Re: Flip-flopping
Opposition.... is the job of her majesties opposition. As far as I am concerned if the current government says white is white then the opposition should be arguing white is black... primarily because this system is designed to try and force the government to argue its case. The problem lies when we have either an overwhelming majority for the government where the government MP's are spineless and won't vote against their own party because they won't get up the slippery pole, or we have a situation where the opposition won't oppose and therefore won't force the government to correctly consider and argue things.
Unfortunately as we all know we have both of the problems above in spades, with no one in westminster actively holding the government to account (and haven't had for decades). This leads to c**** policies from civil servants passed on by ministers, passed through by MP's who need not be there creating total and utter havoc throughout the country...
the jump into europe
scrapping of our entire aerospace industry
destruction of mining, shipbuilding, car manufacture - indeed any manufacture
destruction of IT by passing the largest contracts to India and America
ID cards
in fact the list includes absolutely everything that either party has touched in the last 60 years.