Should simply say
"If you're sick of grinding on Azeroth.. think again"
Blizzard doesn't deserve your money any longer. Incredibly stale.
A new cross-platform security product that covers desktops, smartphones and tablets is likely to be a key area of development for desktop freebie virus-scanner firm AVG during 2013. AVG is best known for its free anti-virus scanner for Windows PCs, but over the years it has broadened its range to include more functional PC …
Couldn't agree more - started playing back when it was "vanilla" WoW - back then people were friendly and actually talked on general chat, guilds were more than just about raiding, and you could get a "proper" dungeon group (ie: no over-levelled character carrying others through) for just about any instance.
Stopped playing shortly after WotLK launched... so bored. God knows what it's like now.
The Looking for Group tool was the death knell of the social aspect of the game.
Before that, you got to know people. Some you'd avoid like the plague because they were ninja looting scum, and others you would bend over backwards to run a dungeon with because they were so damn good. People got reputations.
Now all you have to do is click a button and you end up in a team of people that don't try because they've not had to put any effort into getting a group together.
Another problem is the sheer number of comparison tools used to exclude people. Gear item levels, DPS, HPS, and so on, not ever necessarily related to the amount you actually helped the group.
Clearly you pull a community apart when you allow them to click a button, never talk to people, and then later whine about numbers on a screen.
It stopped being about just having a fun time with friends when it become a slick grind, with tiers constantly becoming obsolete.
After many years and thousands of hours of gameplay, user tires of game. Said user is amazed that anybody else can now find the game interesting at all, even if they've never played before.
Anyhoo.... I know quite a few people that have been playing since vanilla, and still find it quite enjoyable. It's just as much about what YOU put into the game as what the designers do.
So AVG says that Android is "particularly susceptible" to malware. The logic of the statement makes not much sense, Android is susceptible to malware not because its open source nature, but because of its huge market share.
Leaving aside for a moment that consideration, AVG is not showing much business sense, why then release products for Windows Phone and iOS only? Where is the Android version?
(I used the AVG free product for Windows for a couple of years and I was quite satisfied, by the way, so I think these folks know a bit or two about their market)
"Leaving aside for a moment that consideration, AVG is not showing much business sense, why then release products for Windows Phone and iOS only? Where is the Android version?"
Over there in the Play store, where it's always been...
These mmos go to incredible lengths to stop hacks being possible, can't catch them all but they're doing a fine job of it.
I bet most of these are VB programs that look like they were thrown together by a 12 year old child, and in fact probably were. What's more surprising is that people actually think these things would work.
AVG used to be a good product and I had the paid version running on mine and families pc`s. But these days its turned into slow bloat ware that’s good at false positives and not
good at actually protecting pcs.
Personally I rate AVG as almost bad as Norton for making a standard pc unusable. You'll know when it's reached that status as PC World will start trying to flog it with every new pc......
AVG is a joke !! It's one of the most pointless, bloated, and useless anti-malware products. It's previously detected itself as malware and deleted it's own files. It's also falsely detected genuine windows files as malware and bricked users machines. To use it is to invite stress, data loss, and a myriad of pointless pop-ups into your life ! Seriously, who uses this rubbish ? your almost better off installing a virus.
If one wanted to install spyware on millions of PC's and/or maybe wanted to do very large distributed computing tasks without paying for the electricity, P2P data transfers, botnets, DDOS, and whatnot - then the "antivirus software" would be the ideal tool for it.
AVG and anything related with Symantec being crap, are probably legit - while other tools are slick and smooth and free .... Maybe SAIC, MOSSAD or CIA pay for them?
...stuffed with malware, Trojans etc. is an old story - no such thing as a free lunch.
I remember back in 2000 an encounter with a nasty on a friend's PC (IIRC that had arrived as part of an unlimited cash hack on Need for Speed: Porsche Unleashed) that set me off helping with Magnus Mischel and co on Trojanhunter and then on to work with Paul and Robin Laudanski at CastleCops. Even then, the idea of hidden payloads was old news - but it was the early days of the shift from ad-hoc dial-up access to always-on broadband and free stuff was flowing ever more energetically than back when 28.8kbps was fast.
"AVG is best known for its free anti-virus scanner for Windows PCs"
AVG is best known for its free anti-virus scanner for Windows PCs and its nasty habit of acting just like bloody malware as it tries to foist bloody toolbars for sundry ne'erdowell outfits who have such a crap product they need a pusher with the morals of an autistic weasel*
There. Fixed it for you.
*Which is unfair to morally autistic weasels, to whom I would like to apologise