We're English-speaking Americans
What they speak may be the same as other people around them but are we sure it's actually English any more?
Dish Network chair Charlie Ergen has offered a pointed response to Japan's SoftBank after it made what he called "personal attacks" in its bidding war with the US company over US mobile network Sprint. The exec said yesterday that Dish is the better bet because its employees are Americans who speak English. Ergen pointed out …
The Japanese generally speak pretty good English as well as Japanese in my experience.
Softbank are generally at the cutting edge when it comes to doing stuff so would be the better bet.
(Blockbuster was/is a part of Dish they don't have a good track record so letting them take on loads more debt is not a good idea when there is a sane option).
I think Americans stopped speaking English in the early 1800s if not before! Those who ever did speak it and not German or Polish or Yiddish or who knows what. Now Spanish, the Samsung of American language - taking over fast apparently, could be the majority language soon.
Japanese English, on the other hand, tends to be rather good.
MyBackDoor, if Anonymous Coward’s post* above is the worst that you’ve read here, then count yourself fortunate. It could use some extra punctuation, but it is grammatical†. I also disagree with his conclusion of soon‡, but that’s a different topic.
* — Rather than posts.
† — Rather than grammatically.
‡ — Unless he meant soon on a geological timescale.
Dish has a less than satisfactory record with customer service, not to mention they are price hike hungry (but who isn't anymore).
Japan can stay in Japan. Once the Yen spun out of control, prices have never come back down to what they once were, so the probability of a higher costing network is a little higher with that particular country (yes it is naive, but anything can be used as an excuse for a price hike in today's world).