Re: Re: RE: comparison with a PC and PC performance
Ok, nice pointing out that programming for PCs is much more complex, at least when compiling for a wide range of platforms is involved - at first glimpse. However....
It still won't justify why PCs games are so much cheaper. I listed actual pricing ratios in another comment, being PS2 and Xbox games 2x or 3x more expensive than the same game in PC platform. They should have their price ranges exactly opposite, by this reasoning.
So I belive it is all the way around..., I bet most games are DEVELOPED in PCs, and are just specially compiled for this or that console or processor (ARM, Cell, powerPC, whatever, just changing the compiler), where the resolution settings, for instance, are hidden, and I believe development is much easier that way.
If it will run on your PC, they let you the job to find it out, provided they tested on a known minimal spec that is published along with the PC game. There is no promise it will run on your machine, since, as pointed, your setup is not known to them. I've seen games that run on a spec below the suggested minimum, with one or other component stronger than the minimum to compensate, being the GPU a classic burden carrier on low-spec CPUs.
And remember, the compilers don't need to know the hardware, they need to know the API and expected family of processors. So, if you want your game to run on PCs, compile it for DirectX 9 or 11 and x86, and it will play on machines that support DX and x86... Most games have no OpenGL support, and won't run in Linux because of that. Compile it for OpenGL, and it may even run in Linux with minimal intervention.
The scalability of compiling that allows the same game to run in PS2, PS3 (god of war is one re-compiled in HD for PS3) or any platform. I happen to have a collection of Genesis games (Mega Drive) that was designed to run in PS3. The games were not even touched, they have the same quirks and bugs and 320px resolution of the originals. The genesis chips were entirely emulated in code, but I digress.
So unlike a lot of people think, console games are developed in and for PCs, and "TONED DOWN" to each platform capabilities, be that PS4, PS3 or whatever. They are *recompiled*, but now the developer knows exactly which processor and GPU is being used, and can optimize the code straight in assembler for better performance. So, it would explain why a game would look and run *better* on PS4, when its specs on the PC world would seem 'crap'.
Since the PS4 is entirely based in x86, there is no reason in HELL their games can't be released for PC, except to extortionate the potential buyer.
I won't buy a game that costs $400 in PS4, if there is the same game in PC for $90. They know that, and I know that, because it happened BEFORE.
In fact, I believe that the ONLY reason you couldn't buy a PS4 game and run it on PC, would be the lack of DIRECTX support, since the PS4 probably won't need to support it, it is not expecting compatibility to anyone; all the way around, the game designers will have the PS4 x86 opcodes in hand, and go straight to assembly code.