Linux users = moaning losers
"The machine comes with two bits of open-source software:"
Ignoring all the open-source GNU/Linux software that is otherwise installed.
"Sputnik is a cool project, but remains in an early stage of development "
It doesn't work.
"Dell directed me to the people who know about Sputnik"
It's too hard for any usual form of technical support.
"We got the touchpad to be full multi-touch"
Something Windows/Mac did years ago.
"there is still a Windows key"
Maybe some people will install Windows. Just think: there should be a Linux key. For the <1% of people who might install Linux.
"the only documentation in my review sample"
RTFM. man man. You have the source code, you don't need documentation.
"I also notice that although the GNU GCC compiler is installed"
But I only develop in Perl/PHP/Python/Lua/Erlang/Tcl. Am I covered? Else I won't buy it.
"I have yet to see this list, but neither LXC nor Juju was installed on the review sample."
I'm definitely not buying it then.
"Developers are unlikely to care much about what is installed, since it is easy to add and remove packages "
So why complain about LXS or Juju?
"Still, the lack of documentation is an annoyance"
RTFM. man man...
"getting devices to work under Linux is often a challenge."
It has often been a challenge. If you don't want a challenge, install Windows.
"the audio works"
So did audio on OS/2. So what?
"after a bit of fiddling with dependencies."
Usual problem with Linux. It does simply not work properly for average Joe User.
"the absence of any and all OEM crapware"
That's cos there ain't any for Linux. Apart from things like "ls", "ps", and "less". And "more" too, as none of those tools are Linux-specific.
"I had my share of things that do not quite work"
Work/not work is a binary thing. If it does not work, it does not work. It does not "not quite work".
"first thing I did was to install all available updates"
Cos Linux packages get updated almost every day, you are now on a conveyor belt of updates.
"Shutdown can be problematic; sometimes it shuts down"
Linux can't even shut down properly?!
"Hibernation fails with a "device failed to thaw" error message"
Hibernation does not work.
"I had no success with Bluetooth"
Bluetooth does not work.
"no access to my pictures."
But this is a developers, developers, developers machine. Why do you need pictures?
"But such is Linux"
Yes. It does not work properly. In just about every field of desktop usage, Linux sucks donkey balls.
"most problems of this kind can be solved with sufficient effort "
Or by using Windows instead.
"patience in trawling through forums"
Full of "me too" messages, where 1% of posters have a clue and the rest don't know jack.
"Still, it is not quite the first-class experience I was hoping for."
Dream on.
"It is a shame Dell offers no customisation options"
That's cos they don't want Linux losers asking for Debian/Centos/Mandriva/Slackware/Ubuntu/Edubuntu/Yellow Dog/Red Flag/ etc.
"You would think that using free software would mean a lower price."
Quite the opposite if you count your time into getting it working.
"the Developer Edition comes with Pro support"
That's because, as mentioned, Linux is too difficult for usual tech support teams.
"if you buy a Windows laptop and use with Linux, you will not get any joy from the supplier when trying to get Bluetooth working."
If you use Windows, you won't need any help getting Bluetooth working.
"a worthwhile effort but one that is currently half-baked"
It doesn't work. Like Linux on the desktop generally.
"given its slow progress"
Linux is a moving target. No sooner does somebody write something for version x.y.z of a package, it changes to x.yz.1 and then suddenly no longer works.
Linux is not fit for the desktop. It never has been, and is unlikely ever to be. Dell should not waste their time for the developer proportion of the <1% of Linux desktop users. If losers want to buy Dell hardware and install their own Prancing Penguin Linux that is their pleasure. And waste of time.