Let me be clear about what I am objecting to. To me, the alarm narrative goes like this:
From a consensus of 'Climate Scientists', we know that our production of CO2 will lead to catastrophe. The only way to avoid that catastrophe is to provide more money to the Climate Change industry either through direct funding, subsidies for economically non-viable power generation or a scheme of fiat carbon credits whereby we decide how much money you have to pay to buy the right to exhale or otherwise generate CO2. Furthermore, the alarm narrative is from here on to be considered 'settled science', assumed as a matter of course in your children's text books and is no longer up for discussion. Despite the fact that the alarm narrative is considered 'solved', you must continue to direct a disproportionate amount of research funding to 'Climate Science'. When things we believe disagree with data, the data is assumed to be in error. From here on, this is what we mean by 'science'.
I object to handing over my wallet. I object to the oxymoronic 'consensus science'. It makes a mockery of the scientific method. I object to diverting funding to researchers I consider unproductive and operationally dishonest. I object to diverting funding to the Climate Change industry, because I think the money is much better spent elsewhere. I believe that at least some of the economic disruption caused by alarmists kills people and I object to that. I object to perverting our energy supply and crippling our power grid. I object to the notion that 'settled science' can and should be used to discourage inquiry, stifle criticism and shut down debate. I object to the overthrow of the empiricism upon which legitimate scientific inquiry depends. I strenuously object to stealthily indoctrinating my children in a faith based, anti-intellectual and authoritarian philosophy that makes it difficult or impossible to ever develop a bona-fide scientific world-view.
In fairness, it is conceivable that someone honest, reasonably educated and intelligent could be taken in by the alarmist camp. They have hijacked many of the forums we should be able to turn to, their narrative can be seductive, they are masters at sophistry and when all else fails, they just stretch the truth to the point of breaking. Unless you are persistent and dig a bit, it is not clear who is correct. People unfamiliar with this debate and the underlying scientific and philosophical dispute could be swayed by either side.
I assume that you personally are sincere. However, your evidence *and* your arguments are entirely insufficient. I keep seeing stuff like your reference to CO2 and human emissions and I despair. Even if it were proven, it is largely irrelevant. To prove something you need to provide that which is necessary and also that which is sufficient. What you have on offer is neither. It hardly even points the *way* to a reasonable case for alarm.
Proof that you have a mammal is not proof you have a cat. You are being asked to prove the entirety of the alarmist narrative, not that CO2 concentration is largely anthropogenic.
What you believe is overwhelming evidence supporting your conclusion is weak evidence that indicates that we *might* be the principal cause of rising CO2 concentrations. It does not come close to proving what you think it does and the thesis that we are the primary net cause of CO2 increases could well be wrong and still be consistent with the evidence you provide. Your evidence, at least some of which is good enough to accept as evidence, does not support your conclusion much more than calling your critics names supports your conclusion. At the level of this conversation this contention is either a straw man or a red herring. Despite the frailty of your evidence, I will agree, Arguendo if you please, that we are the major source of the CO2 increase we see. It comes nowhere close to proving the global warming narrative that the CO2 increase is catastrophic and remediable at a reasonable cost.
The source of the CO2 is not the issue. The issue is whether or not it presents a credible danger and, if so, whether or not the cost of remediation is less than the cost of non-remediation. Both of those have to be true and neither of them is very likely at all. To accept those propositions you have to reject significant patches of human understanding and expertise.
The Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming narrative is a matter of faith much more than it is a matter of reasoned discourse. I freely admit that it has many followers, but the number of followers cannot make it correct. I am prepared to accept that your faith in it is genuine as is your faith in the alleged 'facts' that are alleged to support it. Your faith cannot bring give wings to the zombie corpse of the alarm narrative. It is a dead parrot.
The evidence of which I am aware that I trust tells me that CO2 *follows* temperature, that CO2 increases in concentration will continue to be net positive for the biosphere and that increases in temperature (at levels we might reasonably expect) are similarly net positive for the biosphere. The evidence of which I am aware shows that support for the alarm narrative hurts people. In fact, I know that it affects my own family directly. The evidence of which I am aware shows that most of the progenitors of the alarm narrative gain financially if and only if an alarm narrative is kept in play. That is why we see all the 'worse than we thought' -- 'global warming causes hiccups' nonsense that keeps getting published. The evidence of which I am aware shows that skeptics do *not* gain financially from taking the alarm narrative out of play and some even take a financial hit.
It is patently dishonest to present the entirety of the alarmist narrative as a majority view unopposed by credible critics. Why would that 97% thing, ridiculous on its face and even worse upon inspection, keep cropping up like a bad penny? Why would alarmist supporters constantly return to the invalid argument that somehow a consensus provides important support for their point of view?
The catastrophic climate change narrative is not viable as a scientific theory. It simply fails in too many ways in too many places. It is, not to put too fine a point on it, *unscientific*. To resurrect it you need so much more than you appear to think is sufficient that we are coming from positions that look incommensurate. Before we collectively spend thousands of billions of dollars, we need evidence much more clear, comprehensive and certain than alarmists have provided. From my current understanding of science, it is very unlikely that we will get that evidence. Alarmists claim they already have it, but they are perennially unable to actually produce it.
Alarmist 'scientists' seem constitutionally incapable of understanding the fundamentals of data collection, analysis, publication, retention and sharing. They do not honor the fundamentals of experimental replication. They cannot distinguish properly between correlation and causality. They torture noisy data until it gives them the answer they are looking for. They improperly tamper with data. They improperly choose partial sets of data so that only those sets that confirm their theories remain. They misunderstand the construction of valid reasoning. They are demonstrably dishonest and in many instances also demonstrably unable to understand the difference between honest discourse and dishonest discourse.
Alarmists have a very clear burden of proof. It is very clearly unmet. No matter what anyone says, alarmists simply will not stump up the evidence and argument they have been asked for. They prefer to slide off into a wacky menagerie of fallacious arguments. Rather than address the argument, they prefer to address their critics as if somehow a failing of any kind in their critics constitutes additional evidence in favor of their theories. They keep circling about as if it is incumbent upon the null hypothesis side of the argument to provide theories for why the empirical status-quo will remain as it always has and to essentially prove that Russell's Teapot does not exist.
Below is a discussion of the kind of thing that helps point the way to what I see as being a more productive conversation. Unlike the current alarmist narrative: (1) It is predictive and falsifiable (2) It just uses real, raw, uncontroversial data, math and reasonable logical argument. (3) It is incontrovertibly scientific. (4) It predicts future *cooling*.
It is hardly complete, but it is already better supported, more logically coherent and most importantly more *predictive* than anything on offer from the alarmist camp. Like most reasonable people would expect, our eons old climate ebbs and flows in fairly regular cycles. I have seen a similar treatment elsewhere and for people who understand cycles and Fourier transforms, it is a sane form of analysis that would likely occur to them independently.
http://joannenova.com.au/2013/05/fourier-analysis-reveals-six-natural-cycles-no-man-made-effect-predicts-cooling/ **
**Note re 'blog references': I use them because they are easy to find with Google, convenient and because they are sources I have reasonable confidence trusting for these purposes. They generally refer to sources I trust. They also specifically address the various failed alarmist arguments with sound reasoning, data and references. I am quite certain that you can proceed from any link I provide to see the rationale supporting the argument and even in many cases links to fair expositions of the alarmist side. I specifically do *not* go to Wikipedia for anything controversial about climate because there is a very committed cadre of individuals who monitor and spin all the climate related articles.