Re: Rights?? @ Marshalltown
How are things in Iowa?
Looks like you are one the "If you have nothing to hide why not let them in without the warrant" types.
Funny thing that, same crap happened under Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao, etc etc etc.
Probable cause my left testicle...Who said anything about "Outlaws"? If listening to hundreds of individuals cell phone signals to catch one person is okay then why can't I eavesdrop on FBI communications? After all what's good for the Goose must be good for the Gander, right!?
The matter at hand is one of ethics and principles. The FBI is supposed to uphold the law of this land and they (and every politician in this country) take an oath swearing on a Bible to "Protect and Defend the Constitution" of the United States.
Use of the Military (and it's technology) against the People is also against the Constitution and can only be done in the case of "Martial Law" where our rights are suspended for our "own good". I believe that should also apply to rampant misuse of official powers by the President (National Security Memos) which has been happening since Korea.
Try looking here under "Recent Legislative Events" to see the early setup of Martial Law over "We the People" coming soon to a town near you.
The only thing we should fear is our own government.
If as a representatitve of the US Government, you break any part of the Constitution, you have committed Treason, you are now a Felon and should be impeached, fired and/or hung.
Since this has already happened, why should we lie down and let them continue? A VERY wise man once said "You will only realize the need for the Second Amendment when they come to take it away from you".