Re: Hmmm...
"Because of the fear of flying after 9/11 Americans took to the roads."
Actually it's not "fear of flying" it's "bloody ANNOYANCE with flying."
Pros for road trips: Plenty of legroom, no screaming babies, your choice of good meals when you want them, no luggage charges, not being rootered by the TSA or having luggage go missing. Stops to stretch legs and kick some footbag, check out interesting roadside things. Car rental and fuel cheaper than air tickets and doesn't rack up miles on our car. Choice of music on a good system instead of earplugs. Carry more than 4 ounces of shampoo in original bottles, nail clippers, and other deadly items without hassle.
Cons for road trips: Takes 50% longer to get there. Can't drive over water (where's my flying car, already?).
Nobody much is afraid of terrorists in the air except misguided politicians. Nope, we're simply avoiding the unpleasantness that is modern air travel.