Re: Technology and Faith @Khaptain
Just briefly...
Think about this, a quantum fluctuation that otherwise would annihilate itself created the universe.
Could that not be called a miracle? Is it possible that the universe willed itself into existence?
Maybe you think that will is some sort of chemical reaction, that would be another miracle.
No intelligent being would create life forms in their own world (dimension) because if they turn out bad they will destroy their own creator.
Hence we live in a simulation, a sort of cosmic sweetshop, where you can do anything you like.
You have the choice to become an evil dictator or a saint or anywhere in between. Or you could become obsessed with sex or doughnuts or whatever.
After the simulation has run for a set time the Boss's right hand man appears to sort the good from the bad.
The good get to live in the real world, the bad are discarded.
With that in mind, you may wish to ponder the meaning of this parable:
Lastly, if you ever get the impression that time itself is speeding up:
Matthew 24:22 - And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.