back to article Virtual machine high availability and disaster recovery

On the 18th of June at 10:00BST we're firing up our own Tim Phillips and QA’s Paul Gregory to dive into another feature of Windows Server 2012: using Hyper-V 3.0 to increase the availability of Virtual Machines. During the hour we will show how the changes in failover clustering and the improvements in scalability, in the …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    What's with all the articles about Hyper-V? I don't know anybody using it. Most people seem to be using VMWare or KVM.

    1. Beezle Bob

      Hyper-V is a fine product

      Nowt wrong with Hyper-V and I know plenty of organisations using it. It is certainly cheaper than VMware.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


      Perhaps this is part of Micrsoft's advertizing budget.

    3. Mark 110

      Erm - most of Unilevers (2012 revenue 51 billion euros) Windows estate (along with some Linux stuff) is being (mostly has been) migrated onto HyperV.

      No - noones using it.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Has thereg been bought out by microsoft?

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