back to article Montana TV warns of ZOMBIE ATTACK in epic prank hack

Pranksters managed to hack a TV emergency alert system in Montana on Monday to broadcast an on-air audio warning about the supposed start of a zombie apocalypse. Viewers of Great Falls, Montana, television station KRTC watching a Jerry Springer-style show (specifically the Teen Cheaters Take Lie Detectors segment of The Steve …


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  1. Horridbloke

    False alert...

    ... this time, but stay indoors and report unusual behaviour.

    1. tim 4
      Black Helicopters

      it's alright this helicopter's made of chocolate...

      as long as the evac station's up 30 flights of stairs they won't get us....

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    This is the stuff

    .. that makes life worth living!

    Now, lock them up for 40 years!!

    1. TeeCee Gold badge

      Re: This is the stuff

      ......that makes death worth living!

    2. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
      Thumb Down

      Re: This is the stuff

      Now, lock them up for 40 years!!

      Because people these days are dumb enough to be alerted by "dead rising" messages.

      1. Esskay

        Re: This is the stuff

        Probably NRA members foaming at the mouth at the prospect of being able to say to the pinko left wing commies "SEE! SEE! WE TOLD YOU WE NEED GUNS!"

        It could also have been a bunch of ignorant, inbred hicks, but they're made up predominantly of the aforementioned NRA cardholders anyway.

        I'm adding Montana to the list of places where breeding should be strictly controlled.

  3. Fred Flintstone Gold badge


    .. and it's not even Friday :)

    As a hack it would be (a) funny and (b) a good wake up call, not for zombies, but for those in charge of maintaing the integrity of the emergency system

    As advertising it would be a VERY bad idea because it creates confusion about alert systems that people should be moderately familiar with. I'm not so worried about people now not responding to a real zombie attack, but people tuning out of a general alert on the assumption it's advertising. Having said that, they *really* should do something about the sound quality..

    1. Androgynous Crackwhore

      Re: Wow..

      >As a hack it would be (a) funny and (b) a good wake up call, not for zombies, but for those in charge of maintaing the integrity of the emergency system

      ...erm... Methinks they count as zombies too.

    2. C 18

      Re: Wow..

      >I'm not so worried about people now not responding to a real zombie attack...

      Glad we've sorted that out phew...

      1. Darryl

        Re: Wow..

        ">I'm not so worried about people now not responding to a real zombie attack...

        Glad we've sorted that out phew..."

        Well, it's best in the long run. When the real zombie apocalypse starts, all of the people who think it's just advertising or kids hacking will ignore it, giving the zombies plenty of easy targets, and allowing the rest of us to get away.

    3. JetSetJim

      Re: Wow..

      Next target for such a prank is CMAS - then everyone with a mobile phone will receive it!! (I wonder how many lifetimes in jail they would suffer if caught, though)

    4. ItsNotMe

      Re: Wow..

      " I'm not so worried about people now not responding to a real zombie attack,..."

      Serioulsy Fred? You are kidding...aren't you? Please say you are. Or were you one of the four numb-nuts who actually called the police to ask what was going on?

      1. Fred Flintstone Gold badge

        Re: Wow..


  4. TRT

    The government are VERY worried about zombies...

    because they haven't, as yet, determined their tax status.

    1. Thomas 4

      Re: The government are VERY worried about zombies...

      Bloody zombies, rising up from the ground, taking our jobs and claiming benefits....>:(

      </ DailyMail>

      1. Elmer Phud

        Re: The government are VERY worried about zombies...

        As long as we employ English zombies it's O.K..

        And no Zombies with Hijabs or jeans and trainers!

        Oh, they are already amongst us -- the mindless min-hordes of EDL 'supporters'

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: The government are VERY worried about zombies...

        Zombies have rights to. Their anger against the living is not their fault, it is all because the living don't include them in their activities. Society needs to adjust to having the undead amongst us. We need more funding for their education, transport, job placement and, or course, their special dietary needs.


      3. JetSetJim

        Re: The government are VERY worried about zombies...

        Bloody zombies, rising up from the ground, taking our jobs and claiming benefits....>:(

        </ DailyMail>

        They are behind in their NI contributions - no benefits for them.

    2. sisk

      Re: The government are VERY worried about zombies...

      Not true. As zombies do read well enough to vote and no one else is likely to stick up for them they are required to pay 115% income tax. They also technically pay 347% property taxes, but since they're dead they can't legally own anything.

      Unfortunately getting them to pay up has been a problem. There's some sort of issue with all the IRS auditors getting eaten. So maybe they're doing their part after all.

      1. Esskay

        Re: The government are VERY worried about zombies...

        The zombie plague is obviously just an Obama conspiracy - the "damaged women zombie" vote pushed him over the line. The best way to get revenge against the living dead is by living.

        [/fox news]

      2. TRT

        Re: The government are VERY worried about zombies...

        Unfortunately getting them to pay up has been a problem. There's some sort of issue with all the IRS auditors getting eaten. So maybe they're doing their part after all.

        Obvious troll. If the IRS auditors paid a visit to a zombie, that zombie would go hungry. No spicy brains, no beating heart, no guts, no spine...

  5. NinjasFTW

    zombies with keyboards

    "This message did not originate from KRTV, and there is no emergency,"

    Zombies are clever these days

    1. Paul Westerman

      Re: zombies with keyboards


  6. B-D

    That does it, He's a freakin nerd!

    Gotta catch the wave.

  7. CraPo

    I, for one,

    welcome our new Zombie overlords

  8. NomNomNom

    If you are stupid enough to call the cops* to confirm a zombie apocalypse you probably don't have sufficient brains for zombies to bother you in the first place.

    *because if you call up, the cops will always tell you there are no zombies coming. It's a waste of time calling them.

    1. Kubla Cant

      Jerry Springer-style show

      It's a well-known fact that the audience and participants for a Jerry Springer-style show are mostly zombies anyway.

      1. sisk

        Re: Jerry Springer-style show

        @Kubla Cant - That's a common misconception. While they usually demonstrate the same intellectual prowess as a zombie they generally are not infected with that particular virus (and thus have no excuse).

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    O Rly?

    And if this news story was altered slightly so it reads "Anonymous hack Zombie message into broadcast" then I doubt anyone would be posting with such light-hearted joviality would they?

    1. NomNomNom

      Re: O Rly?

      Hacking zombies is one way to deal with them

    2. Don Jefe

      Re: O Rly?

      Why not? They haven't done much lately and the value of what they have done is highly questionable. They are valid targets for frivolity and ridicule just like anyone else on the Internet.

  10. Thomas 4

    This was an extremely cruel joke

    You raised Max Brook's hopes and then utterly destroyed them, all in the space of an hour. Bravo!

  11. Gert Selkobi
    Thumb Up


    I know there are possible negative consequences to this hack in reality, but I have to take my hat off to this, if it really is a prank-hack. Really made me chuckle, visualising the fun that the h4x0rs will have had when they saw their work go live. :)

  12. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Not to worry

    Zombies pah! if they ever appear in the UK, Cameron and co will tax them so hard they will wish they had never set foot on our soil (tax because thats the only way we know how to deal with a problem).

    1. Nigel Whitfield.

      Re: Not to worry

      Surely a zombie would count as non-domiciled? And hence pay the square root of bugger all in UK tax

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: non-domiciled?

        " And hence pay the square root of bugger all"

        Non-doms pay UK taxes on their UK income, and any overseas income remitted to the UK. I expect that most non-doms in the UK have some unremarkable waged/salaried job or other, and pay UK taxes at source. Billionare non-doms might pay no tax, but then I'd expect even dom-billionaires arrange their affairs to be tax efficient and pay rather less than you might expect.

      2. 404

        Re: Not to worry

        Negative. However they would be liable for back-taxes for the property they occupied while dormant.


    2. Robert E A Harvey

      Cameron and co will tax them so hard they will

      .... wish they were dead?

  13. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    OK kiddiez, try something new

    The whole "haxor dis & make it say OMFG ZOMBIES" is getting old, kiddiez.

    Try something new: aliens, super-volcano (especially in Montana!), Mothra, giant robots, something like that.

    (I was going to suggest "Constitution suspended" but a) it would be totally believed by the Montana population and b) it is uncomfortably close to the truth.)

    1. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

      Re: OK kiddiez, try something new

      I don't know why this is getting downvotes.

      How many Obamites are in this forum believing that the constitution is not pear and zombie shaped? Anyone?

  14. Christoph
    Thumb Down

    NOT a joke

    Sabotaging safety equipment is not funny. No matter how 'clever' you are.

    1. Jason Bloomberg Silver badge

      Re: NOT a joke

      Since when has misuse been sabotage? Why not go the whole hog and call it terrorism ?

      I would suggest it's more "not a joke" to allow the emergency systems to get hacked.

  15. I think so I am?

    Zombie attack No.

    "This is the voice of your new overlord! surrender or die"

    1. Ian Yates
      Big Brother

      Re: Zombie attack No.

      "Citizen, Big Brother is watching you!"

  16. Natalie Gritpants

    I've seen the same on UK motorway signs

    Except ours was a very English hack, something like:

    "Pick up your litter, others do"

    Maybe too subtle to be noticed.

    1. NomNomNom

      Re: I've seen the same on UK motorway signs

      I don't think that was a hack, the government put out a load of propaganda messages like that in the south of England. For example there's "Don't Drink and Drive", which they usually pull out around Christmas to confuse drunk drivers.

      There's the simple and perplexing message "Think Bike" which is wheeled out on random occasions just to make people think about bikes. Only useful if you are going on a biking holiday and you have happened to left the bike at home.

      "Don't speed, Police snipers ahead", a particularly dull message as you never get to see any snipers. Presumably they are hidden on a gantry or something.

  17. The FunkeyGibbon

    And then I thought, 'Wait. What if?'”

    Yeah, what if?!? Imagine if THE LAWS OF PHYSICS WERE BROKEN! Dumb ass! :-D

  18. Death_Ninja

    Anthrax fans at work obviously

    Remember kids, Fight 'Em 'Til you Can't :)

  19. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Are we sure this is a spoof?

    Does anyone know *anyone* in Montana?

    It'd be the perfect spot for the dead to rise from their graves and establish their empire without being noticed until they'd taken over the ICBM silos.

    1. Fatman

      Re: Are we sure this is a spoof?

      Too bad they didn't wait until April 1.

    2. ItsNotMe

      Re: Are we sure this is a spoof?

      "Does anyone know *anyone* in Montana?"

      As a matter of fact...there are dozens & dozens of Hollywood types, radio & TV personalities, and many in the recording industry who have homes in Montana. Don't know any of them personally, but they are there.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Are we sure this is a spoof?

        I saw we nuke them from orbit anyway, its the only way to make sure.

      2. Fatman

        Re: dozens & dozens of Hollywood types, ... who have homes in Montana

        And I would not blame them one bit for wanting to get away from the insanity of Hollywierd.

  20. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Could be worse

    It could have been Sky News...

    Hacking sat uplinks is (hopefully) beyond the abilities of AnonyLulMalPwn but there are "other ways".

    Said other way has been kept quiet but it is trivial to test and requires about $800 worth of one time use hardware and a few odds and ends.


  21. DJO Silver badge


    Nuke Montana from orbit, it's the only way to be certain.

  22. Herby


    Theater of the absurd replacing theater of the absurd. I'm surprised that anyone noticed the change on the television.

    But someone had to watch it (and record it) for the newspaper to pick it up, so somebody IS watching (all two of them?).

  23. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Silly question... is Montana considered to be a 'backwards state'? - like those places where people are legally allowed to purchase guns... ?

    1. Tim J

      Huh? People are allowed to purchase guns in any US state.

  24. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Its when the message says

    "The bodies of dead APPLIANCES are rising up and attacking the living!."

    Self assembling homicidal machines made from bits of dead microwaves, fridges and suchlike with bits of formerly living flesh stuck on for "decoration" would be more terrifying than zombies IMHO.

    Film at 11.


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