back to article Want a coffee with Tim Cook? Better start saving now

Anyone with a suitably large checkbook will be able to sit down and have a coffee (or the beverage of their choice) with Tim Cook or meet Elon Musk for a personal tour of the SpaceX headquarters later this year. Cook, Musk, and other well-known names have donated their time to an auction in aid of the Robert F. Kennedy Center …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Whereas a day with Steve Jobs is only $10

    But if you find a shovel a bit too labor intensive you can hire a mini-excavator for $300...

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Whereas a day with Steve Jobs is only $10

      Once you've spent the day with them all you will want to do is go down the pub, get drunk and forget.

  2. Ketlan

    Who? And why???

    I can think of an awful lot of ways to dispose of $50-100k and none of them involve Tim Cook, Elon Musk or, gawd 'elp us, Piers bloody Morgan. I could manage a tenner or two for a weekend with Gwyneth Paltrow though...

  3. stanimir

    better looking

    For the quoted amount of time, one get can significantly better looking girls (or boys) [yeah plural]. That's way more overpriced compared the entire line of products of Apple.

  4. Thomas 4

    Given the choice

    I'd probably splash out on the tour of Space X. I think provided no-one mentioned electric cars or journalists it'd be pretty cool. Sounds a hell of a lot more fun than listening to Piers Morgan prattle on about himself or Tim Cook sitting in icy silence when you ask him about future Apple products.

  5. Tom 7

    Wonder if they'll patent that.

    Its the oldest job in the world but that wont stop the US patent office.

  6. TeeCee Gold badge

    Coffee with Cook.....

    ....or a new Jagwire?

    Difficult choice.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Coffee with Cook.....

      I don't think the likely bidders have to make that choice.

      A bit like BBC's Children in Need auctions, whose juicier prizes are just an opportunity for City traders and investment bankers to buy things otherwise not for sale....

  7. JDX Gold badge

    $5000 for Piers Morgan?

    It's a bit low but I could do with the cash if he promises not to talk too much.

  8. Green Nigel 42


    Is that like "coming in for a coffee? ", Ooer!

    1. Green Nigel 42

      Re: "Coffee?"

      On reflection prehaps the Ceo of a certain Korean conglomerate might relish "coffee" with Tim!

      Beats the heck out of suing him.

      1. Thomas 4

        Re: "Coffee?"

        Coffee is fine but there might be a little bit of haggling involved with the antidote.

  9. Shonko Kid

    Another overpriced Apple product?

    I'll wait for the cheap chinese Cook-clones to start showing up on eBay for $10 a pop

  10. Stuart 39

    You are being a tad unfair..

    When I first clicked on it I was expecting "Cook funds secret island resort via paid for meetings". Then when I read it they are donating the money to charity. They are giving up some of their valuable time (looking at in a purely $$ scenario) and the money going to a good cause. Ok it wouldn't be my first choice. Something like Unicef or Red Cross may have been better in my opinion but still, if you could easily get huge donations for charity for some of your time, I would hope you would do it.

    Also, and somewhat unfortunately, I suspect most of the slots will be purchased by Lobbyist types.

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    £1M for Schmidt-head

    To be paid to a tax haven of his choosing.

  12. An(other) Droid

    $100,000 ???!!!

    Is this a part of Tim Cook's retirement planning?

  13. Rick Brasche

    I was all in for the Musk interview

    until they said it was only a tour of the LA headquarters. I've seen all sorts of offices already. I want to go where the real magic happens. No one is assembling Merlins in LA. No one is doing airframe work, getting their hands dirty and making dreams actually perform in the real world.

    Seen enough dreamers. Want to hang with the do-ers.

  14. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    In the 70's ...

    BBC had a similar scheme where, for a small fee, young people were offered coffee followed by a personal tour of Sir James Wilson Vincent Savile OBE KCSG

  15. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Matt Bryant. Three pounds, eighty pence. (plus carfare).

    Coffee with the master. Learn how he makes shit up.

    You'll never have to say again: "Is that the truth or is that Matt Bryant?"

  16. silent_count

    One comment with no snark.

    Well done them for giving their time to benefit a charity.

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