Ayn Rand!
Philosophy aside, her writing style is stilted and turgid.
Writing style aside, the only time I've seen her philosophy put to good effect was in Bioshock.
"No one would remember the Good Samaritan if he'd only had good intentions; he had the majority of voting shares as well" - Motivational poster at Bong Ventures London HQ. I am dictating this sotto voce from the nerve centre of Operation True Blue at an undisclosed location in Whitehall STOP My assistant มาลัย (which means ' …
Incidentally the titans of the civil service "planning" wanted to discourage all this mucking about with "toy" computers. They wanted British industry to concentrate on the main frame market where all real computing is done.
There is a hilarious minute of a meeting that was published a while back about how Maggie et al didn't understand that home use of computers was pointless fad that would obviously never go anywhere and that companies needed to be "redirected" in the "national interest"
All this week I've been wondering how many of the vocal anti-Thatcherites who've popped up are actually old enough to know what pre-Thatcher Britain was like. It was crappy, and getting crappier every year. But don't let that mute your right-on rhetoric - maybe crappy is what you like.
Couldn't agree more. The three day week - introduced in the United Kingdom by the Conservative Government 1970–1974 (Heath) to conserve electricity.
How I miss those heady days of miners and printworkers being coshed to the ground by baton-wielding police on horseback. Of every junction being overrun with "squeegees" and every park and underpass crammed with beggars and the homeless.
How I loved still having a job at a time of our highest ever unemployment, 15% interest rates and 21.7% inflation.
How I rejoiced at the American nuclear missile bases in our green-and-pleasant. How I applauded the sheilds of truth and swords of honour of those righteous members gallantly upholding all we revere as true - Parkinson, Clarke, Archer, Aitken, Major and Currie et al.
How I gagged as Gummer shoved BSE infected burgers down the throats of his own children.
Etc etc blah blah blah.
So, New Labour were little better, and things are even worse now, and things can always get worse, or better, YMMV. They all suck.
Yes, she splits the Guardian readership right down the middle. But they hardly represent the median of the political spectrum, do they?
Ever since the right wing rags started putting up paywalls the Guardian readership demographic has changed. The comment areas are now flooded with Tory trolls. That's capitalism for you. Oh, how I lol'd
Yep - you can tell a Thatcher supporter - they were the few that weren't thrown on the scrapheap. Things didn't get better for them but out of the corner of their eye they could see how crap they could have got for thinking she might be wrong.
Things were so shit in the seventies - we had the 3 day week but as someone straight out of school I could get on my bike and get a job, a few years later we were laughingly told to do that when there were 3.5Million official unemployed. I wonder how much wealth they would have created if they had been working.
I was lucky - I had a good education and went to Uni and got a job creating 21stC technology for BT. We made 9.6Gb fibre optic parts at the end of the 80's until privatisation closed us down.
I am so grateful to learn that Mrs T is responsible for the amazing BT that may provide us, if we're lucky in the next ten years, with the technology that it had 25 years ago before privatisation fucked it up.
I may only have another 20 years to live but I hope in that time it becomes more obvious to enough people that monetarism creates nothing but big shiny bell end shaped pockets of old wealth that look good to the myopic but its technological development and production that provides the real wealth that will benefit us all so that we can spend some time with our kids at the end of the working day like we did in the shit old 70's before it got 'better'.
Went to a college so underfunded parts of the buildings were taped off. No jobs, only schemes. Apprenticeships that paid a pittance and offered only redundancy at the end. Worked for my dad until boom-bust closed his business too. Several low paid, short term or part time jobs followed in between being unable to claim the dole due to 'benefit regulations' . Twenty years of scraping by before I got a career. Yeah. Thatcher's policies certainly got the economy working for me, Like fuck.
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