Where does the carrot go?
I see a lot of stick in this, but not much carrot.
Five of the biggest US internet service providers will begin rolling out a Copyright Alert System (CAS) this week as part of a new six-strikes policy of restricting internet access designed to "educate rather than punish." Verizon, Comcast, AT&T, Cablevision, and Time Warner have all signed up to the plan from the Center for …
The term 'ping' predates ICMP. Sonar springs to mind. One could almost believe that the network utility was named in as some sort of allegory.
Perhaps it might also refer to the attracting of someone's attention, as if by a bell. Tricky things, allegories.
Look up this file:
Windows 7:
The process known as Media Server Tray Application belongs to software Entriq MediaSphere or MediaSphere by Entriq (irdeto.com).
Description: The file EntriqMediaTray.exe is located in a subfolder of "C:\Program Files". Known file sizes on Windows 7/XP are 360,448 bytes (33% of all occurrences), 368,640 bytes or 372,736 bytes. http://www.file.net/process/entriqmediatray.exe.html
The file is not a Windows system file. The program is not visible. The program is loaded during the Windows boot process (see Registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run). EntriqMediaTray.exe is able to monitor applications. Therefore the technical security rating is 35% dangerous.
In case you experience problems using EntriqMediaTray.exe, you can remove the entire program using Windows Control Panel.
Which feeds data off your windows system to here:
And they do this shit:
Blah blah blah blah................. sun shines out our arses etc. Blah blah blah blah.................
Irdeto Intelligence is the industry-leading solution to identify and track unauthorized digital content across all major Internet protocols including user-generated content (UGC) hosting sites, cyberlockers, peer to peer networks, IRC, Usenet groups and public FTP sites. On average Irdeto Intelligence processes 950 million detections that create over 35 million actionable events each month for its clients.
Irdeto Intelligence tracking services include:
P2P chart
Sample P2P report
Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Monitoring - the industry’s leading P2P platform for monitoring, reporting and enforcing copyright
Scans leading P2P networks, including: Bit Torrent, eDonkey/eMule, Ares and Gnutella to identify individuals who upload client content
Collects identifying information on the first uploaders, tracks propagation and can provide data for evidence packages in the event of possible litigation
Includes tracking by asset, file source, language, user origin and breakouts by unique users and downloads.
Compliant with MPAA file verification standards
Blah blah blah blah.................
Infringement Notices - Irdeto sends more than eight million Takedown Notices monthly on behalf of clients and monitors for compliance, providing reports to copyright holders on who has and who has not complied.
Microsoft's entire history is of spying on all people, through a whole range of methods.
Microsoft - the Peeping Tom Software Co.
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How is MS responsible for some 3rd party software?
From the first part of your quote: "The file is not a Windows system file" and looking at my machines, it isn't
If you chose to install that nasty bit of spyware, that's your choice. However looking at it it does suggest you can remove it from add/remove programs, so it's not exactly as stealthy as some.
So when they eventualy stamp out all "piracy" (even assuming that is possible) and surprise, surprise sales of DVDs etc don't increase who will they then blame for their ever decreasing profits?
Most people I know of who do acquire music/videos through slightly less than legal channels would never actually buy this shite - but DO pay for the music and films they like.
You joke, but if it's not out there already the black hats are working on it. If victims actually find a downloaded movie on their PC around the same time as the 'ransom' the thought of accidental guilt might just be enough to stress them into caving and paying the 'fine' without thinking it through.
Consumers have a limited budget.
High end telephones, laptops, tablets, internet subscriptions account for a reasonable part of disposable income.
Where does the RIAA et al imagine that their "lost" billions will be recovered from ? Consumers certainely don't have endless quantities of cash. So, either Apple and Samsung etc lose out or the record industry loses out....
The cash cow is not expandable and at the moment it's actually shrinking..... The RIAA are not employing a very clever strategy here.
They think they have infinite entitlement to whatever cash is available.
I seriously hope Netflix's approach with stuff like House of Cards brings about a paradigm shift in entertainment creation that gives the MAFIAA a fatal agonising (and preferably humiliating) stroke. Assuming the MAFIAA gets no dibs on the revenue if it's a totally private-funded production. Maybe 'membership' of the MAFIAA is compulsory to be able to trade in that industry, hope not.
I'll carry on doing what I always have done - wait until a dvd I want is reduced to a price I'm willing to pay (usually about £5) at the local supermarket. I picked up "Inception" for that price last week (and I'm almost sorry I didn't see it at the cinema now). I'm waiting for "Prometheus" and "The Dark Knight Rises" (which I did see at the cinema) to do the same.
Also, I discovered that there is a great bargain at Cineworld cinemas - my wife has an Unlimited card (she will go and see a film on spec and walk out if she doesn't like it - I'm more discerning), and I can use my Orange Wednesdays with that card so that we effectively get both of us in for approximately £3.50 (depending on how many films my wife has been to see that month). That's a bargain!
...and so, the movie industry ignores the lessons learned in the music industry and goes running off to attack their customers.
My impression is that music piracy is well down now that easily accessible, reasonably priced legal alternatives are available. Not gone, surely, but greatly reduced. There certainly hasn't been much rhetoric from music camp of late.
The online video world, on the other hand, has become this byzantine mishmash of rights and exclusions which lead to some of the weirdest inabilities to consume their content. For example, Hulu Plus won't let me stream their content from my Android tablet over an HDMI connection because they aren't licensed for that type of connection from a "mobile" device. My tablet's not particularly mobile, being wifi only. In contrast, a Windows laptop, regardless of it's network radios, can run that content out over pretty much any video port it wants.
Then there's the content that's just not available online at any price from anywhere or which has been given exclusively to one source or another.
I suspect that quite a bit of the piracy that's currently going on right now is because consumers can't get the content they want where they want it for reasons they just consider absurd. Fix that and much of your problem disappears.
Being in Canada I can't even watch Hulu (but can receive 8 US TV stations over the air).
If you want to see a useless pile of crap just look at the Hollywood answer to online video, UltraViolet. It's almost as useless as DIVX players were. The so called Digital Copy that comes with DVDs or BluRay and expires 3 months after the movie is released.
Instead of this nonsense six strikes crap, give pirates one warning then prosecute them and send them to prison like Japan does with a 2 year mandatory prison sentence plus a high fine. It won't stop all piracy but it will get a lot of scum off the streets and into prison where they belong. They make prisons for those who can't live within the laws of society.
I can see why you went AC. How many new prisons would the US needs to house the millions of criminals and at a cost of approx $150K per person per year.
Next does an IP address consitute a person? Which person should go to prison? Two years prison for the 8 year old on her Winnie the Poo laptop? Maybe her Parents should each spend a year to even it out? What is the wireless was unsecured and someone else used it from outside the house?
Your suggestion is so gobsmackingly stupid that clearly you didn't think at all before posting. You must be from a anti piracy companies because normal people are not that dumb.
Here's a suggestion to kill piracy that might actually work. Make the content cheap and easy to access. Get rid of the stupid regional restrictions and the licencing crap that prevent people from accessing legit material.
Free to air TV makes money without charging viewers. Why can't media companies? Offer two services, free with ads and premium without ads. Make it available everywhere. Make it simple to use. Get all the media companies together so the material is in one place.
Do this and piracy stops. Your stupid suggestion or this stupid six strikes solution is a total waste of time.
l say YOU'VE been downloading illegal content AC, and I have some Excel documents with your IP in it that prove it. Have fun in prison. That is exactly how it goes right now. I can sue you because some guy I paid to make logs has logs with your IP in it. It's not Rocket Science, or any kind of science, it is all hearsay, and you want to send people to prison based upon it, that sounds smart.
P.S. How exactly do you think they KNOW you or your neighbor is downloading stuff. Hint: They are doing deep packet inspection of all your network traffic. (fancy talk for: They watch you surf the internet and keep records for at least 12 months, maybe forever) . Have a nice day.
Absolutely, this *is* ridiculous. An utterly ridiculous suggestion... Good luck eking out an existence in a world where a sizeable number of the people you rely on to survive (whether you realise it or not) have been thrown in jail for the heinous crime of copying something. Feeling unwell? Uh dear, your GP is behind bars. Feeling *really* unwell? Oh dear, half your local hospital staff are behind bars too, and even if they weren't there's no ambulances running to get you there because of a sudden shortage of paramedics. Feeling right as rain but just a little bit peckish? Whoops, queues a mile long at every store still open that sells anything even remotely edible, because most of the shop assistants are in the slammer too. And most of the stores that used to sell food are now closed because the HGV drivers who delivered to those stores are in the cells too. Even if they weren't, how would they get their HGVs from A to B when most of the fuel stations have had to close because their attendants got caught up in the grand "SOMETHING MUST BE DONE" copyright infringement sweep?
How many people in everyday society need to dabble in something that the law says they shouldn't be doing, before that law can no longer justifiably be considered a law of society?
...and I don't think many other people do either. This kind of stenching corruption will only continue to distance the people from their governments. Does the US government think it can drop all pretence that it's anything other than a 'serf control agency' to keep the cattle penned in? I think we might be airing out the guillotine soon, unless the 1% think they can stop hundreds of millions of very angry people with the force of their primate superiority alone.
Dude. WTF are you on about? You think people are going to revolt because they got caught stealing? Unlikely.
"Piracy" actually did do quite a bit of good and forced publishers to get prices down to a reasonable level. Now that part is over and we all have to accept the fact that we want music/shows and the people that make those things want to get paid. It's called finding middle ground. Get used to it. It really is OK.
OK, explain to me how I can pay for to get UK TV content in the US? Can't do it? Thought not.
Some of us illegally download content because it's not available any other way. I've actually tried to pay for it, my CC was turned down ("Not a European address").
So, fuck 'em.
There are sites which list movies and series with links to [CLOUD FILE SERVICE NAMES DELETED]. If you don't want to enter captchas or wait too long you can buy access to these services. I was able to get some series that never show in my country's TV. I bet these guys are making some money and I didn't mind paying to get the series.
Oh, you mean legally? MPAA is missing something.
I want to pay, but artificial barriers to free trade prevent me from doing so.
I do without, but it costs the sellers and they wonder why sales are dropping. The Internet has no borders (yet) and they need to recognise that. Or maybe that's why we see so many news laws and plans trying to control people's freedoms.
"I want to pay, but artificial barriers to free trade prevent me from doing so"
Yep, I'm also impatient. I want to watch some US tv series as they are broadcast (or timeshifted a couple of hours). Not have to wait 3-6 months for them to be broadcast in the UK, or released on dvd/blu-ray, if they ever are.
Oh yeah. And it's bot piracy, it's the uploader committing a breach of license. It doesn't even constitute stealing, which is why it was always considered a civil and not criminal offence.
Piracy involves rape, kidnapping and murder; license infringement, not so much.
Do not allow the likes of the RIAA to further attack your freedom by allowing them to control your language.
Well yes, there is allofmp3.com - oh but then the RIAA and the rest of the copyright cartels would like you to believe that's not legal (it is in fact legal to use from anywhere that is a signatory to the Berne Convention). All the 'approved' outlets of MP3 files are certainly not reasonable priced.
And then just try finding an official source for DRM free movies....
- No DRM of any kind
- Easily portable common format
- No geolocation lockouts (all content available everywhere)
- No spying or monitoring what I'm watching or listening to
- No repeat billing (e.g. no pay-per-view or pay-per-listen or pay-per-period to keep what I've paid for)
- No forced streaming or cloud storage (e.g. I can download a work onto my OWN system and keep it indefinitely)
- Reasonable pricing (e.g. $0.50 - 1 per song, $2 - $5 per TV episode, $5 - $10 per feature-length movie or complete album)
- No forced bundling (e.g. I don't have to buy a whole album to get one song, or an entire season of a TV show to get one episode)
- No embedded advertising or annoyingly visible watermarks or logos.
These are all the features and benefits torrenting offers me. Match that, then we can talk.
Copyrights are not globally assigned but are held by region by different parties. If one region is down with it but another isn't, then you have no choice but to institute lockouts because the second region can sue for copyright infringement because they never gave permissiobn.
Or maybe the global (C) differences are yet another artificial construct to aid price-fixing in different regions in the same way studios charge production companies comical amounts for Hollywood Accounting.
"Oh we're sorry", said a Vivendi-Universal spokesperson, "we have no control of the pricing in Holland as it's under a different copyright licensee". Where the 'licensee' is Vivendi-Universal Netherlands, a separate but tenuously related company.
This only ever made sense when media was a physical import like food, utensils and other commodities. This day and age geography is not a physical restriction to distribution unlike it still is to physical items.
Tell me, when the telephone was invented, did the post office lobby for laws forcing people to mail a letter before initiating a telephone conversation? Because that is what region encoding is - it's an arbitrary block to render technology almost useless.
What about the motor car? Do we still need a law that states someone should walk ahead of the car with a flag to warn people so they don't get run over?
Reading the blurb on the CCI site, it states that the copyright holder identifies the media being shared as being theirs, and then they have to ascertain the IP address of the sharing party, and provide that to the ISP of the sharing party to have that ISP send the warning email.
Sounds a bit too complicated to me. Joe MovieMaker is unlikely to have the nouse to perform these three preliminary tasks. He might outsource it though. . . . .
Currently copyright infringing ambulance chasers seek to prosecute offenders after the 1st strike, in the knowledge that most will never get to court, and if they do they will most likely fail (IP address <> person, etc) - so they try mass threats etc. to get their money. With the new 6 strikes the ISP will notify the copyright owner after the 5th, giving them the info. This is no longer a scatter-gun supoena for a names from an ISP but will be a targetted attack on somebody who, they can show the court, has 'flagrantly ignored' copyright by continuing to 'share' after being warned no less than 4 (or 5) times already. They will be deemed a 'persistent offender' by the copyright holder (or rep) and the court will be more likely to grant the request and the prosecution will have a field day - with fines to boot - regardless of actual innocence.
Hopefully the courts will realise that if an IP is not a person the first time, then the same is true the next 4/5 times also - and not allow the IP to be traced. I fear this won't happen though, and the courts will give in, leading to some high profile cases that the media companies dare not lose.
Hopefully the letters will all go out to innocent people who complain/sue/kick up a big stink, etc, or who can get proper representation in court, and the whole shebang gets binned - but I'm not holding my breath.
What would be funny is if somebody used an unsecured wifi of a top judge to download stuff. If the judge received a warning letter and was told they had to pay to appeal...well, I'd pay to watch the fall-out from that :-)
Whats an even bigger injustice is the fact that the copyright period is so short. Come on give me a break. Currently at most only a good four or five generations of your family can sponge off your work. This grave injustice must be fixed. Write your local politicians and tell them what we really need is eternal copyright. We are headed that way anyway (Mickey Mouse will never ever go public domain) but lets make sure the last information that ever rots to where the unwashed masses can enjoy it duty free (dirty socialism at its worse) was created right after WW1 (the Great War).
Conceded English grammar fail. If the stupid language made any logical sense and didn't have a million exceptions I might feel bad for it. I pity anybody that has to learn English grammar as a non native language. Every other language I have been exposed to (especially the more Latin based ones) are so much more consistent in the rules.
...spammers as they do to "pirates", I might feel better. Right now over 1/2 of the messages that land on my mail server at home are tossed on the floor as spam in one form or another. Add this to the robo-calls I get on another phone line, and it really annoys the H*** out of me.
Of course, if they copyrighted the spam emitted, and went after THAT, I'd welcome it, but that isn't going to happen.
So we sit here in the Caribbean and say Ho, Ho... and the spammers "keep on coming!". (*SIGH*)
...against large hosting companies?
I write a lot of content. I release nearly all of it free under a Creative Commons-like attribute/sharealike license. And you know, about ten or twelve times a year, I find someone lifting big chunks of my stuff and slapping it up on their own web sites without credit, or (worse yet) claiming authorship.
So when do I get to start going after ISPs for hosting pirate content or broadband providers for facilitating copyright infringement? Or is that something you only get to do if you're a gigantic, wealthy media conglomerate? Oh, wait, I think I know the answer to that...
You are a content creator, you are not who the RIAA are here to protect. In fact, they would probably go after you as your free approach denies some of their members the chance to charge.
The RIAA are here to protect large movie studios (who deny actors, writers etc a fair share of profits through false accounting), not to defend content creators.
Check out s3-1-w.amazonaws, server-54-240-170-114.dfw50.r.cloudfront.net, ob-in-f95.1e100.net , ec2-107-23-22-124.compute-1.amazonaws.com, dfw06s17-in-f9.1e100.net, dfw06s17-in-f15.1e100.net, dfw06s17-in-f7.1e100.net, ie-in-f106.1e100.net, dfw06s26-in-f17.1e100.net, ch4plpkivs-v03.any.prod.ord1.secureserver.net, ec2-50-18-192-251.us-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com, ie-in-f120.1e100.net . Marky is spying on a lot of people.
Check out s3-1-w.amazonaws, server-54-240-170-114.dfw50.r.cloudfront.net, ob-in-f95.1e100.net , ec2-107-23-22-124.compute-1.amazonaws.com, dfw06s17-in-f9.1e100.net, dfw06s17-in-f15.1e100.net, dfw06s17-in-f7.1e100.net, ie-in-f106.1e100.net, dfw06s26-in-f17.1e100.net, ch4plpkivs-v03.any.prod.ord1.secureserver.net, ec2-50-18-192-251.us-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com, ie-in-f120.1e100.net . Marky is spying on a lot of people.
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So what if there is no e-mail account on record for said offender? Say I don't have an e-mail account with my ISP package and I never register one with them. Then their automated system has nothing to go from. Then lets say they decide to send the warnings by snail mail.
I turn around after they start suing and state that we have had a problem for years now where mail goes missing, so we never received the first 4 letters. If there is no way to confirm receipt of the warnings then how can they say I ever received them in the first place?
Just seems to me that this idea has a few holes in it before it has even started.
There ARE ways to confirm delivery in the postal services. At least there are in the USA (Certified and Registered Mail, for starters). If they get word of a rumor that post gets lost, odds are they'll send at least one notice with a guaranteed notice of receipt. There goes the "mail gets lost" out. Plus, usually only the addressee can sign for these kinds of mail, blunting the "mail gets stolen" angle.
"We hope this cooperative, multi-stakeholder approach will serve as a model for addressing important issues facing all who participate in the digital entertainment ecosystem."
No matter how I read it, it feels like a null sentence. So the 'all' who participate in the digital entertainment ecosystem are not the same as the 'multi-stakeholder' with the cooperative approach and a model for addressing not getting paid?
Here's a clue - stop producing fucking content and just die already! If you don't create then nothing can be 'stolen'. Go out and get an 'honest' job, like bricklaying ya workshy cock knobber.
Here's a clue - stop producing fucking content and just die already! If you don't create then nothing can be 'stolen'. Go out and get an 'honest' job, like bricklaying ya workshy cock knobber.
Felt I needed to qualify this statement somewhat:
If the content producers stop creating content no one will die as a direct result, and just maybe the human race will get off it's collective arse and start colonising Mars... or something... anything...
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...so it's actually nothing but the scumbag MAFRIAA is paying them under the desk (or actually the same team like in case of Time Warner or Comcast etc.)
We allowed cable monopolies and studio dictators to lobby everything to death then break every previous rule, we deserve this - but these pigheaded, arrogant, greedy crooks are too stupid to realize that they might win this battle but this will cost them the war: I predict a long, protracted war where more and more people (especially young ones who are entering the labor force) will simply say 'no, fuck you very much' and cut the cord/never hook up but will fire up those strong VPN connections, running over port 80 and 443 (http and https), making these scumbag ISP's life miserable/firewall DPI SSL feature useless.