This don't come cheap
Additionally, engineers will lay around 400km of subsea cables over 19 crossings to remote islands, the national telco said
also there are a limited number of ships capable of laying this sort of cable in the shallow waters around places like Mull and Tiree let alone the problems with the outer isles (rip tides, waterspouts, whales(inc Killers) and the sometimes piss awful weather == Horizontal Rain for weeks at a time).
Whoever is the resulting last mile carrier this represents a significant upgrade to the infrastructure of a very lightly populated part of these islands.
Once this is done, I'll probably be able to work for 6 months a year at my croft on Skye (with views the Outer Islands from my office window). When it does clear up there is no better place on this planet apart from some of the Pacific Inlets in southern Chile.