back to article Amazon: We're expanding into TWO HUNDRED countries

Amazon's Android software store will soon be available across 200 countries - many of which don't have official access to Amazon's Android hardware - as the bookstore continues its quest for world domination. While Google limits itself to selling apps across 134 countries (and even the UN only boasts 193 members) Amazon will …


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  1. SynicNZ

    And one day they will support he Nexus 7

    I am never going to buy a Kindle so give me support

    1. thesykes

      Re: And one day they will support he Nexus 7

      which bit don't they support? The Amazon App store and normal Amazon app both work perfectly fine on my Nexus 7.

      Still prefer to get apps from Google Play though, as then you get notified of updates. Having to open the Amazon app, go to my apps and then updates... no thanks.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Several problems however.

    1/ The apps on it are out of date and lame.

    2/ You need to switch off your device's malware protection to use the Amazon store.

    Considering The Register like to post Android malware scare stories every other day, staying totally silent on Amazon's irresponsible attitude to Android security is rather curious...

    1. Dan 55 Silver badge

      Re: Several problems however.

      You can't use any alternative app store on Android without turning off the malware protection. It's a problem at Google's end, not at Amazon's.

      1. Afflicted.John

        Re: Several problems however.

        Why Google's problem? If you want to use an alternative App Store then that's your lookout. Google won't stop you but they also won't do Amazon's job for them either.

        1. toadwarrior
          Thumb Down

          Re: Several problems however.

          It's google's problem because they built a very insecure way of adding other sources. The problem is already solved. You do it like a package managed and only allow sources you've added.

          If I had to guess google didn't want to that because they can appear open while at the same time scaring most people into staying with them. If my guess is wrong, I'd like them to explain why they've implemented it so poorly and require me to make my phone vulnerable to anything just to use one credible source of my choice.

          1. thesykes

            Re: Several problems however.

            Why is it vulnerable? I have downloaded apps from Amazon and yet, my phone and tablet still have the option to allow installations from other sources unticked.

            How? Well, it's called unticking it when Amazon prompts me to, then ticking it again when the app is installed.

            Hardly rocket science.

            1. Dan 55 Silver badge

              Re: Several problems however.

              Meaning Android checking the apk's signature against alternative app store's key instead of the Play Store's key is rocket science for Google and impossible to do?

  3. Andraž 'ruskie' Levstik


    Europeans can use that store? Last I checked it complained that I don't have a valid location and payment method... for a free app.

  4. John Ruddy

    I'm surprised there hasnt been any coverage on the Reg about the 8.9" Kindle Fire HD now being available in the UK...

  5. WatAWorld

    Why don't they expand into Canada

    Why doesn't Amazon expand into Canada?

    Few periodicals or freebies available for the Kindle here.

    And products other than books or blu-rays on cost 20 to 75% more than in the USA. And these are products refuses to ship to Canada.

    1. Don Jefe

      Re: Why don't they expand into Canada

      I've never understood Canada's insanely high book pricing. The only upside I can see is that it drives up the use of libraries (it does in Quebec anyway).

      1. Rukario
        Thumb Down

        Re: Why don't they expand into Canada

        That'll be publishers using an exchange rate of something ridiculous like C$1.60 to US$1.

  6. Maharg
    Paris Hilton

    Been around the world and I, I, I...

    I was under the impression there was 195 countries in the world, if they are counting Taiwan and Palestine as separate countries would bring this up to 197 (to please the locals), does anyone know what the other 3 they consider are?

    Paris, just because...

    1. Bakunin

      Re: Been around the world and I, I, I...

      Apparently there are 193 member states, two observer states and 11 other states.

      Question is, does this mean that Amazon recognises Palestine as a state? Or Taiwan? Potential diplomatic minefield right there.

      1. Maharg
        Paris Hilton

        Re: Been around the world and I, I, I...

        They could well be being sneaky and counting England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland as four separate countries, It may even turn out they are counting Gibraltar and the Falklands, and all the Islands the US, France, Spain and the UK owns as their own countries, in which case they may be in 200 “countries”, while ignoring the a lot of other places, anyone know what their market share is like in North Korea and Somalia?

        “We have expanded into a new country”

        “Really? Where?”

        “It’s called, Rockall…”

        Paris, because she doesn't need an excuse...

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Been around the world and I, I, I...

        There are about 250 ISO country codes:

        Yes, that does include places like Jersey and Guernsey, and even "Antarctica".

  7. Charlie Clark Silver badge

    …, but it's still a quote which should be worrying Google. They're the company still sinking millions into the Android platform which is serving Amazon so well.

    Why should it worry Google? Google stands to benefit from every Android device sold and anything Amazon does to try and lure people away from Google services is going to cost Amazon arguably more money than Google stands to lose as it means more and more code to maintain. Consumers stand to benefit from the increased competition, especially if, for example, alternative app stores become available for Kindle devices.

    In terms of absolute sales: I believe that the Nexus 7 is comfortably outselling the comparable Kindle. I prefer the 8.9" form factor having had a Galaxy 8.9 for 18 months but I don't think that that market is anything like as big.

  8. sisk

    200 huh?

    That's quite impressive. Especially considering that there're only 189-196 countries (depending on how you define a country) in the entire world. So the question I have is which planet are the aliens they're selling to on and what's their bandwidth like?


    App store, schmapp store. How about making Kindle, MP3 and Unbox available in Malaysia? Whenever I get desperate for my Arthur fix (it hasn't aired here in over a decade) and try to buy the episodes, I'm told to sod off. Disappointing to say the least. Especially since they keep giving me free MP3 credits whenever I buy a CD, only to actively deny me from using said credit!

  10. kempsy

    200 huh?

    Well I don't know about the other 199 countries, but if Amazon allow apps to be sold to devices the Isle of Man that is more than Google has managed to do with its play store. The BBC iPlayer and Sky Go apps being particularly annonying in not installing, and I can't even get access to the store to buy devices directly (although VPNs are your friend in all of these circumstances).

  11. Furbian
    Thumb Up

    Love the 'free app a day', while it lasts...

    Well I rarely say something is great, but I quite like Amazon's app store, works fine on my Sony Xperia T (as it does on the Motorola Atrix and Xperia S in the household). Some of the free apps can be naff, but the exquisite World of Goo was given free for example. The app store linked seamlessly to my current but old (1999!) Amazon account.

    One gripe, no idea how it runs on a Kindle Fire etc. but it is painfully slow. It appears to 'multitask', but you can't be sure if it just buffered taps or is just very very slow. Happens on all out phones. Obviously one has to turn on the option to allow from installation from unknown sources, as you obviously can't get it on Play store (you can't buy a Lexus from a Mercedes garage either), but considering the mass of mall-ware already present on Play store, you have to have your wits about when buying anyway.

    Last but not least, it's the only 'big' alternative to Google's Play store, and yes they locked me out, so I can only get paid for apps on Amazon, though purchases have been rare, as there will be at-least one good free paid for app a week. Obviously I can still get free apps on Play.

    Google lock out? Long, boring story:-

  12. Tony Green

    Paying tax in any of them?

    Thought not.

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