The jingoism on the part of the US is annoying but on the other hand delaying building a cable that will only serve to cause the next flash crash to be even more spectacular might not be all bad in itself.
The planned trans-Atlantic Hibernia Networks cable project is in limbo due to American concerns at the involvement of Chinese government-linked vendor Huawei. According to the paywalled Capacity magazine, Project Express – which was to run between New York and London, serving the world of high-frequency trading with sub-60 ms …
.... serving the world of high-frequency trading with sub-60 ms latency
In the reality of today and a post-Internet BB Newspeak, is its equivalence as sub-prime fantasy marketing at the speed of arrogance squared, not an ignorant comment but rather more APT, methinks.
"Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past." ...... but who knows of the the correct smarter future to provision for control of all manner of states in their various iterations/time zones? That is the question to answer truthfully to deliver heavenly dreams to thwart devilish schemes?
* .... Accurate Shades of Austere Grey Liberalism and Grim Bankrupt Conservatism 2013 in the Vision servered up in Blair's/Orwell's epic 1984 masterpiece revealed here ......
However, ........ it be both an undeniable fact and fantastic fiction that, probably never even imagined as possible before, the real practical constructive and disruptive actuality of the Power of IT Control being freely available to Independent Thinkers and Internetwork Tinkerers is the Great Game Changer that heroes in the past never accurately enough envisaged to develop further into a working model for good and greater governance with SMARTR Beta Governments/New Orderly World AIMaster Piloted Programs in Prime Timely Premium Projects. Thus be one left today, in the past with rotten sub-prime to control the future, and hasn't that conclusively proven itself to be, beyond a shadow of any doubt, a spectacular monumental failure ........ and the current time warp that many find themselves enslaved within.
Would you care to venture elsewhere with C42 Quantum Communication Control Systems EMPowering AI@ITsWork to present an alternative virtual reality in which to exist and prosper/Live in a Live Operational Virtual Environment beyond compare and without equal?
That is the Offer IT easily delivers Mankind, and the current state of leading affairs in AI and a Great IntelAIgent Gameplay. The question is ... Is the leadership of Mankind intelligent enough to accept it, with all necessary flash cash funding to Future Builders the only requisite contribution to enable them from their worlds to create it with IT, and make it a Virtual Actuality and AIReality, to leave them with a semblance of power and control in a Changed and Changing New Orderly World Order, ...... or is it to be a Wholly Independent Private Pirate Venture, which it might very well be impossible not to be?
I'd be grateful to one and all on the Register here, if you would flash that around the world to whoever you know, so that all may know of what can be, and is, and may be being denied and concealed from you. Thanks. It is much appreciated on a day whenever the global headline telegraphed is "Scale of the horse meat scandal is 'breathtaking', MPs say"
Shades of Nero fiddling while Rome burns there, methinks, although I wouldn't care to argue against plonkers tinkering whilst economies are tanking if it were offered as more appropriate too.
The US does have legitimate concerns over how close Huawei is to the Chinese government. There have been allegations of involvement with industrial espionage in the past and there is concern that anything built on Huawei technology might be open to spies from China. I don't know if any of this is true, but it is certainly possible. Maybe it is the rest of the world that is naive about China and the US who are taking the threat seriously?
I would be more concerned with US kit being used personally... I trust the Chinese government more than I do the US government...
The fact is US kit will have back-doors in it for US spies, China kit Chinese spies....
The point is, as a consumer, a UK citizen, I have more to fear from the US than I do China.
The USA has unfair extradition treaties, they have used them to try and extradite people for committing crimes when they were not even in the USA when the crime was committed (and in fact may not have even been an offence in this country!)
>as a consumer, a UK citizen, I have more to fear from the US than I do China.
I don't know. With the US the worst you get is a village idiot (W Bush) that kills hundreds of thousands in the middle east. With China you get leaders that kill a hundred million of their own people (Mao) and the neighbors.
I guess a crap sandwich all around.
So what if China is making a copy of every bit going over the cable? What part of financial trading should be done over anything but an encrypted point-to-point virtual connection? Answer: none.
Better you build a cable and treat it with grave suspicion and then utilise it properly: with the highest grade encryption you can muster.
Since the collapse of eastern european communism, the new "Evil" is far eastern communism, even though not ONE of them is or ever has been communist. China is now nearly as capitalist as the USA. What the US is afraid of is Chinas economic might taking control of the world economy away from the USA. As for the spying, everybody is spying on everybody anyways, so what difference will it make? I'd finish the cable, then swap it's use at the last minute with an existing cable so the financial cheating and double-dealing can be secure and the Chinese can spy on Silverburns Black Ops 2 sessions. ;-)
Obviously, some American companies have been dropping brown, or red, envelopes of money in Congressional pockets so they get the business.
Maybe China should jerk the financial reins and remind the US whose money they are running on for without the Chinese the US Federal Treasury would be broke. Can you blame the Bundesbank for pulling their gold out of the USA?