back to article Judge bins Apple's plea to slash $368m FaceTime patent damages

Apple has lost a bid to reduce its $368m damages bill owed after its video-call service FaceTime infringed VirnetX's VPN patents. The fruity firm wanted to reduce the cash it would have to hand over following a jury verdict of infringement or, failing that, a new trial. But the judge in the Texan court case denied both …


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  1. Ted Treen

    It's all getting too much...

    Some patent lawsuits are no doubt valid:- Goliath shouldn't steal from David - OR vice versa.

    Others are purely trolling and without any merit - judgements in the good ol' Lone Star State being particularly suspect.

    Unfortunately the rest of us are heartily sick of these as many appear to be a variant of playground squabbles and if all of the time and cash thrown in their direction was instead invested in R&D, we could have more competition and improving products, whether it's Samsung, Apple, Microsoft or even old MacDonald producing them.

    Innovators must have protection from the rapacious sharks, but Patent Lawyers are usually the most rapacious and shark-like. There must be a better way.

  2. Louis Buxey-Softley

    Well About Time

    I think its good for apple to get some of there own medicine to be honest. I thought they were a god company and couldn't do nothing wrong?

    They need to come off there high horse and come to the realisation that there product is not a niche product anymore. Come down to this planet. World + dog now has an iPhone.

    1. Lord Elpuss Silver badge

      Re: Well About Time

      There = their

      1. Louis Buxey-Softley

        Re: Well About Time

        Watch out everyone!

        The Spelling police are about!

        Nothing better to do? lol

        1. frank ly

          Re: Well About Time

          Some things, and some people, can't be improved no matter how hard anyone tries.

        2. Eddy Ito

          The Spelling police

          Actuarially you're swelling of 'there' awes smite connect.

        3. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Well About Time

          Technically it is a grammatical error. So it would be the grammar police then.

        4. Neil Greatorex

          Re: Well About Time

          Louis Buxey-Softley

          Please add "note to self" to your diary.. & include this text within:

          When you've fucked up your grammar/spelling - don't respond to the person who points it out, it just makes you look like a tit.

          1. Fibbles

            Re: Well About Time

            To be honest, spending your time pointing out grammatical errors makes you look like a tit.

      2. Lars

        Re: Well About Time

        Nice you where able to understand the sentence although the error. I had some difficulties so thanks again. There are still severe problems with spellcheckers. Apple versus banana, no help, no help at all.

        Sill I think you meant there = their.

      3. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Well About Time

        I often notice errors in spelling or grammar, but am reluctant to point them out because:

        1. There may be a medical reason for the error

        2. The poster may not be overly familiar with English, and constant criticism may discourage future posts

        3. English is an evolving language

        4. I am not a latent Fascist, and have no interest in forcing others to comply with my world view

        5. It doesn't bother me

        1. This post has been deleted by its author

      4. Field Marshal Von Krakenfart

        Pedantic about the pedantic.

        No! There not = their

        There: used as a function word to introduce a sentence or clause or used as an indefinite substitute for a location

        Their: an indefinite singular antecedent of the definite masculine form his or a form of the possessive case.

        example: there seems to be a mistake in your post. :-)

  3. Bob Vistakin

    You're haggling it wrong

    I can hear the laughter all the way from South Korea :-)

  4. ratfox

    He who lives by the sword…

    And as you gaze into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.

  5. Lars

    Trying to look at the bright side

    I have a feeling that judges are getting a bit fed up, not a bad thing to happen.

  6. Turtle

    You win some...

    .. and you lose some.

  7. peter 45


    I thought that Apple was the one that innovates valuable IP and it is others that slavishly copy. Sob.

  8. Jediben

    "While evidence of past harm can be considered by the court, the court cannot engage in counterfactual thinking and determine what might have been,"

    If only this judge was involved on all those RIAA/MAFIAA copyright infringement cases, we might have seen some sensible outcomes instead of multi-squillion damages!

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