Don't feed the trolls.
Come on Reg, that's Rule 1 of Internets isn't it?
Bloody hell, it's bad enough living this armpit of a nation without encouraging the Bogan's Hero to keep up with his rabid slather. Malcolm Turnbull makes Arnold Rimmer look like a pretty nice guy.
Do you fail to understand that swuts like Turnbull have NO INTENTION of ever providing even FTTN (of course their mansions will have FTTFB - Fiber To The Fucking Bathroom) as once they get in power the plan will be subject to review, after review, after review, after inquiry, after review, after review, after inquiry, all in the name of 'FISCAL MANAGEMENT', with the reviews being outsourced to OH MY GUESS WHAT? Their brother-in-law's Fiscal Management Consultancy firm based in Fucking Bermuda.
Have a look at the state of NSW with Fatty O'Barrel in power - management consultants are making a mint, while nothing much happens. 43billion spent on infraftructure - yeah, a few compactuses (compacti?) to hold all the FUCKING REVIEWS. We are up to meta-level 4 for the reviews on the NW rail link, something that was mooted in 19-fucking-28!
Chairman of the review committee (pig-trough) is Nick Greiner, Liberal premier in the 1980's. Another failure, but bugger the gravy-train, he's swimming in the lido-deck gravy-pool of the MV.Gravyboat, the world's largest ocean liner - MADE OF GRAVY!
Most expensive nation on planet? check. Most corrupt nation on planet? check. Most likely nation to end up on the B-ark? checkity-check-check-check!