back to article Music to investors' ears: Storage upstart Violin to go public?

Violin Memory, the front runner in the shared all-flash array market, has been heading for an IPO for some time. According to reports, the Mountain View storage firm filed to go public last September, but the timing and price of the offering had not yet been determined. The valuation being tossed around back then was a pretty …


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  1. Storage_Person

    Valuation Vs Revenue

    So what do their revenue numbers look like? A $2B market cap is pretty big and needs to be justified somehow. Violin is one of the earlier SSD companies, with not a lot to talk about technology-wise except for "it's flash". At least with companies such as SolidFire or Actifio there's a software layer there that adds value (in theory; not wanting to argue the specifics), but I don't see anything in Violin that you couldn't do with a JBOD enclosure and a linux stack with software RAID.

    Of course, the last two flash-type acquisitions were massively overpriced as well so perhaps it's just me that's missing the point here.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Good times for storage

    Looks like there are good times for storage start ups ahead. what other companies are in the queue for going public?

    Storage_Person --are you in the IT industry? End users do value reliability and integration (testing). That's why people buy EMC, HP, and IBM gear

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