back to article Live Blog: Google I/O keynote

At 7am this morning, the streets of San Francisco were thronged with developers lining up to get into Google's annual I/O conference. Over 6,000 delegates have signed up for the show and they all want the best seats for the opening keynote presentation that will lay out Google's plans for the next year's developments in …


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  1. JLH

    Developers developers developers

    Last year Google had 400 million Android activations in 2012, now it's 900 million. "We couldn’t have got there without developers."

    Did he bound aroudn the stage screaming Developers! Developers! Developers! when delivering that statistic?

    Seems like a missed opportunity....

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Cross platform game saves.

    Thank you Google, as usual none of this locked in bullshat that your competitors try.

    1. El Andy

      Re: Cross platform game saves.

      Yeah, because Google is all about the open standards. I mean, they'd never ditch open protocols like XMPP and CalDav in favour of their own proprietary APIs right? Oh, wait. That's exactly what they've just announced. If you still think this will remain any more open, you really need to put down the bottle of Kool Aid.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Cross platform game saves.

        XMPP was dropped begrudgingly by Google (who were early adopters), because it was no longer upto the job and holding them back..

        This is a really good read (but unlikely to change your irrational hatred of Google).

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Cross platform game saves.

      Nah, all they want is your personal details to sell to anyone who asks. For that, they will be open, closed, charitable, promoting women, sleep with your granny and give things away for *cough* free - anything, as long as they can get your data.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    WOW, 900million.

    That's pretty impressive, more so considering thats ***ONLY*** the ones that are Google Play enabled devices, so doesn't include Chinese knockoffs, Kindles and so on...

    Surely the final Android count would be over 100,000,000

    1/10th of the the way to a billion....

    1. Andy Nugent

      Re: WOW, 900million.

      you can't count can you?

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: WOW, 900million.

        That's right isn't it?

        1bn = 1000,000,000

        1. Mike Brown

          Re: WOW, 900million.

          one billion used to be a million million. but some point in the recent past it changed to be a thousand million. no idea why.

          1. Cliff

            Re: WOW, 900million.

            >>one billion used to be a million million. but some point in the recent past it changed to be a

            >>thousand million. no idea why.

            Brought us into line with the seppo's. In fairness it has a certain logic to it.

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: WOW, 900million.

              Short form versus long form-really recommend fora good explanation as to why billion = million million makes more sense.

          2. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: WOW, 900million.

            It changed in the 1980's I believe to match the American definition. So AC is correct.

  4. marksmith85

    Nexus S4 for How MUCH!

    Galaxy Nexus S4 for that price!

    I shall stick with my Nexus 4 thank you very much

    Why the Fail? for the price of course.....

    1. GregC

      Re: Nexus S4 for How MUCH!

      What were you expecting? That price works out at £511 including VAT - a stock S4 unlocked will cost you £575 at CPW. Amazon want £550. It was never going to be priced like the Nexus 4.

      That said, I'll be sticking with my N4 too...

    2. zanto

      Re: Nexus S4 for How MUCH!

      put my balls on coal and strike a match!

      the only thing missing from making this the perfect phone is that S-pen is not supported. i think the "fail" is a tad unfair in this case.

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Nexus S4 for How MUCH!

      It's not a Nexus.

      it's a S4 with stock Android, but that doesn't make it a Nexus. Close, but not a Nexus.

    4. Mark .

      Re: Nexus S4 for How MUCH!

      I don't understand why people are surprised by this. We already know that the Nexus 4 is much cheaper than other high end smartphones.

      I mean sure, we should be making a fuss about this. People should have been making a fuss 6 months ago. People should be making a fuss about how all the other smartphones are priced more expensive. But I don't see why you're surprised *now*, or are only surprised about this one phone. Don't you realise that the unlocked price of many smartphones is way higher than the Nexus 4?

      If you want to quibble about the S4 Google edition specifically being expensive, you should compare to the unlocked price of an S4. Is it more expensive? If not, did you seriously expect Samsung to magically drop their price just for a Google version?

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    No thoughts on how Google can tell you visited the Eiffel Tower last week 'cause you uploaded the photos to share with your private cirlce on G+? Or how many times you've smiled the past year? Or how they can pick the best photos to share by reading your mind?

    My hairs sticking up on the thought that they know more about me than myself.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Oh, there's more..

      .. they have accidentally given away their next target data to steal:

      people are scared to share medical details because of the fear of being denied insurance. This needs to change, he says.

      No effing way - ever. It's not enough that they are breaking Data Protection laws all over Europe as if they don't exist (the current discussions are distracting attention, but they do - daily), now they would go into medical DBs as well? I want access to the full medical picture of the full Google board before I would even consider that (and the answer would still be "f off").

  6. cynic 2
    Big Brother

    Somebody's going to be annoyed

    So it's not only Apple that screws up when choosing names, then:

  7. erikj

    Take the long view...

    > 12:12pm . . . "Take the long view and then figure out how to make money."

    Easy to do when you have billions the bank on day one. I'd ask Twitter how that approach has worked for them.

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Maps mobile: how about multi-waypoint?!?

    OK, Google, all the wonderfulness you are working on, how about allowing Maps Mobile/Navigation Mobile to support having more than one waypoint? Sometime I don't merely want to go from A to B, but from A to G via B, C, D, E, and F - so how about NOT making me have to stop at each one and plot in the next.

    Seriously, guys: for a search engine/advertisement company, you miss a really obvious use-case scenario: "Maps: Route 66, old alignments, all standard stops. GO."

  9. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

    What I found interesting was the jump by 250% in a year of revenue per user in Google Play. Of course that was from a low base, but could be very significant for app developers. Unless all that cash is going to Google for music/books, rather than on apps.

  10. Michael Wojcik Silver badge


    It will change the beautiful journey we call life." A bit heavy, but it's a cute sentiment.

    You misspelled "cloying, trite, and vapid".

    Personally, if I find the Google "search experience" significantly changes my life, I'll take that as a sign that I'm living wrong.

    I can't say anything else described in this keynote interests me particularly, either. Mostly more social-networking guff. I can tell those damn kids to get off my lawn without Google's help, thanks.

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