is the frame part of it? looks nasty.
High-rollers’ shop pitches wallet-pounding, wall-pummelling MONSTER TV
Suddenly found yourself with £35,000 in your pocket and can’t think what to spend it on? Wander on down to posh shop Selfridges which says it has the answer: Samsung’s S9, an Ultra HD enormo-telly boasting 4K x 2K resolution. And you’ll get a whole penny in change. Selfridges, which describes the Samsung set as “truly a work …
Thursday 25th April 2013 09:52 GMT Dave 126
The frame contains the speakers (on the vertical as well as the top 'crossbar'), and is in any case removable if you prefer to mount the television on your wall.
It strikes me that complaining about the frame is a little moot, since anyone in a position to spend £35,000 on a television can spare a few thousand to have some builders come in and reinforce their living room wall, and then buy a separate surround-sound system.
Thursday 25th April 2013 10:33 GMT Dave 126
Re: The frame comes off
String? If you've got the cash for this TV, you'll have the cash to a, reinforce your wall, and b, attach the TV to the wall securely. Even paying a local steel fabricator to build you a custom frame that can be hidden behind plasterboard isn't going to cost much more than a grand... a chunk of money for me, but pocket change to those this TV set is aimed at, surely?
Supporting systems are usually rated to a load, including a safety margin of at least three times. For extra peace of mind you use a back-up system (such as used on stage-lighting fixtures to avoid a can falling on someone's head), and beyond that you have insurance.
Thursday 25th April 2013 10:57 GMT TheOtherHobbes
Re: Why?
Telly, shmelly.
With four in a square, you'd have a nice industrial VR rig.
Thursday 25th April 2013 10:45 GMT Dave 126
Re: Stand, no problem
>Of course it might tear the east wing of your castle down due to the weight.
Well, if you collect classic motorcycles, you invest in a secure garage*. If you collect old manuscripts, you might consider a climate-control system. The amount you would have to spend on making your gaff suitable for this TV set is unlikely to cost more than a few percent of the price of the unit itself... well, round here it wouldn't; I'm blissfully ignorant of the rate builders in London might charge!
*(I actually know of one man in London who has been collecting classic motorcycles such as Broughs since the 1970s... though the value of the bikes has increased over the years, the market value of the dozen or so garages he bought to store them in has increased much, much more!)
Thursday 25th April 2013 11:38 GMT Anomalous Cowshed
I know this is going to sound controversial - but I never understood the principle of people paying for television sets. TV is mostly about conditioning and FUD, i.e. subtle, fun but highly effective mind-control. And yet we keep getting excited about better, thinner, higher resolution ways of having our imagination and free-thinking propensities sapped away. We even think it normal to pay a yearly tax for the privilege. I suppose this is similar to paying tithes to the church - which my eccentric mind sees as the predecessor of today's TV.
Thursday 25th April 2013 13:39 GMT Rampant Spaniel
Re: 35k
Other than as a tool for work (barco and eizo and a few others have had actual 4k screens out for a while) I can't see it as having much attraction other than to those who have to have the latest of everything. Common sense says in a year or two they will be a tenth of the price. Theyre already lots cheaper than this one. A friend works for rolex in a store, she was hyped because a Japanese tourist bought a $100k rolex and she made 15% off it. Seriously, 100k on a watch, and a rolex at that. Some folks just have enough money to spend that and not notice. Must be nice!
Personally when uhd drops to 1500-2000 for a decent brand set I might get one assuming theres content and the picture is worth it. When Eizo have a model out for under 4k I'll have one for work (photographer so I have a vague need). Until then it's not worth it.
Thursday 25th April 2013 14:46 GMT Mage
Harvey Norman
The local Harvey Norman has an 85" on display (I forget if LG or Samsung). Very nice too. €13,500 sounds a lot but much shorter life Plasma TVs with only 480 lines used to sell at €6,000.
Considering all else equal 84" panels will have about 4 times as many rejects as 42" panels and all the Electronics etc, you'd expect the 84" equivalent of top of the range 42" to be about £5000 rather than £35,000
Sure isn't everyone watching 4" and 7" screens now :-)
Thursday 25th April 2013 16:40 GMT Red Bren
Sales-droid overhype
"it has a pair of tuners that are capable of picking up cable, satellite and terrestrial DVB-T2 transmissions"
Really? I can plug a cable/satellite feed straight into a telly and view Virgin or Sky without their set top boxes? Sorry if I take this with a pinch of salt but I'm just getting flashbacks from conversations I've had in Dixons/Currys/Comet that went along the lines of:
Sales Droid: "It has 99 preset channels!"
Me: "Really? Why would I need 99 presets when there are only 4* channels I can tune them to?"
SD: "You can use them for satellite channels..."
Me: "So I won't need a set-top box?"
SD: "Well no, you'll still need the set top box..."
Me: "But I can assign the TVs presets to different satellite channels?"
SD: "Er... no, you assign one channel to the set-top box and change channels on that."
Me: "Ok, so why do I need the other 94 preset channels?"
SD: "Errrr..."
* I'm showing me age.
Friday 26th April 2013 18:27 GMT Richard 74
Re: Sales-droid overhype
The satellite one could probably be used for Freesat, but not Sky, and the cable one is useless in the UK. They're only there because they're useful for other countries - I think Germany has ubiquitous cable TV that would just connect like this? Could be wrong. Less hassle than designing an additional model without them just for the UK I guess.
Thursday 25th April 2013 20:34 GMT Christian Berger
I could imagine this on the wall of an architects office
You could finally show plans in all of their glory on a computer screen. No more plotting or printing on A0 sheets of paper, just the full plan on a screen where you don't need to zoom or scroll. Finally you have the ability for multiple people to look at the same screen.
Monday 29th April 2013 11:37 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: 35K to spare
If I'm a multi-millionaire and donate 5 million to charity every year surely I can buy my 35k telly without feeling in the least bit guilty. Certainly you, who I guess don't donate millions each year (which charities often piss away btw) can't lecture me on my behaviour.
Now I'm off to spend £600k on an even bigger, telly thanks to the poster above for the link :),cos_1.1,cos_1.1.1/142976