      And something, somewhere will cost them a lot of money for joining a vanity club.

      There's a turd in the shallow end of the gene pool.

    2. oolor

      Re: Excellent

      My first thought was also using the service as a knock-out list. I was considering avenues more questionable than signing up to get the info.

  5. Neoc

    Not that anybody would ever fake a profile picture to get on the site, of course.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Primary usage

    Me thinks this service will be used mainly by bosses looking for a squeezable assistant.

  7. Anonymous Coward

    You wish ..

    " Get in touch and let us know what companies are advertising on there. ®"

    I would, but the terms of service prevent me from disclosing this highly desirable information to trogs like you lot.

    1. Benjamin 4

      Re: You wish ..

      @Whoever downvoted this post.

      Please reload your joke detector and the try reading it again.

      1. AndrueC Silver badge

        Re: You wish ..

        Please reload your joke detector and the try reading it again.

        Maybe we need a site for job hunters with a sense of humour. Managers and accountants need not apply ;)

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    most husbands are bang on for a tall slim nanny too.

    Personally I prefer buying stuff from ugly people, it makes me feel better and they tend not to be such giant twats (often they're miserable though, or evil, or cunning, or know their product, etc, and I can relate to that, not exactly being a handsome person myself.)

    Like if I buy a suit, I want to buy it from a weird old guy who looks like he's come out of a horror film or some such. Haircuts should be dodgy old men who motion at random pictures from the 60s on the wall. etc etc

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      "are bang on for a tall slim nanny too."

      I personally prefer shorter birds.

      1. AndrueC Silver badge

        I personally prefer shorter birds.

        Budgie or canary?

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Blue tit.

    2. david 12 Silver badge

      Can anyone find a link for the Punch Cartoon, with the employment agency offering the choice of the good looking nanny --- or the one you might prefer who has had the pox...

  9. Anonymous Coward

    I am a munter

    I have a face like a bag of smashed crabs...

    I have the body of a god: Buddha.

    I have a funny, witty equally munted partner.

    We enjoy each other’s company, we are happy. We are not vacuous.

    I am a competent techie, pestie, PAT tester, (with the certificates to prove it) have good people skills, am numerate and literate. I use the word "something", not "sumfink" etc etc.

    If your only requirement for a position is your physical appearance then I am glad NOT to work for you or your companies.

    Bet the staff turnover is incredible as they quickly realise that brains and beauty rarely come in the same package..(Ms Vorderman excluded)...

    1. SuperTim

      Re: I am a munter

      I know what you mean. Lovely attractive people are great, but I don't want to have to pick up their slack. I suspect that companies such as hollister or Abercrumble and fish will be looking for their next snot-nosed shop assistants via this site.

    2. Elmer Phud

      Re: I am a munter

      " as they quickly realise that brains and beauty rarely come in the same package..(Ms Vorderman excluded)..."

      Oi, Vorderman has slipped and is now 'the brainy one' on Loose Women.

      Ms Riley has just taken over as Suzi Perry on the Gadget Show.

      1. JetSetJim
        Thumb Down

        Re: I am a munter

        Ms Vorderman lost all credibility with me when she started touting for the "consolidate all your loans into one, just with a much larger overall loan-cost".

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: I am a munter

      "A fat boy is a happy boy" as I was once told. And I am happy.

    4. Grikath

      Re: I am a munter, beauty and brains

      And that´s the flaw in the sytem right there. People with good looks and brains don´t need sites like this. They´re perfectly capable of landing their own )self'employment..

  10. This post has been deleted by its author

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    There is a tendency

    For female conractors and agency staff to be a fair way above average in the looks stakes and to be much better turned out than their permie equivalents.

    More likely to have placcy norks too.

  12. Paul Crawford Silver badge

    "The truth is, my toddler, Kit, responds better to good-looking people"

    Funny, for a moment I read that as "my todger, Kit", I wonder why?

  13. nsld
    Paris Hilton

    I wonder if the young mother who be a big fan

    When she comes home to find her husband giving the slim fit nanny the good news?

    1. nsld

      Re: I wonder if the young mother who be a big fan

      Aaagggghhhh who = will, sodding phone

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: I wonder if the young mother who be a big fan

        To beautiful person: Aw, don't worry about it, you look so cute the way you wrinkle your nose when you make a mistake.

        To ugly person: You're fired you incompetent duffer.

  14. QuiteEvilGraham

    Satire dead again?

  15. wowfood

    Y'know what'd be great

    If they did interviews in a similar way to "The Voice".

    First round get qualifications only so you can offer round two interviews to those qualified.

    Round two interviews have a written test,

    Round three interviews, have a phone interviews with the remaining applicants.

    Round four have a final in person interview with the remaining 2 or 3 candidates at once in a 'head to head' interview.

    That way you couldn't really be accused (until the final round) of hiring based on looks / gender / ethnicity / religion because you don't know any of that stuff until the final round (or possibly the phone round if they have a thick accent)

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Y'know what'd be great

      Some people have really ugly hand writing. Good to get rid of those freaks in the second stage.

      1. wowfood

        Re: Y'know what'd be great

        What if you're hiring a doctor? Wouldn't ugly handwriting be a prerequisite?

      2. Elmer Phud

        Re: Y'know what'd be great

        "Some people have really ugly hand writing"

        I don't, my hand writing was never 'ugly' it was/is always unintelligible, that's official, it was in my school books

  16. ToggleMaudlin

    Surely this is a good thing?

    All of the smarmy, go-getting, life-coach-believing NPD'ers can go get jobs in firms far, far away from the lot of us, where they can work their way up to insignificant middle management positions and then spend the rest of their lives bitter and stuck as their beauty fades and we bark empty, cynical laughs from our worn leather chairs.

  17. Vladimir Plouzhnikov


    Would be totally illegal here in the UK.

    1. Nick Ryan

      Re: Ha

      Well that's an odd one isn't it?

      In theory, if a company's selling point is like the previously mentioned Abercrombie and similar, that they have fit, healthy looking attractive staff to front their store, should they not be allowed to advertise and look for these people? Likewise when a fashion house is parading their clothes, they need models of particular looks and sizes to model them, are they wrong to have this requirement? Do car companies pick the models to drape themselves over their latest luxury cars have requirements as well?

      Not to say that it's right or wrong, but political correctness can go too far and some jobs do need above average staff - not necessarily just on the physical looks front either.

      1. wowfood

        Re: Ha

        Actually bringing that up reminds me of a news story I read many moons ago, probably a daily fail thing I can't remember.

        Basically it was a guy getting into trouble because he advertised that he only wanted English people to work in his resteraunt. His arguement was that the polish store down the road only hired polish people, and he was just saving foreigners from wasting their time applying for a job they wouldn't get.

        Mind you it was a few years back. Probably one of the PC gone wrong complaints. Or some facet being missed deliberately if it was in the DF.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Ha

          Probably, the other company didn't explicitly only hire Polish staff. A requirement to speak fluent Polish is allowed or alternatively no 'English' people actually applied for the job.

          An ex of mine used to work in an Indian restaurant as a waitress (she's black African descent) and was the only non-Indian there, simply because no others applied.

      2. Elmer Phud

        Re: Ha

        But your criteria appear to start with face value.

        What the issue is is sexism and you seem to be in favour of it as you roll out excuses.

        'Political correctness' my arse.

        That is always trotted out by someone with something to lose -- and coined by those who always demanded that 'something must be done' and moan like hell when it is and affects them.

      3. Squander Two

        Re: Ha

        I personally don't see the problem with some people getting certain jobs based on how good they look in a swimsuit and other people getting other jobs based on their ability to write code. Society has lots of different roles to fill, and we should all be allowed to find our niche.

        The problem arises because the mistakes only go in one direction: some fuckwits will hire, say, a C# programmer based on their looks, but no-one would ever hire a swimsuit model because they can multiply hexadecimal numbers together in their head.

    2. Shades

      Re: Ha

      "Would be totally illegal here in the UK.

      Except that its not. There are 9 recognised characteristics against which one can be discriminated, of which appearance/attractiveness is not one:

      • age
      • disability
      • gender identity and gender reassignment
      • marriage or civil partnership (in employment only)
      • pregnancy and maternity
      • race
      • religion or belief
      • sex
      • sexual orientation

      1. Mr Spock

        Re: Ha

        Except that lack of attractiveness could arguably be considered a disability.

        IANAL but (this time) I'm right behind any lawyers who get their teeth into this bunch of creeps.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Ha

        I think you you'll find people with physical disabilties are unlikely to get in...and as for being illegal in the UK, yes it could be.

        From a few years ago

      3. Vladimir Plouzhnikov

        Re: Ha @Shades

        If your company is found to have used such website to identify candidates it will be exposed to claims for discrimination by (at the very least):

        • age
        • race
        • sex

        just by virtue of them looking at the candidates' pictures before making their job offers.

      4. Jemma

        Re: Ha

        True.. tis just a shame they're all totally ignored really. The reality is that the discrimation laws are a bigger load of bollocks than what's attached to a mammoths dong..

  18. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    So I'm guessing

    that none of you got the email invite.


    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: So I'm guessing

      wouldn't know, tend not to check my junk mail that often.

  19. Neil Barnes Silver badge

    So I'm the only one who read it as...


    There I was all hopeful... guess I need to change the screen font (or possibly the specs).

  20. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    there's nothing better than good old free of charge publicity

    courtesy of media outlets I'd be too embarrassed to call by name.

  21. Great Bu

    Not so much beauty......

    When I am looking to recruit someone I am not so much after beauty as the ability to suck a monkey through a garden hose. Where's my specialist recruiter ?

    1. Jemma

      Re: Not so much beauty......

      so, you're finally 'up' then?

  22. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Hypocrisy is the greatest luxury

    Typical responses from the (apparently or admittedly) not so beautiful but brainy. You say it's wrong then go on to say how they must be thick. That's just the same discrimination (or just logical choice) on a different level isn't it? I'm sure there are IT recruitment companies that would refuse applicants with no IT qualifications but stunning good looks, why would that be any different?

    As Billy Connely said, "Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes right to the fucking bone!"

    1. Colin Ritchie

      Re: Hypocrisy is the greatest luxury

      I can't possibly argue with Billy Connolly, he has my undying respect having reached the ripe old age of 71.

      You may not think that much of an achievement but you have to consider that is 355 in Glaswegian years.

  23. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    What's wrong with the concept? It's about time that the bimbos got off the dole and back into work. On behalf of the taxpayers, I say thank you! Genius.

    (Nobody with actual qualifications would use such a portal to find a job now, would they? Especially not qualified women.)

  24. gerryg

    alas, it turns out to be good business sense

    Table 3.1 is reproduced from an "Beauty and the Labor Market" in an American economics academic journal and beautiful people earn more money, and surprise beautiful women do better than beautiful men, and ugly men do worse than ugly women

    I'm posting this from my own computer in my own time...

  25. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    fifties only!

    I thought you were supposed to gain wisdom with age?

    I bet this sh*t comes from LA or California (or theirAnus).

  26. Imsimil Berati-Lahn

    We have all seen the future.

    Are these people Eloi or are they Morlock?

    You decide!

    Phone in now on 0898 6031769*

    *(pre-recorded show, phone lines now closed).

  27. Kubla Cant


    This sounds remarkably like the start of the selection process for Golgafrinchan Ark Fleet Ship B.

  28. MJA
    Thumb Up

    Why not?

    I've noticed there is also a dating site for people who wear or like those who wear uniform as part of their job. I think that pretty much means Police or Firemen as I can't imagine there are many who get turned on by a person in a McDonald's polo shirt and cap!

    A site only catering for good looking jobseekers isn't necessarily a bad thing. I'd imagine if you become flush enough to step into an Aston Martin dealership with the intention of buying a motor, you'd expect the person greeting you and taking your money to be fairly attractive or at least well presented. Fair enough the best looking person on the site may not be suitable for the job but at least if you browsed the site you'd be able to select somebody who is guaranteed to not be a munter and you'd avoid the embarrasment of people turning up to your fine showroom for an interview who look more suited to the role of Extra on a zombie movie set.

    The site exists, I assume, for employers who have a simple requirement but want to be a bit discreet about it. You may not join if you aren't aesthetically gifted but then who's to say that all companies would join such a site to fill their vacancies? Probably not many as I'd imagine it wouldn't go down very well if a large known company or local council were found to be recruiting from there. I suspect many wouldn't even look there at all for that reason alone so I don't think us ugly ducklings have anything to worry about.

  29. Dave 15

    Damned good idea

    I stand zero chance of not being hung drawn and quartered on the ugly tree, but I think it is a wonderful idea. Frankly when I am on a plane being addressed by a stewardess I want a pretty girl (preferably with a brain) because I will see her several times on an average flight and frankly some over weight lard arse with acne, bad breath and sweat stains under the blubbery arm pits really is quite disgusting.

    Similarly for bar girls, waitresses in restaurants and assistants in shops. Frankly even the girl on reception is more of an up lift if you want to say a cheery hi as you walk in.

    Hopefully the people recruiting for such roles will use the site, but I sadly reckon that with todays 'politically correct' culture where we are all supposed to forget the aesthetics and not mind sitting next to an overweight frump for hours will win out and keep employing the trouts.

  30. Lost In Clouds of Data

    This can be beneficial for head hunters... a good candidate? Check them up on this site first and if they're on it then eradicate them from your list of possibilities as they're far too vain and shallow to actually be good employees.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: This can be beneficial for head hunters...

      Heh, well I've been on the site for a couple of years (though haven't used it in most of that time), but without wanting to blow one's own trumpet, I'm consistently outperforming my (less aesthetically pleasing) colleagues at work (backed up with tangible awards and quarterly bonuses), so your theory doesn't always ring true.

      Bring on the downvotes...........

      1. midcapwarrior

        Re: This can be beneficial for head hunters...

        "but without wanting to blow one's own trumpet,..."

        And then you blow your own trumpet.

        You need to read up on the concept.

  31. Paul Hovnanian Silver badge
    Paris Hilton

    It has its place

    If one is recruiting people for an industry where appearance is at a premium, for example. High fashion retail, for example.

    Selecting an employee (or anything else for that matter) is all about assigning weights to attributes one seeks in a candidate and then evaluating each one. If one values appearance over some other factor, then that will be given a higher multiplier. Keep in mind that the weights necessarily always add up to 100%, one must also consider that scores for other attributes will be lowered.

    If you are fortunate enough to hire someone who is good looking AND smart, you'll have to ask yourself how long she'll last in a job surrounded by morons.

    Paris, because this is all about scoring.

  32. ecofeco Silver badge


    All the beautiful people are doing it!

    1. Jemma

      Re: Inbreeding

      Oh, you've been watching Game of Thrones too?

  33. armyknife

    Titles are for toffs.

    I wonder if racism is one of their other fascistic tendencies?

  34. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    This is recruitment...

    Does any of this really matter? People working in HR/recruitment are barely able to tie their own shoelaces, let alone pick decent candidates for jobs.

    They're so easily fooled by over-confident IT failures (otherwise known as 'web developers') overselling their skills that they might as well be sending people to interviews based on any old criteria. Might as well be 'fitidity'.

  35. MooseNC


    Let us all bow our heads and pray...

    Please, O Lord of Aesthetically Prodigious people, do not allow those of your chosen to be hired by the Los Alamos National Laboratory or the RCMP. Woe betide us, the Uglies, if that shall ever happen. This to you, O Lord, we pray.

  36. Why Not?

    Can't wait

    I look forward to Looked-IN the website for arrogant professionals. Those that talk the talk but can't sashay the walk.

    Douglas Adams as always is ahead of us, BeautifulPeople.condem sounds like the Golgafrinchans. With a little bit of luck they will all be infected by a dirty Telephone.

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