Behind Firewalls is akin to living in the Jail System ......
...... and being charged with being in the care of that which is largely unknown and unpredictable. Silence is not a viable progressive nor constructive creative option*
"On average over 33,000 malicious emails are blocked at the Gateway to the Government Secure Intranet every month," Smith said. "These are likely to contain - or link to - sophisticated malware, often sent by highly capable cyber criminals and state-sponsored groups. A far greater number of malicious emails and spam, but less sophisticated emails and spam are blocked each month."
I wonder of that explains the second bouncing back of this email to CESG ....... which would probably need to adjust its dodgy gateway algorithm somewhat, although that can be fraught with all manner of new vulnerabilities to recognise cannot be avoided, and that is most probably the present state of spooky play everywhere with state and non state actor players realising that secrets are a thing of the past and to expect to be able to continue to wield them with any expectation of exclusive advantageous anonymous efficacy is a note for history to remember ..... or maybe RH is a generic player and phisherman
Date: Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 3:26 PM
Subject: Slow Days in the Office are an Offence to Imagination and a Challenge to Ancient Wisdoms
Hi, Richard,
"Therefore, CESG PKI experts must be the purest form of security consultant.
Discuss." ….
:-) I agree. What are your views on Practical Virtual Reality Presentations as Future Content for the Creation of Live Worlds in LOVE's Live Operational Virtual Environments.
A GCHQ IC Enterprise for Organisations with Familial Business Interests/Right Royal Problems to Resolve with a Permanent Fix for Future Situations Requiring Similar Solution?
Yeah, that would be a Great Starting Point for Bletchley Park Type Channel AIRuns in Active Operation of Stealth AIMissions Server Support of Future Supply of Future Supplies.
A Government led Dark Private Pirate Horse to Vanquish Trojan and Plunderer via unconventionally lustful means and strange erotic and exotic memes would be an extremely pleasurable program to Mentor and Monitor/Advise, Devise and Act upon, should one so desire to enter into LOVE's Great IntelAIgent Game where the Perfect AIMission is to Deliver Heavenly Delights on Earth.
How hard is it to Create Heavenly Outposts on Earth with Sweet Brothels for Sticky Desires' Passions and Needs with Immaculate Feeds.
I do appear to waxed somewhat more lyrical than may be absolutely necessary, Richard, but there's no point in one being uninformed and/or misinformed with disinformed contradictory information, whenever so much more is possible with that which we do now know … although probably not too widely known generally whenever security provides protection.
I think one has to accept, Richard, the Counterintuitive Proposition that the only secure protection of virtual identity in cyber space systems is Full Disclosure with Nothing Unknown able to be found. Then is One as One is and Wants to Be. A Perfectly Honest Rare Being with the Sun in ITs Shades Every Day.
CESG does do Virtual Reality Presentations on the QT, surely? How are tricks progressing? Is there anything you need that we can feed?
* Governments, I suppose, do use trolls and shills to try and keep the lid on developments beyond their control and that of any of their partners, but such doesn't stop the inevitable, it just confirms its arrival?