So sad.
It happened on my fiftieth birthday.
A day that I, and many others will never forget.
R.I.P. all who died that dreadful day.
Google has released Street View images of the unfortunate town of Namie-machi, Japan, which was devastated by the March 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and the tsunami it caused, then rendered uninhabitable by the Fukushima Daichi nuclear cockup. "Two years have passed since the disaster," the town's mayor Tamotsu Baba writes on the …
The guy sounds like a person, rather than the typical mayor - I reckon in a lot of western countries, when the destruction hit, the politicians would be the first ones out and the last ones back - no voters in the city = no need to be there.
Great to see this guy cares enough about the city to not just tell people how much good he's doing, whilst glossing over the bad, but actually showing the world what has happened.
Why do you assume it is a driverless car?
This ain't the interior of Tchernobyl block 2.
Btw, the 2013 issue of "(GRS-S-53) Fukushima Daiichi 11. März 2011 - Unfallablauf, radiologische Folgen (2., überarbeitete Auflage)" is out.
You can see the driver in the mirror at this location.
Presumably you know very little about the radiation levels. They are very low.
50 micro-Sv/h seems to be max, values are generally below that.
If you drive around for 10 hours (at the max value), you are still below the EPA recommendation for annual exposure of a member of the public. At that point, all depends how much stuff you put into your system or whether you get a few X-rays later.
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It's not completely deserted, for instance the traffic lights are still working and in the view below,
You can see a car coming in the opposite direction. You can see the driver and their passenger.
I don't know the traffic lights are "working" in the normal sense. To me it looks like they are flashing yellow on the main through way and red on the cross streets. For instance as you approach or depart from this light on the starting street it is only seen yellow or apparently off whereas if you approach from this side it appears only to be red or off. Oddly, for some reason the opposite side jumps a block or two so it's clear that for some reason the G-car didn't go that way.
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The effect of the visitors uncannily disppearing if you come from another direction freaks me out.