Google Play is a failure
I made the stupid decision to acquire an Android phone recently. Maybe I was expecting too much, but Google Play sucks (as does the inability to remove any of the default apps - Facebook? Do not want.)
The main annoyance is the permission "App X requires the ability to read all your texts, access your network and rape the family dog." No explanation on why it needs those permissions or any user option to restrict, take it or leave it. By and large I leave it.
Google Play needs to offer a lot more user control. If "Angry Birds" or whatever needs to know about an incoming call, fine. Tell me that. Needs to know about an informing text, fine. Tell me that. Neither of these should grant the app the right to read my texts or find out the numbers; which is what the blurb implies they do.
As the end-user I should have final say. If I remove a permit and break an app, boo-hoo me. It's just an app.
Android can't even sync without you giving all your contact information to Google. Sod that!
Once this contract is up, I'm going back to a feature phone that does not need charged daily. Android is a total waste.