Re: Brings a new consideration to the phrase
"A reasonable country wouldn't allow gambling full stop."
"Yes, because banning gambling, like banning drugs, will immediately result in the complete cessation of all such activity and no-one would ever gamble illegaly."
I upvoted both these, even though they are contradictory, because they represent how I feel myself.
Whilst I don't use drugs and I don't gamble, I can see the utility of one (drugs), but not the other (gambling). In an ideal world, gambling would not be state sanctioned, and certainly advertising wouldn't be allowed (I am actually repelled by the averts for the various gambling establishments that have recently been allowed on British TV). However, in order to be consistent, since I think that drug-use should be legalised and brought within the remit of the State because it is an aspect of freedom,* and because it reduces harm to those indulge, then I logically have to accept the legalisation of gambling.
*Unlike libertarians, I don't think that freedom resides in being free to die at the hands of someone less scrupulous than you.