Can I just vaguely remember reading something about us running out of IPV4 addresses? I mean, doing this with a spare /24 in those circumstances would be a waste, wouldn't it?
A bored, snowbound network admin has made something lovely: a traceroute that produces the text of the opening crawl to Star Wars Episode IV - A New Hope. Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert Ryan Werber, who blogs at Beagle Networks, says that during Boston's recent blizzards he decided to have some fun with DNS. The result, …
No need to worry about IPV4, he's got another story out on an IPV6 route as well. You mean to say your poxy no-good out of date ISP hasn't given you access to IPV6 yet ?
rich@mars:~$ traceroute6 -m 100 obiwan.beaglenetworks.net
traceroute to obiwan.beaglenetworks.net (2001:470:5:c77::babe) from 2001:470:1f08:1ac2::2, 100 hops max, 24 byte packets
1 2001:470:1f08:1ac2::1 (2001:470:1f08:1ac2::1) 28.117 ms 29.382 ms 27.313 ms
2 gige-g4-8.core1.lon1.he.net (2001:470:0:67::1) 27.142 ms 24.759 ms 23.985 ms
3 10gigabitethernet7-4.core1.nyc4.he.net (2001:470:0:128::1) 99.985 ms 92.735 ms 95.722 ms
4 10gigabitethernet2-3.core1.ash1.he.net (2001:470:0:36::1) 99.846 ms 99.074 ms 97.808 ms
5 10gigabitethernet1-2.core1.atl1.he.net (2001:470:0:1b5::2) 110.248 ms 110.986 ms 121.191 ms
6 10gigabitethernet4-1.core1.mia1.he.net (2001:470:0:a6::1) 129.544 ms 144.314 ms 125.302 ms
7 tserv1.mia1.he.net (2001:470:0:8c::2) 143.382 ms 127.179 ms 128.605 ms
8 rwerber-1-pt.tunnel.tserv12.mia1.ipv6.he.net (2001:470:4:c77::2) 166.414 ms 166.233 ms 167.021 ms
9 EPISODE.VI (2001:470:5:c77::1) 167.057 ms 167.607 ms 166.55 ms
10 Luke.Skywalker.has.returned.to (2001:470:5:c77::6) 166.956 ms 166.406 ms 166.779 ms
11 his.home.planet.of.Tatooine.in (2001:470:5:c77::9) 190.382 ms 184.109 ms 166.755 ms
12 an.attempt.to.rescue.his (2001:470:5:c77::e) 171.982 ms 165.507 ms 196.112 ms
13 friend.Han.Solo.from.the (2001:470:5:c77::11) 166.14 ms 163.673 ms 166.431 ms
14 clutches.of.the.vile.gangster (2001:470:5:c77::16) 166.496 ms 168.988 ms 164.47 ms
15 Jabba.the.Hutt (2001:470:5:c77::19) 167.071 ms 168.107 ms 167.839 ms
16 Little.does.Luke.know.that.the (2001:470:5:c77::1e) 175.477 ms 165.509 ms 166.139 ms
17 GALACTIC.EMPIRE.has.secretly (2001:470:5:c77::21) 166.459 ms 162.842 ms 213.015 ms
18 begun.construction.on.a.new (2001:470:5:c77::26) 166.889 ms 164.413 ms 166.804 ms
19 armored.space.station.even (2001:470:5:c77::29) 166.982 ms 170.249 ms 167.742 ms
20 more.powerful.than.the.first (2001:470:5:c77::2e) 167.81 ms 191.279 ms 170.408 ms
21 dreaded.Death.Star (2001:470:5:c77::31) 166.186 ms 166.701 ms 167.349 ms
22 When.completed.this.ultimate (2001:470:5:c77::36) 166.523 ms 179.404 ms 168.93 ms
23 weapon.will.spell.certain.doom (2001:470:5:c77::39) 168.003 ms 168.551 ms 166.402 ms
24 for.the.small.band.of.rebels (2001:470:5:c77::3e) 167.77 ms 185.671 ms 171.789 ms
25 struggling.to.restore.freedom (2001:470:5:c77::41) 181.803 ms 166.683 ms 165.435 ms
26 to.the.galaxy (2001:470:5:c77::46) 167.822 ms 178.81 ms 166.63 ms
27 0-------------------0 (2001:470:5:c77::49) 166.282 ms 172.291 ms 174.944 ms
28 And.Now.For.Something.Completely.Different (2001:470:5:c77::4e) 171.665 ms 169.412 ms 170.131 ms
29 Now.this.is.the.story.all.about.how (2001:470:5:c77::51) 171.827 ms 166.828 ms 171.978 ms
30 My.life.got.flipped.turned.upside.down (2001:470:5:c77::56) 166.723 ms 167.615 ms 166.224 ms
31 And.Id.like.to.take.a.minute.just.sit.right.there (2001:470:5:c77::59) 167.417 ms 171.167 ms 167.473 ms
32 Ill.tell.you.how.I.became.the.prince.of.a.town.called.Bel-air (2001:470:5:c77::5e) 166.365 ms 168.675 ms 171.33 ms
33 In.west.Philadelphia.born.and.raised (2001:470:5:c77::61) 166.328 ms 169.031 ms 165.674 ms
34 On.the.playground.where.I.spent.most.of.my.days (2001:470:5:c77::66) 166.966 ms 177.483 ms 170.921 ms
35 Chilling.out.maxing.relaxing.all.cool (2001:470:5:c77::69) 166.349 ms 171.002 ms 167.515 ms
36 And.all.shooting.some.b-ball.outside.of.the.school (2001:470:5:c77::6e) 166.613 ms 169.564 ms 170.651 ms
37 When.a.couple.of.guys.they.were.up.to.no.good (2001:470:5:c77::71) 165.96 ms 166.223 ms 165.851 ms
38 Started.making.trouble.in.my.neighbourhood (2001:470:5:c77::76) 167.062 ms 191.81 ms 170.934 ms
39 I.got.in.one.little.fight.and.my.mom.got.scared (2001:470:5:c77::79) 210.863 ms 170.602 ms 168.717 ms
40 And.said.Youre.moving.with.your.auntie.and.uncle.in.Bel-air (2001:470:5:c77::7e) 167.467 ms 167.686 ms 165.443 ms
41 I.whistled.for.a.cab.and.when.it.came.near.the (2001:470:5:c77::81) 166.605 ms 167.603 ms 165.738 ms
42 License.plate.said.CCIE.and.had.a.dice.in.the.mirror (2001:470:5:c77::86) 176.611 ms 167.648 ms 166.236 ms
43 If.anything.I.could.say.that.this.cab.was.rare (2001:470:5:c77::89) 178.11 ms 176.832 ms 170.678 ms
44 But.I.thought.nah.forget.it.yo.homes.to.Bel-air (2001:470:5:c77::8e) 172.071 ms 170.85 ms 166.906 ms
45 I.pulled.up.to.a.house.about.seven.or.eight (2001:470:5:c77::91) 171.307 ms 169.199 ms 171.147 ms
46 And.I.yelled.to.the.cabby.Yo.homes.smell.you.later (2001:470:5:c77::96) 166.437 ms 167.096 ms 172.061 ms
47 Looked.at.my.kingdom.I.was.finally.there (2001:470:5:c77::99) 171.245 ms 170.879 ms 168.108 ms
48 To.sit.on.my.throne.as.the.prince.of.Bel-air (2001:470:5:c77::9e) 171.664 ms 169.919 ms 166.902 ms
49 By.Ryan.Werber.Beaglenetworks.net (2001:470:5:c77::a1) 171.382 ms 169.609 ms 171.465 ms
This post has been deleted by its author
Or use a real server.
@comfort:/var...# traceroute6 -m 100 obiwan.beaglenetworks.net
traceroute to obiwan.beaglenetworks.net (2001:470:5:c77::babe) from 2001:470:.....:bcd:21e:c9ff:feaf:68c8, 100 hops max, 16 byte packets
1 2001:470:....:bcd::1 (2001:470:....1:bcd::1) 0.614 ms 0.168 ms 0.233 ms
2 kerr.....-1.tunnel.tserv9.chi1.ipv6.he.net (2001:470:1f10:bcd::1) 56.246 ms 55.042 ms 56.235 ms
3 gige-g3-4.core1.chi1.he.net (2001:470:0:6e::1) 56.544 ms 55.63 ms 52.193 ms
4 10gigabitethernet1-2.core1.ash1.he.net (2001:470:0:286::2) 67.218 ms 70.64 ms 68.032 ms
5 10gigabitethernet1-2.core1.atl1.he.net (2001:470:0:1b5::2) 79.459 ms 87.629 ms 79.084 ms
6 10gigabitethernet4-1.core1.mia1.he.net (2001:470:0:a6::1) 94.825 ms 95.135 ms 99.594 ms
7 tserv1.mia1.he.net (2001:470:0:8c::2) 96.839 ms 95.775 ms 96.403 ms
8 rwerber-1-pt.tunnel.tserv12.mia1.ipv6.he.net (2001:470:4:c77::2) 149.241 ms 136.128 ms 138.208 ms
9 EPISODE.VI (2001:470:5:c77::1) 145.374 ms 138.322 ms 137.771 ms
10 Luke.Skywalker.has.returned.to (2001:470:5:c77::6) 138.811 ms 135.74 ms 136.654 ms
11 his.home.planet.of.Tatooine.in (2001:470:5:c77::9) 137.687 ms 137.809 ms 139.579 ms
12 an.attempt.to.rescue.his (2001:470:5:c77::e) 137.919 ms 135.737 ms 136.201 ms
13 friend.Han.Solo.from.the (2001:470:5:c77::11) 141.178 ms 150.387 ms 173.657 ms
14 clutches.of.the.vile.gangster (2001:470:5:c77::16) 138.489 ms 136.907 ms 134.493 ms
15 Jabba.the.Hutt (2001:470:5:c77::19) 144.388 ms 136.732 ms 137.81 ms
16 Little.does.Luke.know.that.the (2001:470:5:c77::1e) 141.025 ms 135.543 ms 137.328 ms
17 GALACTIC.EMPIRE.has.secretly (2001:470:5:c77::21) 140.384 ms 137.817 ms 137.434 ms
18 begun.construction.on.a.new (2001:470:5:c77::26) 142.649 ms 135.286 ms 136.254 ms
19 armored.space.station.even (2001:470:5:c77::29) 140.938 ms 137.306 ms 139.274 ms
20 more.powerful.than.the.first (2001:470:5:c77::2e) 137.135 ms 137.118 ms 155.177 ms
21 dreaded.Death.Star (2001:470:5:c77::31) 166.999 ms 135.971 ms 148.772 ms
22 When.completed.this.ultimate (2001:470:5:c77::36) 135.609 ms 140.492 ms 143.079 ms
23 weapon.will.spell.certain.doom (2001:470:5:c77::39) 150.946 ms 137.497 ms 137.609 ms
24 for.the.small.band.of.rebels (2001:470:5:c77::3e) 136.778 ms 135.124 ms 142.747 ms
25 struggling.to.restore.freedom (2001:470:5:c77::41) 136.211 ms 136.759 ms 145.593 ms
26 to.the.galaxy (2001:470:5:c77::46) 139.775 ms 146.629 ms 143.801 ms
27 0-------------------0 (2001:470:5:c77::49) 141.377 ms 144.73 ms 151.559 ms
28 And.Now.For.Something.Completely.Different (2001:470:5:c77::4e) 138.804 ms 137.992 ms 142.719 ms
29 Now.this.is.the.story.all.about.how (2001:470:5:c77::51) 144.338 ms 135.772 ms 136.968 ms
30 My.life.got.flipped.turned.upside.down (2001:470:5:c77::56) 140.21 ms 140.895 ms 136.39 ms
31 And.Id.like.to.take.a.minute.just.sit.right.there (2001:470:5:c77::59) 136.686 ms 137.168 ms 137.38 ms
32 Ill.tell.you.how.I.became.the.prince.of.a.town.called.Bel-air (2001:470:5:c77::5e) 139.9 ms 143.666 ms 137.713 ms
33 In.west.Philadelphia.born.and.raised (2001:470:5:c77::61) 139.215 ms 134.077 ms 144.235 ms
34 On.the.playground.where.I.spent.most.of.my.days (2001:470:5:c77::66) 140.698 ms 139.112 ms 140.022 ms
35 Chilling.out.maxing.relaxing.all.cool (2001:470:5:c77::69) 141.371 ms 145.216 ms 136.673 ms
36 And.all.shooting.some.b-ball.outside.of.the.school (2001:470:5:c77::6e) 147.365 ms 177.482 ms 159.107 ms
37 When.a.couple.of.guys.they.were.up.to.no.good (2001:470:5:c77::71) 209.743 ms 262.814 ms 206.976 ms
38 Started.making.trouble.in.my.neighbourhood (2001:470:5:c77::76) 246.824 ms 232.213 ms 150.761 ms
39 I.got.in.one.little.fight.and.my.mom.got.scared (2001:470:5:c77::79) 140.571 ms 135.741 ms 149.839 ms
40 And.said.Youre.moving.with.your.auntie.and.uncle.in.Bel-air (2001:470:5:c77::7e) 140.057 ms 138.029 ms 139.449 ms
41 I.whistled.for.a.cab.and.when.it.came.near.the (2001:470:5:c77::81) 135.389 ms 139.806 ms 138.435 ms
42 License.plate.said.CCIE.and.had.a.dice.in.the.mirror (2001:470:5:c77::86) 141.337 ms 140.329 ms 138.88 ms
43 If.anything.I.could.say.that.this.cab.was.rare (2001:470:5:c77::89) 152.09 ms 138.44 ms 138.302 ms
44 But.I.thought.nah.forget.it.yo.homes.to.Bel-air (2001:470:5:c77::8e) 138.831 ms 135.606 ms 137.648 ms
45 I.pulled.up.to.a.house.about.seven.or.eight (2001:470:5:c77::91) 138.764 ms 140.904 ms 141.682 ms
46 And.I.yelled.to.the.cabby.Yo.homes.smell.you.later (2001:470:5:c77::96) 139.204 ms 140.183 ms 143.552 ms
47 Looked.at.my.kingdom.I.was.finally.there (2001:470:5:c77::99) 137.513 ms 140.437 ms 145.356 ms
48 To.sit.on.my.throne.as.the.prince.of.Bel-air (2001:470:5:c77::9e) 141.32 ms 138.345 ms 136.962 ms
49 By.Ryan.Werber.Beaglenetworks.net (2001:470:5:c77::a1) 137.035 ms 140.033 ms 138.015 ms
Was never much of a fan of [Dec] Wars. [Vax] Trek was more my thing.
And I know of quite a few businesses who have their own public IPs which are being used for internal PC use. One in particular even uses their own /8 for desktop PCs (if I said what the /8 was then you would be able to find out who the organisation was - but a hint is they spell it "organization")
Do I approve? Hardly... but I cant see ANY business which has such a valuable commodity surrendering it because someone else is asking for it or feels a little sad they don't have such a resource to waste.
Having said this, it further solidifies the need for IPv6 to be released on a wide scale in my view. Then no one will care about all these poxy 8-24 bit address ranges that people might be pilfering. One anti-IPv6 view is who is going to budget for the labour and kit to implement it within the enterprise - although this is another discussion entirely.
What is most likely to happen with the subject's /24 is his employer will require it for some kind of deployment in the near future and naturally this fun little exercise will cease when that happens. Until then just enjoy the humorous side of it and/or get over it.
The donor of the /24 is an ISP. it is one of their unused blocks which will be consumed most likely in the next 6 months. It doesnt actually use the IPs, it just uses the reverse DNS records.
ISP's get a /20 at a time (16 /24's) and there are times when some are not used.
A few years ago IANA asked all of the /8 holders (several of which are US universities) to "trade-in" their address allocations for smaller blocks, allowing IANA to gain more addresses and buy a bit more time before IPv4 was exhausted. All of them (with one exception) refused.
Says a lot that does.
It would be rather more amusing if your traceroute presented the results in a more civilized manner.
For the poor souls unable to get their hands on a real machine:
10 Episode.IV ( 94.504 ms 89.281 ms 88.483 ms
11 A.NEW.HOPE ( 88.696 ms 97.793 ms 96.447 ms
12 It.is.a.period.of.civil.war ( 81.160 ms 80.384 ms 84.499 ms
13 Rebel.spaceships ( 73.969 ms 77.264 ms 83.163 ms
14 striking.from.a.hidden.base ( 86.083 ms 79.081 ms 81.519 ms
15 have.won.their.first.victory ( 84.520 ms 79.735 ms 85.686 ms
16 against.the.evil.Galactic.Empire ( 86.103 ms 87.797 ms 85.189 ms
17 During.the.battle ( 92.026 ms 94.525 ms 95.315 ms
18 Rebel.spies.managed ( 86.278 ms 90.951 ms 80.816 ms
19 to.steal.secret.plans ( 89.398 ms 87.976 ms 77.482 ms
20 to.the.Empires.ultimate.weapon ( 85.232 ms 83.784 ms 81.638 ms
21 the.DEATH.STAR ( 82.016 ms 79.823 ms 88.794 ms
22 an.armored.space.station ( 88.333 ms 89.604 ms 85.701 ms
23 with.enough.power.to ( 91.673 ms 91.219 ms 86.865 ms
24 destroy.an.entire.planet ( 74.739 ms 83.246 ms 82.971 ms
25 Pursued.by.the.Empires ( 75.581 ms 82.458 ms 85.756 ms
26 sinister.agents ( 83.561 ms 81.955 ms 86.489 ms
27 Princess.Leia.races.home ( 87.341 ms 91.137 ms 94.531 ms
28 aboard.her.starship ( 93.274 ms 95.313 ms 97.448 ms
29 custodian.of.the.stolen.plans ( 97.823 ms 80.401 ms 86.990 ms
30 that.can.save.her ( 86.710 ms 82.553 ms 89.645 ms
31 people.and.restore ( 93.327 ms 91.365 ms 85.288 ms
32 freedom.to.the.galaxy ( 86.546 ms 95.534 ms 92.901 ms
33 0-------------------0 ( 93.657 ms 96.636 ms 95.635 ms
34 0------------------0 ( 95.998 ms 98.693 ms 75.227 ms
35 0-----------------0 ( 84.989 ms 85.909 ms 79.472 ms
36 0----------------0 ( 84.533 ms 82.324 ms 86.147 ms
37 0---------------0 ( 85.247 ms 94.674 ms 97.176 ms
38 0--------------0 ( 93.953 ms 88.564 ms 91.396 ms
39 0-------------0 ( 94.096 ms 91.079 ms 96.546 ms
40 0------------0 ( 77.409 ms 83.731 ms 82.427 ms
41 0-----------0 ( 80.867 ms 87.531 ms 90.112 ms
42 0----------0 ( 91.591 ms 85.747 ms 88.709 ms
43 0---------0 ( 93.784 ms 95.922 ms 92.855 ms
44 0--------0 ( 90.986 ms 94.511 ms 88.741 ms
45 0-------0 ( 90.158 ms 73.978 ms 80.759 ms
46 0------0 ( 79.025 ms 77.294 ms 83.660 ms
47 0-----0 ( 86.608 ms 91.295 ms 88.665 ms
48 0----0 ( 88.185 ms 86.044 ms 90.736 ms
49 0---0 ( 94.240 ms 97.500 ms 96.600 ms
50 0--0 ( 93.564 ms 91.398 ms 79.103 ms
51 0-0 ( 84.263 ms 84.652 ms 79.042 ms
52 00 ( 87.126 ms 84.519 ms 85.306 ms
53 I ( 97.280 ms 95.550 ms 92.924 ms
54 By.Ryan.Werber ( 91.650 ms 93.334 ms 96.675 ms
55 When.CCIEs.Get.Bored ( 97.928 ms 99.182 ms 95.551 ms
56 read.more.at.beaglenetworks.net ( 80.004 ms 85.447 ms 85.823 ms
57 FIN ( 82.474 ms * *
Hello; I am Ryan Werber the author of the traceroute.
If you use tracert -h 100 on windows, you will get the full result. On linux, its traceroute -m 100 Macs do not need any extra parameters.
The IP is still blocked from a few ISPs because of the massive Denial of Service attack that was launched on the IP address on Sunday afternoon which forced it down. You can read more about it at my website
hahaha ... it's already rick rolling us!
5 10gigabitethernet3-1.core1.dal1.he.net ( 8.000 ms 4.000 ms 4.000 ms
6 10gigabitethernet5-4.core1.atl1.he.net ( 24.000 ms 24.000 ms 28.001 ms
7 ( 20.001 ms 20.001 ms 20.001 ms
8 * * *
9 Episode.IV ( 64.001 ms 64.001 ms 72.001 ms
10 A.NEW.HOPE ( 68.001 ms 76.001 ms 64.001 ms
11 It.is.a.period.of.civil.war ( 68.001 ms 72.001 ms 72.001 ms
12 Rebel.spaceships ( 72.001 ms 68.001 ms 64.001 ms
13 striking.from.a.hidden.base ( 64.001 ms 64.001 ms 68.001 ms
14 have.won.their.first.victory ( 68.001 ms 64.001 ms 68.001 ms
15 against.the.evil.Galactic.Empire ( 64.001 ms 64.001 ms 68.001 ms
16 During.the.battle ( 64.001 ms 64.001 ms 60.001 ms
17 Rebel.spies.managed ( 68.001 ms 64.001 ms 68.001 ms
18 to.steal.secret.plans ( 64.001 ms 68.001 ms 68.001 ms
19 to.the.Empires.ultimate.weapon ( 64.001 ms 64.001 ms 68.001 ms
20 the.DEATH.STAR ( 68.001 ms 68.001 ms 68.001 ms
21 an.armored.space.station ( 64.001 ms 60.001 ms 64.001 ms
22 with.enough.power.to ( 64.001 ms 64.001 ms 64.001 ms
23 destroy.an.entire.planet ( 64.001 ms 64.001 ms 64.001 ms
24 Pursued.by.the.Empires ( 64.001 ms 64.001 ms 64.001 ms
25 sinister.agents ( 68.001 ms 64.001 ms 60.001 ms
26 Princess.Leia.races.home ( 64.001 ms 64.001 ms 64.001 ms
27 aboard.her.starship ( 64.001 ms 64.001 ms 68.001 ms
28 custodian.of.the.stolen.plans ( 68.001 ms 68.001 ms 68.001 ms
29 that.can.save.her ( 64.001 ms 64.001 ms 64.001 ms
30 people.and.restore ( 64.001 ms 60.001 ms 60.001 ms
31 freedom.to.the.galaxy ( 68.001 ms 64.001 ms 64.001 ms
32 0-----I-------I-----0 ( 64.001 ms 64.001 ms 68.001 ms
33 0------------------0 ( 68.001 ms 68.001 ms 64.001 ms
34 0-----------------0 ( 60.001 ms 64.001 ms 68.001 ms
35 0----------------0 ( 64.001 ms 60.001 ms 64.001 ms
36 0---------------0 ( 68.001 ms 64.001 ms 68.001 ms
37 0--------------0 ( 64.001 ms 68.001 ms 68.001 ms
38 0-------------0 ( 68.001 ms 64.001 ms 68.001 ms
39 0------------0 ( 64.001 ms 68.001 ms 68.001 ms
40 0-----------0 ( 64.001 ms 64.001 ms 68.001 ms
41 0----------0 ( 64.001 ms 68.001 ms 64.001 ms
42 0---------0 ( 64.001 ms 68.001 ms 64.000 ms
43 0--------0 ( 64.001 ms 68.001 ms 68.001 ms
44 0-------0 ( 68.001 ms 68.001 ms 68.001 ms
45 0------0 ( 64.001 ms 64.001 ms 68.001 ms
46 0-----0 ( 68.001 ms 68.001 ms 64.001 ms
47 0----0 ( 68.001 ms 64.001 ms 72.001 ms
48 0---0 ( 72.001 ms 68.001 ms 68.001 ms
49 0--0 ( 68.001 ms 68.001 ms 68.001 ms
50 0-0 ( 68.001 ms 68.001 ms 68.001 ms
51 00 ( 68.001 ms 68.001 ms 68.001 ms
52 I ( 68.001 ms 64.001 ms 68.001 ms
53 By.Ryan.Werber ( 68.001 ms 68.001 ms 68.001 ms
54 Never.Gonna.Give.You.Up ( 68.001 ms 64.001 ms 68.001 ms
55 Bring.Home.Something.For.Dinner ( 64.001 ms 72.001 ms 64.001 ms
56 read.more.at.beaglenetworks.net ( 68.001 ms * *
10 15 ms 14 ms 14 ms
11 52 ms 55 ms 55 ms
12 55 ms 54 ms 54 ms Episode.IV []
13 54 ms 55 ms 56 ms A.NEW.HOPE []
14 55 ms 56 ms 55 ms It.is.a.period.of.civil.war []
15 57 ms 55 ms 56 ms Rebel.spaceships []
16 56 ms 56 ms 55 ms striking.from.a.hidden.base []
17 56 ms 55 ms 55 ms have.won.their.first.victory []
18 57 ms 53 ms 55 ms against.the.evil.Galactic.Empire [
19 53 ms 55 ms 54 ms During.the.battle []
20 54 ms 53 ms 57 ms Rebel.spies.managed []
21 57 ms 54 ms 55 ms to.steal.secret.plans []
22 55 ms 56 ms 54 ms to.the.Empires.ultimate.weapon []
23 57 ms 54 ms 55 ms the.DEATH.STAR []
24 57 ms 54 ms 54 ms an.armored.space.station []
25 57 ms 53 ms 54 ms with.enough.power.to []
26 57 ms 54 ms 54 ms destroy.an.entire.planet []
27 58 ms 54 ms 55 ms Pursued.by.the.Empires []
28 57 ms 56 ms 53 ms sinister.agents []
29 58 ms 54 ms 54 ms Princess.Leia.races.home []
30 56 ms 58 ms 54 ms aboard.her.starship []
31 56 ms 54 ms 55 ms custodian.of.the.stolen.plans []
32 57 ms 54 ms 54 ms that.can.save.her []
33 57 ms 57 ms 58 ms people.and.restore []
34 58 ms 58 ms 55 ms freedom.to.the.galaxy []
35 55 ms 55 ms 54 ms 0-----I-------I-----0 []
36 56 ms 59 ms 55 ms 0------------------0 []
37 56 ms 55 ms 55 ms 0-----------------0 []
38 56 ms 60 ms 54 ms 0----------------0 []
39 56 ms 54 ms 59 ms 0---------------0 []
40 57 ms 59 ms 54 ms 0--------------0 []
41 59 ms 55 ms 56 ms 0-------------0 []
42 58 ms 59 ms 59 ms 0------------0 []
43 54 ms 55 ms 55 ms 0-----------0 []
44 57 ms 54 ms 55 ms 0----------0 []
45 57 ms 54 ms 55 ms 0---------0 []
46 58 ms 60 ms 59 ms 0--------0 []
47 58 ms 59 ms 55 ms 0-------0 []
48 58 ms 55 ms 59 ms 0------0 []
49 58 ms 55 ms 60 ms 0-----0 []
50 58 ms 58 ms 60 ms 0----0 []
51 56 ms 59 ms 60 ms 0---0 []
52 58 ms 59 ms 59 ms 0--0 []
53 57 ms 60 ms 60 ms 0-0 []
54 59 ms 59 ms 57 ms 00 []
55 59 ms 59 ms 55 ms I []
56 58 ms 59 ms 60 ms By.Ryan.Werber []
57 58 ms 60 ms 60 ms Never.Gonna.Give.You.Up []
58 57 ms 59 ms 60 ms Never.Gonna.Let.You.Down []
59 58 ms 61 ms 60 ms read.more.at.beaglenetworks.net []
Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Internet, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its connectivity surrounds us and binds us. Socially Networked beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Internet around you; here, between you, me, the tree, the microwave, everywhere, yes. Even between the destination address and the router.