End Point
The advantage of a finite resource as a currency is the problem as well: There comes a point where there isn't enough to go around. It increases the value of the currency in the short term but as the resource becomes corralled by a minority the currency loses value as the only people who can trade it are the people who already have it. There's no point in having it and the resource loses its value.
The only way to address the situation is to increase the availability of the resource (Bitcoin in this case) so that others can access it and ascribe value to it (an unattainable resource has no value no matter what it says on the tin). With Bitcoin, which has a built in maximum number of coins the upper limit must be increased. This is called 'printing money' and ultimately leads to the screwy economics, banking and trade systems we have today. None of which can function without the idea of infinite expansion. The only way to 'guarantee' infinite expansion is to have an infinite availability of currency to trade with, which undermines the value of the currency.
All that being said, Bitcoin will either implode because the resource is exhausted (hoarded) or it will expand for greater availability and will quickly reach parity with traditional currencies (dollars, pounds, etc...) in which case why not just use the currencies that at least have government support? A few people will make some good money with Bitcoin but only in the run up to the tipping point. It is not a game I would care to play and could not advise anyone else to mess with unless its for sheer entertainment (like a slot machine).