back to article Nvidia unveils Minority Report-style face-bot tech

Accurately modeling and rendering the ocean is highly complex from a computational perspective – but it’s considerably harder to portray accurately an artificial simulation of the human face, according to Nvidia CEO Jen-Hsun Huang in his opening keynote address at the GTC 2013 conference in San Jose. Human faces contain a …


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  1. Alan Bourke

    Very amazing, but Ira is bald

    wonder how much overhead realistic hair would add.

  2. C 18


    >2 Teraflops per SECOND

    Somebody doesn't know what a flops is...

    1. JetSetJim

      Re: Hmm...

      Perhaps it's accelerating?

      1. C 18

        Re: Hmm...

        I guess that could be true if the expressions were emotionally moving.

        (Get mine while you're at it...)

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Hmm...

      Technically, a FLOP is a floating (point) operation, the plural of which is FLOPs. It is legitimate to say "To compute this thing will take 2 TFLOPs" meaning 2*10^12 floating point operations. It's one of those things that does require a bit of context to parse.

      That said, I agree that in the context used, TFLOPs means "teraFLOPs per second", but the other usage does appear in the literature.

      1. Anonymous Coward

        Re: Hmm...

        "That said, I agree that in the context used, TFLOPs means "teraFLOPs per second", but the other usage does appear in the literature."

        I'm reading Les Miserables at the moment and he's not used the term yet; perhaps it's a word Dickens coined?

      2. Charles 9

        Re: Hmm...

        When you add the "per Second", you normally Capitalize the S to make it a proper part of the acronym. So it's either "2 TFLOPs per second" or "2 TFLOPS".

    3. diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

      Re: Hmm...

      It's just a simple mistake. It was fixed ages ago.


  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    30 facial expressions

    does the 30 include o-face?

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Up

    "So how is this going to be used in the real world?"

    Early days still, its good but not yet totally convincing. But I suspect you will see these happen in our lifetimes:

    Hollywood "stars" will be scanned and sampled, and contracts will mention not just "use of likeness" but animated likenesses etc.

    Thirty years from now Justin Beiber et al will be 'virtually' appearing to promote products, appealing to their aging demographics sense of nostalgia for the 2010s. They will have signed away their likeness rights early in their careers while up-and-coming.

    Future movies can have fun with mashups, casting actors from different generations together.

    Whole body versions of similar tech will be used for porn.

    It will become possible to fake compromising footage of famous people, and this will be used for counter propoganda.

    1. Charles 9

      Re: "So how is this going to be used in the real world?"

      I think most of us figure Hollywood will get the most use out of it at first. At the very least, when it comes to final render, they don't have to worry so much about realtime rendering; it's the facial accuracy they'll want more than anything. This level of facial detail is perhaps still rather too complex for use at the consumer level, but it shows a tantalizing hint of the future--say, 7-10 years down the road.

    2. JDX Gold badge

      I suspect you will see these happen in our lifetimes:

      I think that's a dramatically easy bet to make. I suspect you'll see that this DECADE, or start to.

  5. Ragarath


    I prefer more fruit in mine, not to much, but not 2 bits either!

    Mines the green one, no the other one.

  6. Jediben

    It's all in the eyes

    The skin textures, the pores, the elasticity of movement - all of these are exceptional in Ira. But the glassy, permanently dewy and overly reflective eyeballs sink it every time.

    1. JDX Gold badge

      Re: It's all in the eyes

      This seems like the kind of claim which ends up with declaring real photos and video are "clearly fake". When you know something is fake or are trying to find evidence, you can easily fake yourself into seeing fakery :)

      1. Silverburn

        Re: It's all in the eyes

        I dunno. I think Ira works for HMRC. As an Auditor. Which would explain *everything*.

  7. Silverburn

    Carrot Top

    I clicked, and now I need the Mind bleach please.

  8. John Smith 19 Gold badge

    Sort of reminds me of Marlon Brando in Apolypse Now.

    Although it probably speaks faster.

  9. Colin Millar

    Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder but.....

    .....if you consider Carrot Top to be "almost – but not quite – perfectly human " then you must be mixing with some real mingers.

  10. Paul 135


    Could you not link to a video El Reg?

  11. This post has been deleted by its author

  12. bag o' spanners

    The putty used to create Carrot Top had clearly passed its sell-by date. Making it look like the bastard lovechild of Jocelyn Wildensteen and Angry Kid was a stroke of genius. Was Sir Les Patterson's DNA involved in the creative process?

  13. Cipher


    Bonaduce after steriods, cosmetic surgery is Carrot Top!

    He was always bitter about not making the transition from child actor to the big leagues...

  14. Robert Forsyth

    I don't remember this at all in Minority Reports

    Unless you are referring to TC's acting.

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