back to article New social network is for DEAD PEOPLE

Not content with worming their way into every aspect of daily life, a new Indian social network has decided to do the same for the afterlife. is the output of Anglo-Indian outfit Planet E-com Solutions, which says it is a Microsoft Certified Partner offering software development, search engine optimisation and …


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  1. Khaptain Silver badge

    What's new

    I thought that the other social networking sites were also for the dead, the brain dead !

    1. LarsG

      Re: What's new

      I will assume advertisers will not plague the site, unless they find a way to eke out a return from the afterlife?

      1. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

        Re: What's new

        Of course advertisers will plague the site. When you first set it up, giving your email address and a date when your relative died, you'll probably find your inbox inundated with undertaker spam, florist spam and the like. Or am I perhaps being a touch cynical?

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: What's new

          not cynical, just expecting too much. In fact the adverts will be just like all those elsewhere, only in black and white. And "we're extremely sorry to let you know that you have won one of our marble ipad sleeves. Click here to fill out our questionnaire!"

          1. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

            Re: What's new

            After getting made redundant I temped for an insurance company for a bit. One of our form letters was, "I'm sorry to hear about the death of your beloved horse, here's some money."

            Nowadays it would probably be, "Sorry your horsey's dead, can we have it please we could murder a lasagne."

            I fancy a marble iPad sleeve though. How many relatives and friends do I have to kill off in order to win one?

    2. Elmer Phud

      Re: What's new

      Nah, they've just re-labelled and re-sold Fiends Reunited.

  2. Rentaguru

    That's naughty

    Just because 99.99% of facebook accounts set up have long gone silent doesn't mean the users are dead. It just means all the reminders they get from facebook get marked as spam!

  3. ThomH

    "I think he would have liked that"

    So now I can do it for him.

  4. the-it-slayer

    Oh oh!

    Looks like Charlie Brooker's black mirror vision of reviving the dead from social media has already started.

    1. AceRimmer

      Re: Oh oh!

      Wasn't that already done in Caprica?

    2. Frumious Bandersnatch

      Re: Oh oh!

      Nah, more like "Things to do in Denver when you're dead". The film, I mean, not the Warren Zevon song.

  5. LinkOfHyrule

    I thought myspace was already a dead social network do we really need another?

    Boom-boom-tish waah waah waaaaaahhhhh

    1. JayBizzle


      1. FSM

        What about DeadSpace? Sounds cool, but it rings a bell already.

  6. Michael H.F. Wilkinson Silver badge

    Has Reg Shoe joined yet?

    The one with "Jingo" in the pocket, please

    1. Alister

      Re: Has Reg Shoe joined yet?

      I'd have picked "Night Watch", meself...

  7. MchJ

    Burn It

    Think I will carry on looking for dead people on Wikipedia, which it seems is where this website has scraped most of its content from.

    ps. I can see all the dead people (and the uprights) without logging in at all. But perhaps this is actually a tick in the "Facebook-like security" box?

  8. John Tserkezis

    I see dead people.

    1. LinkOfHyrule

      They are also planning on doing an IM network for the departed too, based on ICQ, called ICdeadppl

      I imagine it will only be popular with people who died before 2002 though!

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      oh, get off

      your bike!

  9. Ramazan

  10. ukgnome

    Dead people are anything but social, unless you call PPI phone calls social.

    PPI call centre agents are dead aren't they?

    1. Swarthy

      Only on the inside.

  11. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge


    If only one could upload a personality construct...

    Log in to LinkedOut:

    "What kept you?" the Flatline asked, and laughed.

    "Told you don't do that," Case said.

    "Joke, boy," the construct said, "zero time lapse for me."

    At least they won't tweet.

  12. LinkOfHyrule

    Third joke about this story from me - I'm on a roll baby! or just bored / a sad git

    New twitter rip off for dead people - Harper its called (harp as in what angels play) - their version of tweets are called 'harps' and its customary to describe someone who harps a lot as "harping on a lot" or to say "what's he harping on about now?". Of course its all 'cloud' based to boot!

  13. Thomas 4
    IT Angle


    So *this* is what you IT people were talking about when you were going on about zombie networks!

  14. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

    What do existing sites/people do?

    Do the current sites have plans for their user's dying? And, as a very un-social-networker myself I don't know, is there a social network etiquette (snetiquette I guess?) for this situation yet?

    A friend died around 10 years ago and his Myspace profile stayed up. There was a particular song on there that he'd liked, so I can remember thinking about him a few times, and going back to listen to that song and look at photos. I think his family decided to leave it up, or it may just have been that they didn't know how to get it closed, or didn't think about it.

    Now Myspace was a bit less interactive than Facebook, but I can imagine an FB page still sitting there, generating content from all the people that were friends, and of course giving Facebook valuable linking information to create their social graph. So even if they close them on family request, I'm sure they keep the data. I guess family could gain control, as they have access to the main email address, and turn them into 'tribute pages', but I don't know if that's the done thing.

    Interestingly, I've just checked, and my mate's Myspace page is still there. With a few people who put up birthday wishes every year, saying they miss him. Although I also notice that Myspace have removed his songs.

    1. TeeCee Gold badge

      Re: What do existing sites/people do?

      snetiquette I guess?

      If I see that repellant neologism anywhere else I shall know who to blame......

      1. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

        Re: What do existing sites/people do?

        If it happens, I promise that I will feel appropriately guilty. And dirty. Although also secretly pleased...

  15. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    > New social network is for DEAD PEOPLE

    57,005 people?

  16. Paul Webb

    Should be cats, not people

    Have these people never been on teh interwebs?

  17. Haku

    New social network? I heard people are just dying to get in.

  18. Wize

    Bet it gets filled with pets.

    The sign up will probably take details from the living person who is creating the page, so they can be spammed later.

    And once the site proves popular, then it will fill with adverts. Google Ads only want you if there is a lot of text on your site.

    1. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

      Re: Bet it gets filled with pets.

      Then it would be an online Pet Cemetery.

      I'm sure nothing can possibly go wrong...

  19. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    immortalize politicians

    like you befriend strangers on fb, apparently.

  20. Swarthy

    Religious Use

    I could see a number of religious types using this. The Far Eastern traditions with their veneration of ancestors, The Mormons with their genealogy fetish habit.

    I know how the site can try to make money. They can offer a paid-for feature of finding your past lives. correlate your (Facebook) data with the dead accounts, and tell you who you were. $50 per life, would be cheaper than a new-age past-life regressionist.

    1. Nigel 11

      Re: Religious Use

      In all seriousness, shouldn't the Mormons buy this site and run it forever free and advert-free? All they have to do is convert one of the still-living, and all those ancestors are instantly saved.

  21. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Google+ isn't it?

  22. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    It's not me. It's the rest of you! Nutters, absolutely insane.

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