I wonder what OS their NLE system runs on?
"Err... Vista."
Cult comedy the IT Crowd is set to return to our screens for one last hurrah, with filming for a final episode understood to start in weeks. According to comic book website Bleeding Cool, the script was written last year and the cast are about to assemble to film one last 40-minute show. IT Crowd creator Graham Linehan …
There were plenty of true to life, right to the bone depictions of a real IT worker in the IT Crowd.
For example, me buried here in my basement... no one on the upper two floors really knows what I do. If I'm even in, or whatever. I'm pretty much a real life interpretation of Richmond, well, a non goth Richmond... but you get the point.
Why is it funny? If you've ever had to support typical users you'll have said it a bajillion times.
I was going to post a short quip ridiculing you for posting this question, but I've done that type of thing a bajillion times.Instead, I'm going to assume you're not a troll, and just completely uninformed on the topic on the humor of the banal.
The entire point of the joke is that support has said it a bajillion times, and than users have heard it a bajillion times. So everyone, upon hearing it, can immediately relate to the situation. Meanwhile, Chris's excellent delivery of the line manages to convey that:
This sets up a situation which is so obviously stereotypical as to be comical. That is the humor of the banal in a nutshell.
Ah. I see.
I think I only watched a couple of initial episodes - a combination of me not being that much of a telly watcher, and not living in the UK at the time. So AFAICR I only heard the line delivered the first time it was used, and (honestly) had not realised that it was a running gag.
So thanks to all for taking the time to clear that one up for me.
(I particularly like the reel-to-reel tape recorder one).
I shall award myself a "FAIL" icon.
It's the very repetition that makes it funny. It's the fact that we all know most IT problems can be solved by turning it off and on when IT is supposed to be fantastically complicated. It was hilarious when they had a large reel to reel tape machine answering the phone and suggesting the user turned it off and on again and phone back in 10 minutes if that did not fix the problem.
But has he actually done anything good? Given the number of people from over here, performing over there, as one of them, his has to be the worst accent.
Even over here he's rubbish e.g. Moone Boy, although that might have more to do with Sky than O'Dowd.
It's been down hill since The I.T. Crowd as far as I'm concerned.
They mess the shows around too much when they remake them.
UK Version - Boss is an idiot and the team can outsmart him.
US Version - Boss is a genius and the IT people are idiots.
Puts a different spin on the characters and makes them less endearing. Though the change was probably made by someone in a boss type position who is an idiot but wants to make his position appear to have the upper hand rather than his subordinates.
Series 3, Episode 4 ruined the entire show for me with its cheap transphobic "humour".
It might have been redeemed, had the joke only been on Reynholm as the only transphobic one in a bunch of otherwise indifferent people; but as the episode was presented, the audience were expected to join in with the jibes at the expense of April [the transsexual character]. This really is not acceptable in the 21st century.
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Ahem... http://www.reynholm.co.uk/~moss/files/pw.store/77258149.pw
Was about my 4th click on the site.... what? No, I don't try to bypass sites, I am just curious. And it's rather obvious that's where the joke site is leading (to poor website design and passwords sent on blogs/facebook messages :P ).
Matt Berry ruined it.
When he joined, the writing became more focused on the relationship between him and Jen, than on the actual 'IT Crowd' of Jen/Moss/Roy :( Less IT focused jokes too.
Due to that, it just became another so-so low-budget sitcom. The Chris Morris era was SO much better (and I hate Chris Morris usually).
I hope that Moss will still have an Ubuntu sticker on the back of his monitor. Bonus nerdy points to those that spotted it.
I wonder if Reynholm Industries will have updated to Win 8. Oops! Switching it of and on again probably won't work this time, still no start button.
Brilliantly written series, great acting!