back to article Don't Menshn the snore: Chick-lit queen's jabber site killed in its sleep, the sleepy chatroom-blogging thing co-founded by former Tory MP Louise Mensch, has closed following a falling out between its two principals. Mensch and the site's co-founder Luke Bozier, a one-time Labour party flack who defected to the Conservatives last year, are no longer on speaking terms, prompting a decision …


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  1. bag o' spanners


    I'm shocked and appalled.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Ohmagarsh!

      > I'm shocked and appalled.

      ...and deeply amused.

  2. Code Monkey

    Nice to gloat at a Tory failure that isn't fucking over the poor and vulnerable.

    1. streaky

      I disagree, because now she'll be back to bitching about things people say to her on twitter to any TV station stupid enough to let her on.

  3. Dazed & Confused

    Why are dicks so successful?

    In any other walk of life people with such incredibly poor social skill that they end up unable to even talk to their colleagues soon find themselves excluded.

    Yet in business being a dick is, for some peverse reason, actually admired.

    1. Great Bu

      Re: Why are dicks so successful?

      Well, you see, there are essentially three kinds of people. Dicks, Pussies and Assholes:

      Pussies don't like dicks, because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes: assholes that just want to shit on everything. Pussies may think they can deal with assholes their way. But the only thing that can fuck an asshole is a dick, with some balls. The problem with dicks is: they fuck too much or fuck when it isn't appropriate - and it takes a pussy to show them that. But sometimes, pussies can be so full of shit that they become assholes themselves... because pussies are an inch and half away from ass holes. I don't know much about this crazy, crazy world, but I do know this: If you don't let us fuck this asshole, we're going to have our dicks and pussies all covered in shit!

      1. diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

        Re: Re: Why are dicks so successful?

        "there are essentially three kinds of people..."

        (c) T. Parker, M. Stone and P. Brady, 2004

  4. This post has been deleted by its author

  5. Irongut Silver badge

    mountain-sized buckets of cyber-shit I got for my association with Louise

    No, it was because you're a dick who didn't care and didn't understand the very real problems with your site's security and the risks you were exposing your users to.

  6. Elmer Phud

    A sad loss

    I am totes upset, to think that Louise went to the U.S.A. to concentrate on the business side and to work on a ground-shaking website (or another narcissistic blog as most would understand it) and it all fell apart due to disagreement .

    Just don't come back now that your poor excuse for leaving has vanished..

  7. Huntsman


    That's a kick in the unmenshnables.

  8. Shonko Kid

    "sound one and will be done very successfully by somebody else one day"

    He's right. It's called Usenet.

    1. Andrew Moore
      Thumb Up

      Re: "sound one and will be done very successfully by somebody else one day"

      CIX is still around too...

      1. Chris 3

        Re: "sound one and will be done very successfully by somebody else one day"

        Oooh - wonder if my login still works - I had a free account.

  9. nichomach

    "I'm heartbroken"

    ...said no-one at all.

  10. ColonelClaw

    Dear Louise,

    This is what happens when you believe in your own bullshit

  11. Christoph

    Been done

    If they wanted a site that worked like that they could have just joined Cix

    1. TheOtherHobbes

      Re: Been done

      Cix used to be interesting. (Sometimes.)

      1. Christoph

        Re: Been done

        It's improved a lot since the ICUK takeover.

  12. TeeCee Gold badge

    Oh noes!

    Where will all teh tumbleweeds go nows?

    1. Jon Double Nice

      Re: Oh noes!


  13. RISC OS

    I missed the announcment that...

    ...the site was even opened... it doesn't say much for a site if you first hear about it through it's shutting down announcement.

    So what exactly did this ex tory mp have to do with the site?

    1. Dazed & Confused

      Re: I missed the announcment that...

      >So what exactly did this ex tory mp have to do with the site?

      According to her even the name was just a coincidence.

      So I guess that leaves, ummmm, nothing.....

    2. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

      Re: I missed the announcment that...

      Well I guess she was responsible for the crap name...

    3. sabba

      Re: I missed the announcment that...

      To be honest, it's probably best that way!!

  14. LinkOfHyrule

    Well it's a great shame

    Personally I was hoping for it to die spectacularly, maybe some sort of armed siege or a big ass fine from information commissioner or a funny hacking fiasco - to hear that its gone titsup just because that Mench woman is full of cyber shit is very disappointing but then again, hardly surprising!

    I do worry about the users though - I'm sure this thing was keeping them off the streets and out of trouble!

    Icon - cyber Sherlock!

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: I do worry about the users

      I'm sure in a few years a Panorama story will show us the fate of the both of them. Or Storyville, more probably.

  15. sabba

    somewhere for people of no note... post comments of even less note?

    Hasn't Twitter already done that far more efficiently?

    Sounds more like an ego rubbing attempt by the Menshn wench!!

    1. DavCrav

      Re: somewhere for people of no note...

      "Somewhere for people of no note to post comments of even less note? Hasn't Twitter already done that far more efficiently?"

      Only slightly more efficiently than some of the comment threads here.

      1. sabba
        Paris Hilton

        Re: somewhere for people of no note...

        Hey - the Register's forums are renowned for their in-depth intellectual analysis of the day's hot topics. Aren't they?

  16. Jonathan Walsh

    Of course...

    ... It doesn't help a business relationship when one partner reports the other partner to the police.

  17. Tom_

    I always thought it would end because...

    ...nobody bothered using it.

  18. sandman

    "the core idea" of "real debate in depth". Yep, in 180 characters a time, that'll be really in depth then.

  19. taxman


    if she had hosted it on TVAlways it might have had more success

  20. TrishaD

    Oh Dear. What a pity. Never mind.

    A falling out amongst two middle-class Arthur Daleys. Perhaps they ought to get proper jobs.

  21. terd

    Hmm, not sure anyone would want to be associated with Bozier given his current 'difficultites'

    1. Jamie Kitson

      Yes, I'm confused as to why the Reg hasn't covered that story.

  22. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Looks to me like this suffered from the same problem as her Corby and North East Northants when she was MP here, she was more interested in getting her face seen in as many places as possible than she was in doing any real work. Even as a Conservative voter I was glad to see her go and won't be shedding any tears over this either. Goodbye and good riddance!

  23. jukejoint
    Big Brother

    get away from me!

    We don't need another right-wing numbtit in the US. In fact, we're trying to figure out what to do with the home-grown ones we already have.

    Did no one tell this gladhander that we are a DANGEROUS country in which to raise a family? Huh? Huh?

    We have guns. Guns, do you hear me?

    (The right-wing numbtit is a common bird indeed.)

  24. Chrissy

    Luke Bozier - too many battles at once?

    I can understand why Louise ejected from this particular "burning with a magnesium brilliance" flaming jet? (not sure if NYC is far enough away to avoid contamination by association though).....

  25. lloydwatkin

    This already exists and is successful....

    ...and better still it's federated, open source, open standards!

    The project is called buddycloud and the current client is at

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