Re: About Investing, not Investors
> That is valid for any two people.
But why restrict it to two people. Is there a logical reason not to allow polygamy?
Indeed, why restrict it to just to people? If I'm committed to my dog and the affection is clearly mutual, why should dog-lovers be excluded?
Just because people disagree doesn't mean they hate each other. I would strongly oppose the freedom of my 8 year old to carry a loaded weapon, even if she wanted to. I'd oppose letting my neighbours carry guns too. That doesn't mean I hate them.
I have to agree with the poster who suggested that this is gesture politics on behalf of the corporates and politicians who entertain them. Even if the corporates did have issues recruiting gays, its a zero sum game. HP's failure to attract gays to Texas is Apple's benefit in California. What about those who love guns? Is it a "business imperative" to harmonise gun law because companies in some states can't attract gun-nuts?
Regardless of the whether its gesture politics or not, it isn't right that corporates exert influence for "good" or "evil" on politics. It is the people who should decide. We are talking about trying to over-ride the democratic institution of State government. I believe competition between legislative jurisdictions is better than having one system of government which may turn against me in the future. It is the same reason we have countries rather than one world government. Should we over-ride democracy just because we think we are right? How many dictators have had that attitude?
Appealing to Jesus is a non-starter. He wasn't John Lennon, saying, "all we need is love." Adultery is condemned regardless of the "love." Jesus claimed to be God and Genesis is quite clear about the nature and purpose of marriage - men are inadequate to complete God's work on their own, women likewise. They are designed them to work together.
As usual, the issue isn't really, "what are you allowed to do," but, "what sort of morality are you going to force-feed my children in school." Spotting the irony is left as an exercise to the reader.