back to article The enterprise software gravy train stalled in 2012

The world spends about twice as much dough on enterprise software as it does on data center hardware, and that software is also where a lot of the profit for the IT sector comes from. So when enterprise software revenues don't grow as fast as they have in prior years, it has ripple effects on the IT industry as a whole. The …


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  1. Getriebe

    2012 was the worst I have known

    I have been in big scale ERP software since '92 and last year was the worst, no so much on total revenues, but for difference between plan and actuals, in all of that time.

    A number of name players have uncertain futures I reckon, unless private equity crops up.

  2. John Sanders

    I know this is unfair...

    But most enterprise vendors change a hell of a lot for nothing.

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