They stubbed toes, I broke my leg with Backup Exec.
Backup Exec. Ah yes, the product I dumped a few years ago because nothing works properly, it's unreliable, it often won't restore, the features are never well executed ("now you can do disk to disk to tape" they said... um yeah, but I'm basically backing up the server multiple times, whereas real DDT would do the backup once, then mirror the backup to another site etc).
That kind of madness pushed me over the edge, never mind its ridiculous error condition handling, the shockingly inept support, the never ending bengine has crashed faults, the jobs gone on hold forever for no reason conditions.
If they stubbed toes on that product, I sure as hell broke my leg. Twice.
Several years on and I spend less on backup software, I get a completely reliable environment I trust and I spend just a couple of hours a week on backup tasks, whereas Backup Exec made it a daily chore.