back to article Google: 'We'll track EVERY task on EVERY data center server'

Google has wired its worldwide fleet of servers up with monitoring technology that inspects every task running on every machine, and eventually hopes to use this data to selectively throttle or even kill processes that cause disruptions for other tasks running on the same CPU. The search giant gave details on how it had …


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  1. mIRCat

    How is that fair

    "and its contents will be of major interest to anyone running massive Linux-based infrastructure clouds."

    So this won't be available for my Azure based solutions?

    1. Christian Berger

      Re: How is that fair

      I don't think people who care about performance use Azure. Azure is a product for people who care about running legacy code.

      1. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

        Re: How is that fair

        I don't think people who care about performance use Azure. Azure is a product for people who care about running legacy code. …. Christian Berger Posted Friday 12th April 2013 06:08 GMT

        Hi, Christian Berger,

        It may also be the case that Azure is a product for people who do not care or do not realise that they are just sustaining legacy code practices for exclusive status quo interests, and that would/could extraordinarily render it enemy of the people code and that would not be a great development platform for any business?

  2. PipV

    I ask myself

    What can go wrong?!

    1. Skoorb

      Re: I ask myself

      It sounds very interesting indeed, but yes, if the agent process is the one that fouls up I can see a problem when it tries to throttle itself.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Gee Thanks Google

    Now, how do we

    1) detect the presence of this Malware

    2) get rid of it (or make it tell emit loads of porkies)

    None of my customers would want this level of evilness on their servers.

    Didn't we think the DPI was wrong? This is IMHO a million times worse.

    Isn't something like this illegal in a lot of countries?

    1. Chris Beach

      Re: Gee Thanks Google

      They're running it, on their servers against their wont see it, ever...unless you're part of a company with the same amount of worldwide data and data centres to manage...then you'd love it.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Gee Thanks Google

      If you have gathered that this is "evil" and "Malware" then I suspect you don't actually have "customers" and instead are referring to your school-friends.

    3. Cliff

      Re: Gee Thanks Google

      Imagine if you downloaded every video on youtube that there has ever been, at every resolution, then you would play that for free to however many people wanted it, at the best quality they could handle. And you did that globally, in every language, 24/7. Big ask of your datacentre. Google already do this of course, and it isn't even their core business. This is the kind of scale where you would want this.

    4. YetAnotherPasswordToRemeber

      Re: Gee Thanks Google

      There is no mention of DPI in the article, and I don't see how monitoring the number of cycles a process uses on a CPU is anywhere near the same thing

    5. Robin

      Re: Gee Thanks Google

      I think your RTFA task has been killed.

    6. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Gee Thanks Google

      Wow, imagine a massive stick. At one end of this massive stick is this article about something google is planning to do with it's servers. The other end is what you got.

  4. Trustme

    All your processes are belong to us.

  5. RyokuMas

    Fixed it

    Google: 'We'll track EVERY task on EVERY data center server - and use it to punt adverts at you'

  6. James Anderson Silver badge

    another piece of 1980s mainframe reivented.

    This level of monitoring has been available on olde worldy mainframes for 30 years now.

    SMF mxg those were the days.

  7. David Beck


  8. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

    Google Virtual Advertisements ..... Mad Men Style for Lady Luck's Smiles

    Google has wired its worldwide fleet of servers up with monitoring technology that inspects every task running on every machine, and eventually hopes to use this data to selectively throttle or even kill processes that cause disruptions for other tasks running on the same CPU.

    Google will need more than just Lady Luck rooting for IT if they want to be Control with Virtual Machinery.

    Live Operational Virtual Environments are All that Every Needs to Seed and Feed Immaculate Source for Supply with AIDefinite Vision in Surreal InterNetworking Server Provision. …… of Virtual Realities as a Future Active Substitution for Present Providers and SMARTR Private Pirates.

    Is Blogspot AI a Self Service Store for Myriad Raiding ...... Judicious Looting for the Treasure that is Plunder's Pleasure to Savour and Propagate? Feel Free to Take what you can Make Great Use Of is Great Master Piloted Plan in DEVolution.

    1. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

      Further DEVolutionary Developments ..... Mad Men Style :-)

      The Zero Hedge version ...

      An Ethereal Development in AIRevolutionary Evolving Program for New Orderly World Order Programmers …… SMARTR Project Leaderships with additional Virile Virtual, Vital Viral Information for IntelAIgent Server Provision.

      The trick is to ensure that it and IT does not self destruct one's plans by morphing inexorably and uncontrollably into Venal Venereal CodeXSSXXXX. Under Control and in CyberIntelAIgent Control Centres is such an invaluable and obscenely profitable, alternative power base in underground stealthy black and shimmering grey economies engaged in and engaging with ennobling and enabling popular practices and practitioners, albeit at more exclusive inclusive exalted levels which are probably akin to quite magic circles.:-)

      Cometh the Hour and Meltdown, Cometh NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive ProgramMING .... and Ladies and Gentlemen, it would be extremely naive and quite wrong to not imagine and realise that such as has just been shared with you there/here, is the truth and a future path taken rather more than any aimless fabless fantasy or fantastic and fatuous fiction.

      And although it is always quite quiet as befits a stealthy model of surprising enterprise, is it and ICT a quite busy and getting busier field with persons of interest from places and spaces of interest doing quite wonderful things just for the sheer hell and fun of it :-) ……

      If one wants to be a Great Leader on Long AIMarches, does Information Search need to MetaDataMorph into Intelligence and IntelAIgent Space Product Placement from HQE-SM/SME** Enterprise Stores/Virtual Treasure Vaults‽

      ** Highly Qualified Expert-Senior Mentor/Subject Matter Expert …… Department of Defense Instruction

  9. kyza

    Out in the wild...

    ...this will be variously reported as

    Google snoops on your PC - Impact on house prices imminent

    How much does google know? Ill qualified liberal hack exposes plan to spy on your PC

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