back to article Watch the skies: SPACE HEDGEHOG plunges to Earth in Oxfordshire

Reg readers in the Leamington Spa area are asked to keep an eye out for a knitted hedgehog which may have fallen from the skies thereabouts, and is currently the focus of a frantic search and rescue operation. CASSiE (Cosmic Ambassador for Space Science and Engineering), aka the Cosmic Hedgehog, was sent aloft last Friday on a …


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  2. John Smith 19 Gold badge

    One giant leap for stuffed hedgehog kind

    I'll get my coat.

  3. Iain Griffiths

    Its actually a Clanger in disguise , reccying before the invasion.

    I for one welcome our string soup eating overloads

    1. James Hughes 1

      Exactly what I thought.

    2. Rampant Spaniel

      She's probably shacked up somewhere with a badger.

    3. Santa from Exeter


      Actually, it's Blue String Pudding.

      The Soup Dragon would be very annoyed to find string in her soup mines.

      Bah, kids today, they don't teach them anything about the classics

  4. Alister

    Is it just me, or does their spacecraft include a tray of apples??

    1. DJ Smiley

      They are ping pong balls. I guess they are following that "fit an experiement in a ping pong ball and you can send it into space" thing that seems to be popular currently.

      1. MARSBalloon

        They are kinder egg toy capsules and each one contains a Mars experiment created by a UK student.

        The cold temps, low pressure and extra radiation make high altitude a good testing ground for Mars experiments that is reachable on a very low budget!

        We chose kinder eggs as anyone can get hold of them and they are easy to open and close; unlike ping pong balls.

        1. Yet Another Commentard


          and you get chocolate with them. Unlike ping pong balls.

  5. Big_Boomer


    She was Hog-Napped by our Alien Masters as during her ascent she witnessed that which must not be witnessed and now the MIB have her and are in the process of brain-washing her. She will be found on Wednesday with no memory of where she has been and what happened. All cameras will be broken and all memory wiped.

  6. Stevie


    I've seen "The Quatermass Experiment" and this sort of thing doesn't end well. By now there is a horribly mutated half-cactus, half-clanger "hedgehog" rampaging around Oxfordshire, a clear menace to life and limb. My guess is that we've seen the last of Dibley.

    1. Andrew Newstead

      Re: Aiee!

      Oh, that's alright then.

    2. Phil O'Sophical Silver badge

      Re: Aiee!

      > horribly mutated half-cactus, half-clanger "hedgehog" rampaging around Oxfordshire

      Are you sure it wasn't just Jeremy Clarkson?

      1. Down not across

        Re: Aiee!

        Sir, new keyboard please.

    3. Captain DaFt

      Re: Aiee!

      Don't worry, you're safe as long as your name isn't Dinsdale!

  7. LinkOfHyrule

    The good thing about this is that dead hedgehogs you find on the street are normally flat so whoever finds it wont even have to stump up for Parcel Force to send it in. They can just stuff it in an A4 envelope, plonk on a couple of second classes and its good to go!

  8. Narlaquin
    Black Helicopters

    First the Playmonaut, and now CASSiE. I think someone, or SOMETHING, is kidnapping the cream of Dear Old Blighty's Astronauts, in a sort of low budget, toy based but real life version of You Only Live Twice.

    1. Don Jefe


      It's the Iranians who nabbed them. We'll see them next forcefully reading a script extolling the virtues of the Iranian Space Program.

      1. mtp

        Re: Re:

        @Don Jefe - I am so tempted. This could be a you tube classic in the making.

        1. Will Godfrey Silver badge

          Re: Re:

          Go on! Do it!

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    It'll be tragically ironic if CASSIE landed on a dual carriageway.

  10. We're all in it together
    Thumb Up

    70 mars experiments?

    Taking it out of its wrapper with you teeth. Possible

    Deep frying the mars. Possible

    Slicing the mars into bite size chunks and sharing it with friends. Possible

    Trying to work out why a mars bar is smaller than it used to be. possible.

    Sending it into space with a poor attempt at a knitted hedgehog then losing it in Oxfordshire. No chance that'll ever happen.

    Predicting everything and occassionally getting it wrong. Possible

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: then losing it in Oxfordshire

      Or not being able to tell the difference between Oxfordshire and Warwickshire ...

      1. We're all in it together

        Re: then losing it in Oxfordshire

        Meaning it must've used Apple maps.

        Boom boom.

        Every story has an Apple link......

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: then losing it in Oxfordshire

        Technically Banbury is in Oxon, Leam is in Warwks so it could be on the border somewhere if its south of Leam and North of Banbury.

  11. This post has been deleted by its author

  12. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    In other knitted hedgehog news...

    ...reports are coming in of strange lights seem across Oxfordshire.

    We take you to our reporter on the spot, Sooty.

  13. Tom 7

    A hedgehog you say?

    Please check your wheel arches.

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