Bill is right this time.
People running corporations have a *duty* to maximize shareholder value. To the extent that they do not, the corporation's viability is affected. Corporations that are reckless enough to take shareholder money and send it away unnecessarily are ultimately doomed. They will be out-competed by corporations that behave more rationally.
For many years I have called corporations 'evil robots' because in my opinion that is what they are. More to the point, as currently laws are structured, that is what they *must* be if they are to survive.
I do not think that corporations should be able to come close to the excesses we currently allow. However, the solution is, as Bill Gates has said, to change the rules. Unless you level the playing field, you guarantee that only the most ruthless of corporations will survive. I have, as I write this, in mind a particular Biotech company that sets an astonishing standard for corporate Evil.
Like government, we get the corporations we deserve. If we set up rules to allow non-human entities to ride roughshod over human beings, guess what happens?