Don't mention Cilla Black and pron in the same sentence ever again.
Using a Blackberry Z10 for a little one-handed surfing might be more public than desired, as the social-sharing baked into the OS likes to share, um, everything. Blackberry OS10, used on the Z10 handset, integrates social sharing deep into the OS and many users opt in to alerting Blackberry Messenger contacts about their …
I'm a dyed-in-the-wool metal-head of 40 years old, sadly I have a 10 year old daughter.
You have no idea how frightening it is to know so much about 1D and the terrifying state of the pop charts via my little darling! I get up every morning and pray to Michael Akerfeld ( he of Swedish Opeth ) that one day he will send me a sign that my offspring will find the true path to real music!
My boss's wife started making erotic collages of silhouettes, cut from coloured felt. She mentioned this to a local stall-holder, who, next time she was in town, presented her with some of his grandad's pr0n stash- little 2 x 3" B&W (both the prints, and the people depicted) hardcore prints, in a little wallet stamped with the name and address of the Morecombe chemists that had developed them!
a) would I ever want everyone I know to know what I'm watching/listening to/reading
b) would I give a flying fec what the people I know are watching/listening to/reading?
If I want to discuss the plot details of my latest favourite Mills and Boon or the wonderful tonal qualities of Meatloaf's vocalizations with my friends then I'll actually TALK to them!
Bring back the Dark Ages....
So they have time to add this functionality to BBM, but don't have time to add Profiles, Level 1 escalations, redirection filters, and a host of other really useful features that were in BB7, 6, 5, etc. to BB10?
RIM just doesn't understand their place in the market. They had the world's best email client, with truly useful functionality that has been completely stripped out of BB10. I have a free Z10 that just arrived two days ago and I'm ready to scrap it. It can't do what my aging Tour will do - not even close, and as a useful work device the Z10 sucks. But I'm thrilled to know I can share my song preferences.
Rock on RIM - been nice to know you.
Yes I agree some of the old profile functionality is missing but I am confident that will be back as the BB10 platform matures. Pretty sure that the older BB units also had the option to share what you are listening to. Otherwise I am quite happy with mine, I use it for work and it is solid despite having to use active sync because my employer has not upgraded the BES yet.
What I am most annoyed about is having to use WhatsApp because some friends have switched to iPhone. WhatsApp is whats crap....seems it wants to decide who my favourites are and won't let me configure it.
I could not agree more. If there is a feature that you use, be confident that some jackass will find a way to improve it out of existence. Currently I use 'one finger plus voice calling' but this has been upgraded to full two handed hunt peck and poke calling on the new 'improved handset' I was sent. That wonderful new device is now the world's most expensive sim free office alarm reminder and the old usable phone continues in use.
I am not interested in where you happen to be, what you are listening to or watching, what link you found, what restaurants you dine at, what books you've read, what you "like", pictures of your "wonderful" family, who you are "In a relationship with" or what you are following. You really aren't that important.
I may be interested in what you think; as long as it isn't simply mindless rehashing the thoughts of others.
And I am certainly not interested in technology that does any of the above automatically.
I am also not interested in vomiting my entire life out into the world. It's in part why my dwelling has walls.
Social platforms just don't seem to grasp that parts of our lives are private and that just because I'd like to share something, does not mean I want to share everything.
I wouldn't mind it sending out what porn I was watching. Ask me and I'll key you into some excellent stuff (for me that's straight, no chains, no pain just old fashioned swingin' from the ceiling fan).
I don't want it sending out: " Mach is talking to the HR department of the competitor"
Or "Mach has set up a new search on"
After the porn browsing, a boss might start trying to find a replacement for me if I was also looking at new job opportunities.
RIM has killed their chances of ever having me use one of their devices. If "sharing" is embedded in their OS, they can go and get stuffed.