Just what do fistsful of penniless pounds and treasuries of dodgy dollars buy you these days?
But the more likely scenario that strikes El Reg is the CIO finding out that employees are using a risky app – for example, Dropbox instead of Box.net – and shutting access down.
So, El Reg, Dropbox is a risky app?
Aren't all apps inherently insecure once launched into cyberspace and/or placed on the internet for consumer uptake/master pilot flying? Isn't that the Great Game advantage which Mega Encrypted Global Access to ICT delivers with spooky and sublime intelligence service users and servers for wannabe global leaders and media moguls?
Or would sore losers cry foul and claim Great IntelAIgent Game abuse of systemic human weaknesses for virtual machine dominance in a New Orderly World Series of Serial Plays in AI Developing Systems ..... to all who be deafened in ignorance and blinded by arrogance to their mad crazy concerns, which would be all incestuously self-serving of a failed formerly powerful and influential ponzi position anyway and have no validity or value in ....... well, ICT Easily Delivers Provision of AI Changed Futures for Bettering Assuredly with SMARTR Derivative Beta ProgramMING Projects ....... ergo be the crying over spilt milk and lost bilks .... free rides at the expense of all others.
NB .... No confusing questions in the above‽