How to protect kids from PORN?
PORN definition: The graphical depiction of sexual activity. Designed mostly to provide visual stimulation to the inadequate while they self stimulate. Is degrading both to the performers and the viewers. No amount of pseudo scientific sociological waffle is going to change that.
"The National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT) asked parents to suggest what schools should be doing to protect kids from smutty websites: nearly half (42 per cent) of 1,009 respondents believed children needed guidance as soon as they start using the internet"
Yea, if you mention PORN to kids that's exactly how you'll get them not to think about it, or be tempted to access it online.
"90 per cent believe all equipment that offers internet access should have a default block on pornographic websites. Users should be required to ‘opt in’ to view such material"
Have you considered switch off the computer, or at least not treating it like a baby-sitter. Similar to the idea that giving your teenage daughter a mobile phone is 'keeping an eye or her'.
"42 per cent felt that even children as young as five or six needed guidance as soon as they were old enough to access the internet"
Yea, you can never start too early poison kids minds ...
ps: Sir Humphrey could have drawn up that survey. First prime them with six loaded 'question` about porn, then get them to 'agree' to "At what age is it appropriate for schools to begin teaching about the dangers of pornography?"
key words: children, dangers, explicit, pornographic, sexual, violent, web, worried, worried, worried, worried ...