Oh, c'mon, surely
Applying the term "song" to it would be a bit of an exaggeration?
Rapper Eminem's song publisher Eight Mile Style is accusing Facebook and its ad agency of (slim) shady dealings with one of his songs. Eminem Eminem ... laugh all you want, but this man is worth millions The publisher filed a copyright lawsuit this week alleging that a short Facebook advert broadcast during the social …
I love the attitude of posters here towards Eminem and rap music in general, “I don’t get it therefore it sounds crap, and not only that it’s got swearing in it and is morally wrong and bad, harrumph harrumph”.
My father thinks the same, although he is able to admit that his father said the same about David Bowie, and I’m sure his father said the same about Elvis, and his father about ‘Glen Miller and this new fangled Jazz music’.
While not being a big fine of M&M, in both rap and edible form, there is no denying he had a couple of really good albums and is talented, yes he is one of the artists that is shocking but so was Black Sabbath, and judging hip-hop by a few crap artists that people have heard of because of the outrage in the Daily Mail, means you miss out of a lot of good music, judging Rap music on the likes of Lil Wayne and 50 Cent is like judging Rock music on McFly and Daphne and Celeste’s cover of Schools out for Summer.
“I don’t get it therefore it sounds crap, and not only that it’s got swearing in it and is morally wrong and bad, harrumph harrumph”.
Its not that all of us don't get it. I actually have an extremely varied music collection with stuff from almost all genres from various countries, but its just IMO most* Rap is complete and utter rubbish. Will say though the rappers do have some good background vocals mixed in, and thanks to Eminem and his one uhh... song(?) which the name escapes me I found out about Dido ;)
As for the swearing I have nothing against that just when 95% of the words that are able to be understood in the vast majority of them are fuck, bitch, or whore I stop calling them lyrics(which seems like the vast majority of raps) as I could take someone with Tourette's syndrome throw in some BGM and call them a rapper.
*note I said most not all as I've heard a few ok ones
I think the problem is lack of exposure to decent examples, and I’m not having a go at you, it’s very common, being a fan of hip hop don’t like the ‘bitch whore mutha-hubbard’ side of things, most of the time its completely unneeded, but that’s not a Rap/hip hop issue, that’s a music in general issue, a lot of ‘pop’ music has swearing in it, for no reason at all.
A quick compare of the song that introduced me to decent Hip Hop back in the 90s
This is from a group called Pharcyde – passing me by
“Now there she goes again, the dopest Ethiopian
And now the world around me keeps moving in slow motion
when-ever she happens to walk by - why does the apple of my eye
overlook and disregard my feelings no matter how much I try?
Wait, no, I did not really pursue my little princess with persistence;
And I was so low-key that she was unaware of my existence”
Let’s compare that to the lyrics of the biggest (non Korean) pop song in the last few years
And I was like baby, baby, baby, oh
Like baby, baby, baby, no
Like baby, baby, baby, oh
I thought you'd always be mine, mine
Baby, baby, baby, oh
Like baby, baby, baby, no
Like baby, baby, baby, oh
Judging Rap music by the mainstream crap is like judging the beetles by
“I am the egg man, I am the Egg man, I am the Walrus, oh co ca choo”
<quote>"My father thinks the same, although he is able to admit that his father said the same about David Bowie, and I’m sure his father said the same about Elvis, and his father about ‘Glen Miller and this new fangled Jazz music’."</quote>
But sometimes man it just seems,
Everybody only wants to discuss me
So this means I'm disgusting,
But its just me I'm just obscene
Though I'm not the first king of controversy
I am the worst thing since Elvis Presley
© Emimem
“I don’t get it therefore it sounds crap, and not only that it’s got swearing in it and is morally wrong and bad, harrumph harrumph"
I was a massive fan of rap and the original hip-hop revolution in the eary 80's, Eminem was nothing til Dre started producing his work and he hasn't done anything that artists like NWA had already covered 10 years earlier. His entire career has rested on the fact he is an angry little white man and that somehow made it aceeptable for disaffected, angry young white people to start wearing baggy jeans around their arses and shouting about "Fuk da police" as if it actually meant anything to them at all. He's basically an edgier version of Vanilla Ice with half the talent and none of the charisma, and vanilla Ice was a bell end. The fact that people who understand and enjoy music recognise that has nothing to do with being stuffy or not being able to appreciate music outside their perceived genre limits, it's just recognising a shouty little bell end who has traded on other's music and a generation of disaffected tossers who really DON'T know the difference.
True, great artists steal (I'm not calling Eminem great), but they do pay their royalties and license fees. Also, they do stick together pretty strongly, when one musician goes bad, you usually hear about it because then all of them bark about it.
However, if I had to choose the winner of a lawsuit between Eminem or however Vs. Facebook, let me just say we won't be "Friends" anytime soon.
Sorry but you do sound like a bunch of crochety old men, except instead of complaining about rock and roll and jazz 60 years ago, you complain about rap (except Maharg.)
Anyway, I don't know how much Facebook may or may not owe, but releasing an ad, then once most people who were going to watch it already have, switching out the music, is not going to help their liability a whole hell of a lot. I guess it makes it easier to comply with an order to stop using it though for sure 8-).